Tesla costs

In the closed group Tesla Model 3 on Facebook (37,457 participants) one of its members raised an interesting topic:
“A question for all Tesla owners. How much have your expenses at the moment since the purchase of the car? ”

In total, more than 100 comments have already been written approximately with the following content:
$ 0! Solar all the way! And supercharger for now lol
$ 0. Charging from the sun and the Supercharger network.
Most likely it has solar elements installed on its roof. Then he says that the Supercharger is free for him for a period of 6 months.
Here and further my comments are highlighted in italics.

Almost all comments in a row in English
Electricity went up but still less than gas for every month.
my gas cars cost me about $.20/mile.
My electric cars cost me about $.045
That includes all maintenance, and fuel costs. Tires, oil changes, etc.
My electric bill went down. My conclusion is that the cost of charging at home is not a factor. And i charged it for free at the resort last weekend.
I’ve owned my Model S since October 2014.
It’s cost me $25 of electricity per month plus one set of winter tires I just bought last week and one set of summers I bought last summer.
120 dollars in electricity past two months...
Free. I've got solar panels!
So far in the 8 months I’ve had my car I have spent $104 to charge the car (4,500 miles).
Other than the price of the car and insurance $0 so far and I’ve owned a S and 3 and put a combined 40k miles on them
Electric bill went up higher than I was hoping the first month. Was thinking I’d save 75% over gas and may only be 50% now. But that’s driving 150 miles round trip daily. I have 6200 miles now in 5 weeks of owning the car.
Our only expense was about 5 bucks for a supercharge shortly after getting the car in May. Only expense since then has been electricity for home charging, and it frankly has made a very negligible difference in our electric bill. Extremely pleased by the difference from ICE life!
My electric bill is based on how many lights my daughters leave on a day. Tesla a non issue
Almost nothing since my wife works an opposite schedule from me and gets free charging at work!
We have an S and X. We both have free charging at work.
Free charging at work and free supercharging. $0. I will have to get all weather tires in the next couple of months though.
Ditto… free charging at work. 5000 miles. Maybe $50 on random chargers. I feel like I’m eating tire pretty fast, but have not measured.
One road hazard (drove past a construction site and picked up a strip of wire that flatted the tire in two blocks.) Tesla road hazard service was great, and free…
I commute from garage to garage, so the original wax is still doing its job! I wash the car myself… so a few bucks for a half gallon of car wash soap.
And then car insurance and loan interest… which to me are a lot as the M3 was twice as expensive as the most expensive car we’ve ever owned. (But it’s also the safest)
Electricity went up about $30/mo and total supercharging cost+other charging station costs have totaled about $39. One month of ownership. Oh shoot...add $140 for floor mats and $75 for other random accessories. Lol
30 ish dollars of Supercharging. We have home solar so no electric bill. 13,000 miles
$9.46 (only because I wanted to try using a super charger). Free charging enroute, and at work, charger at home uses solar power (4200km)
Did the math: $11.60/mo.
2nd year. Total costs = $600 maintenance and $140 electricity for 38k miles.
Lol has anyone have negative ???? HAha
well we got a $14,000 rebate so yeah
10 months ownership, 16500 miles, 900$ on SC… 16 miles / 1$
I feed the car sun rays. $.15 per installed KWH of solar
Had the car for 2 months. Charging at work. So $0 so far besides what I dropped on tint, ppf and ceramic.
90€ over a year and a half and about 20,000km due to nails (3 times) having to be removed and repairing tires. I don’t see how I could spend less having another 700hp car
Also electric prices varies across the country, we've two residences in Plano and Fort Worth, so it's been 4 weeks~2K miles driven waiting on billing cycle to review. I expect it to be very little compared to HVAC costs in comparison. I've spent $28 so far on supercharging.
Minimal. I charge at home in the evenings.
$30 electric for 1,500 miles. (2 cents per mile).
We have had model S for month and operating cost has been almost zero so far. Electricity price is low here plus been charging on free chargers as well. Grocery stores have free type 2 22 kWh chargers here nowadays. Some free fill up while buying food items. We have driven 10000 kilometers on the first month.
Zero. I have solar on the roof.
I have solar too and had never had to pay for electricity. Now about $100 a month in L.A. Gas for my hybrid was about double that.
We have solar, so nothing but insurance so far
Check to see if your electric company offers electric vehicle rebates. Mine offers $450, so I purchased the Tesla wall connector for $500. Lots of rebates out there.
Also will be moving towards an electric vehicle electricity plan for the home.
About $80 in the ~4500 miles I've driven since picking her up on 09/26.
Model 3, May 2018, 9000 miles — cost of owning: one new tire thanks to a large nail and about $40 in supercharging. Solar at home so no cost associated with charging. I did just splurge and bought my first set of winter tires, so I guess you could count that.
My electricity went up $200 /mo
I do have solar but it's not enough for my whole house plus car so I basically pay for charging the car fully now.
I drive about 800 miles a month.
My solar produces 800 kwh/mo and my home uses about 2200 kwh per month which I am having a hard time getting answers from anyone as to why it's so much…
My last 2 electric bills were $500...
Besides insurance.....$zero.
Oh wait....accessories....accessories, mods and more mods. Lol
One super charge cost me 6.58 which was something like .23 per kwh. It's estimated that my cost per kwh is .12 at home. My gas consumption was about $160 a month so I am operating at under 1/3 of that cost.
