Do you need a corporate culture in IT? Confession of Plarium Studio Brand Manager in Krasnodar

    Do not rush to close the page or press ↓. Yes, my article will not help you to raise the game in the cloud and create another blockchain project. But, if you work in a large company (or just want to work there), you cannot do without understanding this issue.

    Certain myths have developed around the corporate culture; therefore, it is sometimes difficult to explain to employees how important it is for business development. Let's try to figure it out. I hope you will stop twitching your eyes every time when your company speaks about toxicity, trust and social responsibility.

    I came to Plarium 3 years ago and, perhaps, I myself had little idea why corporate culture, values ​​and mission were in IT. “These guys have everything!” - I thought, being in a cozy game-dev after the largest retail network. Constant self-expression and development, an hour and a half lunch, fruit, sweets, a stylish office. All communicate on “you” and are not afraid of bosses. Well, can anyone really be unhappy? It turned out that it can: the staff is growing and with it disunity and competition appear, the buns become boring, and even the most exciting work sometimes seems to be a chore.

    Experienced and wise leaders with a strategic instinct will not wait until the thunder breaks out. Even if all processes are synchronized, regulations are agreed, departments are formed, and professional competencies are developed, the most important thing - the joy of work - may not be.

    And here begins the time-consuming process of creating a new corporate culture or transforming an existing one (perhaps it was formed spontaneously). Some employees react positively to changes, while others look at what is happening and do not understand why these dances with a tambourine. Let's talk about the myths that surround corporate culture and generate such skepticism.

    Myth 1. Everything that is not about money is not important.

    No one argues that one of the main goals of any business is profit. And it would seem, what is the connection between the happiness of workers and profit? But she is. This is confirmed by the research of the CEO of Zappos online store Tony Neck: happy employees increase sales by 31% and earn 37% more for the organization than their colleagues. It is for this reason that large progressive companies put people first.

    Myth 2. Corporate culture - for extroverts

    Cool corporate parties, noisy parties, team sports, funny photo shoots, “secret Santa” ... All this is not a corporate culture, but only a small part of the tools that help make employees happier.

    Corporate culture (and better philosophy) is:
    • determination of the level of involvement and mood of all groups of employees;
    • identifying points of contact that help unite colleagues;
    • assistance in reducing the influence of uncoupling factors;
    • formulation of the values ​​of the company and its mission;
    • correct reporting of the company's vision to employees;
    • development of a set of activities that take into account a wide range of interests of different teams;
    • creating conditions for informal communication of employees;
    • creating an atmosphere of openness;
    • tracking incipient toxicity and minimizing the area of ​​infection;
    • building communication between different departments;
    • reflection of company values ​​in articles for external resources, in corporate accounts, etc .;
    • formation of a positive reputation of the company.

    And many many others.

    Myth 3. The main thing in IT - benefits

    Gone are the days when IT-studios were measured by play zones, massage rooms, bonuses and ice cream varieties in the kitchen. Increasingly, experts are choosing those with whom they have similar values ​​and goals. This is a big plus: people come to a company with a developed corporate culture consciously, which means that it is likely that you and your colleagues will be on the same wavelength.

    There is a reverse situation: if the corporate culture is not formed, there is a risk of being in a team teeming with “sharks”. You need it?

    Myth 4. Nothing personal - only business

    In the office, we spend most of our lives without exaggeration. And how can we say that work is not about personal?

    If, when communicating with a colleague, you experience discomfort, cannot talk in confidence, openly discuss a working issue - this is personal. When they only demand from you, but do not give anything for the growth and development of your skills - this is also about personal. This cannot be ignored, and it is the corporate culture that helps to connect the personal with the professional and to maintain a balance between them.

    Myth 5. Corporate culture should form itself.

    Of course, you can not engage in corporate culture - it will be formed arbitrarily without problems. But often in the companies that let it take its course, a culture is formed toxic. It breeds gossip, passive-aggressive mood, truancy, staff turnover, conflict and the tyranny of leadership. Do you really want to work in such conditions?

    If not, do not ignore in-crowd atmosphere polls. It's great that the managers of the company are not indifferent to your opinion. Do not be angry if sometimes the office is too bright and noisy: you work with extroverts who sometimes lack diversity in everyday life. And do not be afraid to offer activities that can make you and your colleagues happier.

    What about us?

    2015 - the year of the successful project Vikings: War of Clans, which served as the impetus for the rapid growth of the company. At that time, corporate culture was already formed, but it was based on lamplight and family of a small studio. When the number of employees exceeded 300, it became clear: in order to unite so many people, it is necessary to strengthen the “foundation” and enrich the culture.

    The work was carried out gradually, and by the beginning of 2018 we had formed new values, introduced measures for the development of corporate philosophy, and launched an internal corporate portal. And these are only the first steps on a long and difficult, but very interesting path.

    Is it important for you to have a developed corporate culture in the company?

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