A series of letters: what, to whom, when?

    More and more companies are starting to use a series of letters instead of regular mailings. Why is this happening? Yes, because a series of letters have more advantages for both the company and their customers.

    The benefits and advantages of a series of letters:

    • Around the clock work - a person can contact you at any time, a letter will be sent to him immediately.
    • Improving the quality of service.
    • The most useful information - you bring to the subscriber detailed information about your services.
    • Increased response - you regularly remind yourself and expand the audience who benefit from your service.
    • Increased involvement - you bring interesting information, often enter into dialogue with the reader, he feels trust in you and is waiting for new letters.
    • Increase sales - with each letter, your customer is one step closer to buying.

    A series of letters are ideal for e-commerce, webinars, online training. With their help, you can send news, notifications about promotions, upcoming events, discounts, etc. Everything seems to be simple, but when compiling a series of letters, many have a problem: how to build a logical chain and what to fill with? We will give you tips on writing and filling out a series of letters.

    What is there to write about?

    Each letter should be interesting, it is not profitable for us to lose the reader somewhere in between. Content ideas - a huge amount. It’s important to understand that your content should fall into the informational needs of the client audience.
    We give an example. The client is interested in buying a semi-trailer, so your newsletter should answer all his questions regarding the purchase:
    • What to look for when choosing?
    • Types of semi-trailers for different types of business.
    • How to draw up a new semi-trailer?
    • Service Details

    There are already 4 topics that can be the basis of your series of letters.
    The simplest content idea is a guide or a selection of tips to answer a customer’s question.
    But if there are no more ideas, do not be sad. We have prepared 9 more content ideas for a series of letters:
    Guide “How ______?”

    Collections (tips, letters, tricks, etc.)

    Answers to questions.

    Life hacks

    Useful checklists

    Success stories

    Comparison texts (for example, similar products; the task is to help you choose) An

    excursion into history

    Thematic jokes and jokes

    How often do I need to send letters from a series?

    Email newsletter allows you to configure the distribution of your messages as you like. All you have to do is specify the number of days between the distribution of the current letter and the last. Try to send letters every day in the first few days, then make the time interval between letters longer - after, say, the first week. Why is this needed? Then, immediately after subscribing to the email newsletter, you are interesting to people, and this is a great chance to sell them something.
    Too frequent emails can cause unsubscribing. To prevent this from happening, consider two key points:
    • If your newsletter coincides with the birthday of the client and sending an email about the abandoned basket - choose one thing
    • If you are doing a newsletter from a travel company and at the same time know that your client has gone on vacation for a month - do not burden him with unnecessary letters, but let him rest calmly.

    The break between the series of letters you set yourself, depending on the subject of the newsletter. If these are training lessons, then after passing through one series, in a few days you can start launching another.
    Under what conditions can I send another letter from the series:
    • immediately after entering in the address book;
    • subject to the opening of the previous letter;
    • subject to clicking on the link in the previous letter;
    • to a specific date (event, holiday);
    • when adding products to favorites;
    • after placing an order;
    • with an incomplete purchase;
    • after making a purchase (for example, tell about all the possibilities of using the product).

    What should I do if the subscriber doesn’t open the mail or follow the links?

    When compiling the newsletter, you need to think through a series of reactivation letters for “sleeping” subscribers. Tips for writing these letters:
    • Think about what result you want to get from reactivation, and tie each step to it.
    • Check the logic - is the letter correct, have you built the sleeping database correctly, and is it worth inventing something creative or is it better to simply ask why subscribers do not read the letter?
    • Write down the steps in the calendar and set reminders, then you will not forget to “wake up” subscribers.

    And finally, there is no need to poison the readers for the same several years. Update and develop your conversation. Analyze each letter and work to improve performance.

    Irina Chugai, marketer of the SendPulse mailing list service

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