Chinese artificial sun ...
... shone the other day in the city of Hefei.
"Maybe better about the reactor" (c)
Scientists with the help of an experimental superconducting TOKAMAK created truly cosmic temperatures necessary for nuclear fusion on Earth. Overcome another serious step towards controlled nuclear fusion.

Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) Tokamak Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST), during the four-month experiment this year, reached a plasma temperature of more than 100 million degrees - several times the temperature of the Sun's core.

The experiment was conducted by a team of EAST, scientists from the Institute of Plasma Physics at the Academy of Sciences of China (CASHIPS) in collaboration with Chinese and international colleagues.
The successful experiment EAST is an important step towards the creation of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER). In the development of which involved 35 countries, including Russia, China and the United States.

The density of the plasma flow was optimized due to the effective effect of four types of thermal effects: hybrid radio-frequency waves, electron-cyclotron waves, using ion-cyclotron resonance and an injector of neutral particles.

These studies have made a unique contribution to ITER, the Chinese test reactor (CFETR) and DEMO.
In terms of engineering development of CFETR and DEMO, a new National Project will be launched later this year - the Integrated Research Center.
EAST is the first fully superconducting tokamak with a non-circular cross section in the world. It was designed and built by China with a focus on the key scientific problems associated with the use of nuclear fusion. Since its inception in 2006, EAST has become a fully open test center where the global community can conduct in-situ operations and physical research related to ITER.

One obstacle is maintaining the synthesis for more than a few minutes. TOKAMAK Tore Supra in France (also known as WEST) had the longest recorded reaction for 6 minutes and 30 seconds in 2003.
The current experiment showed a result of 100 seconds.
The maintenance of a controlled fusion reaction was possible more than 50 years ago, but even now the problem of the time of the reaction remains open. At that time, the first successful experiments were conducted by Soviet scientists from what TOKAMAK is the globally used abbreviation Torrornaya Kamera with Magnetic Coils.
And in turn, the EAST system is the original version of the so-called “Russian design”.

There are also leakage problems — not working material, but vacuum.
A team of engineers is trying to find and fix the leak. Portable ladders and walkie-talkies are their main assistants in this matter.

The fusion reactor is quite safe compared to the fission reactor, ”says Song Yuntao professor, deputy director of EAST.

I can just turn off the power and it is absolutely safe. There will be no nuclear catastrophe. ”
Heavy pay ...
However, these technologies are extremely expensive.
$ 15,000 per day is needed to just start the system, and this is without taking into account the salaries of hundreds of specialists, building construction and the like.
And yet, the Chinese government is actively funding the project, fully aware that the lighted cities using a fusion reaction are quite realizable, maybe even the very near future.

The cost of the project is nothing compared with the breakthrough result in the entire history of mankind.
The next step planned by this team is to develop a fully fledged thermonuclear reactor capable of generating electricity. Able, ultimately, to work properly, contain a plasma reaction indefinitely, and not a half minute.

“The demand for energy is huge in any country, and China has a road map for merging,” says Mr. Song. “We want to complete the development of a test thermonuclear reactor within five years. If we succeed, it will be the world's first fusion reactor. ”
Well. We wish everyone who has a hand in this creation, good luck!
Based on materials from foreign news agencies.
"Maybe better about the reactor" (c)
Scientists with the help of an experimental superconducting TOKAMAK created truly cosmic temperatures necessary for nuclear fusion on Earth. Overcome another serious step towards controlled nuclear fusion.

Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) Tokamak Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST), during the four-month experiment this year, reached a plasma temperature of more than 100 million degrees - several times the temperature of the Sun's core.

The experiment was conducted by a team of EAST, scientists from the Institute of Plasma Physics at the Academy of Sciences of China (CASHIPS) in collaboration with Chinese and international colleagues.
The successful experiment EAST is an important step towards the creation of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER). In the development of which involved 35 countries, including Russia, China and the United States.

The density of the plasma flow was optimized due to the effective effect of four types of thermal effects: hybrid radio-frequency waves, electron-cyclotron waves, using ion-cyclotron resonance and an injector of neutral particles.

These studies have made a unique contribution to ITER, the Chinese test reactor (CFETR) and DEMO.
In terms of engineering development of CFETR and DEMO, a new National Project will be launched later this year - the Integrated Research Center.
EAST is the first fully superconducting tokamak with a non-circular cross section in the world. It was designed and built by China with a focus on the key scientific problems associated with the use of nuclear fusion. Since its inception in 2006, EAST has become a fully open test center where the global community can conduct in-situ operations and physical research related to ITER.

One obstacle is maintaining the synthesis for more than a few minutes. TOKAMAK Tore Supra in France (also known as WEST) had the longest recorded reaction for 6 minutes and 30 seconds in 2003.
The current experiment showed a result of 100 seconds.
The maintenance of a controlled fusion reaction was possible more than 50 years ago, but even now the problem of the time of the reaction remains open. At that time, the first successful experiments were conducted by Soviet scientists from what TOKAMAK is the globally used abbreviation Torrornaya Kamera with Magnetic Coils.
And in turn, the EAST system is the original version of the so-called “Russian design”.

There are also leakage problems — not working material, but vacuum.
A team of engineers is trying to find and fix the leak. Portable ladders and walkie-talkies are their main assistants in this matter.

The fusion reactor is quite safe compared to the fission reactor, ”says Song Yuntao professor, deputy director of EAST.

I can just turn off the power and it is absolutely safe. There will be no nuclear catastrophe. ”
Heavy pay ...
However, these technologies are extremely expensive.
$ 15,000 per day is needed to just start the system, and this is without taking into account the salaries of hundreds of specialists, building construction and the like.
And yet, the Chinese government is actively funding the project, fully aware that the lighted cities using a fusion reaction are quite realizable, maybe even the very near future.

The cost of the project is nothing compared with the breakthrough result in the entire history of mankind.
The next step planned by this team is to develop a fully fledged thermonuclear reactor capable of generating electricity. Able, ultimately, to work properly, contain a plasma reaction indefinitely, and not a half minute.

“The demand for energy is huge in any country, and China has a road map for merging,” says Mr. Song. “We want to complete the development of a test thermonuclear reactor within five years. If we succeed, it will be the world's first fusion reactor. ”
Well. We wish everyone who has a hand in this creation, good luck!
Based on materials from foreign news agencies.