I used to drive diesel van daily before Tesla. And that had fuel cost of circa 700 dollars per month. The electricity costs under 10 cents per kWh here. A paid charging station at workplace costs 0.15 eur/kWh. And for model S the supercharging is free (as I got it with referral code on time). Driving around is very very cheap. I am saving at least 600 dollars per month in fuel alone. This is good because the monthly payment of Tesla loan is circa 1500 eur (aka 1800 dollars) per month. The fuel savings make the payment a much more reasonable number. Better to pay for Tesla than oil company.
’m super lucky. I charge at work for free.
Approx $1,000. 20,000 miles. LR RWD Model 3.
I’ve spent less that $10 on charging outside the home.
$10 or $20 a month on electricity bill. Free electricity on several trips bexuze the hotels offfered destination chargers so it’s saved me money. No gas to buy and I get a nice parking spot.
lectricity went up ~$70/month and zero costs on maintenance for 1 year on the X and 3 months on the 3. My previous ICE cars used to run $400/month on gas and $800/year on oil and other maintenance items
So far, just the cost of buying and installing the charger. The installation ran into some challenges with running the wiring front he box int he basement to the garage, so cost a bit more than expected, but its done and so far have had no additional costs.
$7.63 for the Estes Park Super Charger otherwise no costs. We had a charger and solar from when we bought our MX.
Are we counting speeding tickets?
Charger plus winter tires
About $260 for electricity, home and super chargers, and 47.00 per month insurance (Safeco) and no speeding ticket—3 months, 6000 miles.
About $70 since August including 3000 miles of supercharging on road trips.
$20 at the Supercharger ONCE to test it out. Besides that, ZERO cost as I charge for free at work.
10,0000 miles for $0, free charging at work
Costs me about a dollar to charge at night
My electric bill went down $20 the first month and another $15 the second month...cannot explain...put 2,000 miles on the car charging only at home.
I took delivery end of March. I charge after 11pm at a rate of 1.4¢/kWh and most of my driving has beenin metro Atlanta (just under 9,000 miles now). My electric bill before Tesla and after Tesla, is the same. I've taken two road trips (ATL-> DTW, ATL-> SGJ) and both those trips cost me (via Supercharger) approx. $50. No other costs to date.
I charge for free at work
Costing me about 1 cent a mile in electricity. 8000 miles = $80.
$0.14/kwh x 10kwh charge = $1.40/day. 45km @ $1.40 Round Trip = $0.03/km x 1,100km = $34.00 (Canadian). I expect this to drop when temperatures increase in the spring. Currently -15dc/5dF.
Not counting fixed yearly costs like Insurance etc. I have supercharged twice for about $ 15 altogether and have now 13,000 miles. So about 0.011 cents per mile. No other maintenance cost — rotated tires myself.
I have solar panels at home, so charging at home is free.
600.00 in total outlay for 12K mile service, 0 for electricity with solar past the ROI.
I just got my first full month electric bill since receiving my Model 3. The bill for October was about $49 higher than the same month last year.
My electric bill went up about $50.
Electricity up $20, gas down $110
Charging my Tesla S at home, which is 90 % of time, through BC Hydro costs me less than $0.1 Canadian per kWh — which converts to less than 1/10th of price for my BMW for same distance driven. What other costs...? Oh tires, I think this may end up costing more than for my BMW… And model 3 — it looks to be about 10 — 20 % more efficient — i.e. cheaper to operate — than model S. Yet, my model 3 is more fun to drive, that eats away some of that saving between it an S...
Just hit 2,000 miles today. So far $0 operating cost!
But today I'm going on a 13 hour road trip so I'm expecting to pay between $20 and $40 for Supercharging
We got a solar system too, so we don’t pay for electricity or operational expenses for everyday usage, other than tires and wipers.
Road trips are super cheap too. We spent under $100 in supercharging for over 3000 miles of driving through 12 states from Florida to Michigan and back.
$0… I don't charge at home, only at work and Supercharging
75 bucks for door switches
I have no idea. I charge at home and haven't really noticed my power bill increase.
0… charge at work..
We bought two teslas in 2017. Electric bill didn't go up from last year, but we did switch to all LED inside the house. We notice our gasoline bill went from $600 to $0.
Chiropractor. Too many neck snaps. But at least my neck muscles are getting stronger.
Zero dollars… charge at work
0, Supercharge
My translation of comments:
Electricity prices are rising, but still cheaper than refueling.
I spend $ 0.20 a mile on a gasoline car. For electric car $ 0.045. This includes service and fuel prices. Tires, oil change, etc.
My electricity bills have decreased. I concluded that the fact that I charge at home does not play a big role. Last week I was charged at the recreation center in general for free.
Spoken Model S since October 2014. I spend $ 25 a month for electricity plus two sets of rubber - winter, I bought last week and summer, which I bought this summer.
$ 120 for electricity for 2 months ...
Free - I have solar panels at home!
Further, he clarifies that the solar panels have almost paid for themselves
During the 8 months that I have an electric car, I spent $ 104 on charging (7.240 km passed).
Costs - only the cost of the car and insurance. For everything else, $ 0. I have a Model S and Model 3 and a total mileage of 64.370 km.
Electricity bills increased more than I expected. I thought I could save 75%, but in fact only 50% came out. But I drive an average of 240 km a day and have already rolled 10,000 km in the 5 weeks I have owned the car.
I spent only $ 5 on the Supercharger when I just bought the car in May. After that, he charged only at home and did not notice the difference in electricity bills. Extremely pleased with what a big difference between an electric car and a gasoline car.
Our electricity bills are more dependent on whether the daughter forgot to turn off the lights or not. Tesla does not affect them.
Almost nothing, since the schedule of my wife allows us to charge for free at work!
We have Model S and Model X. Both charge for free charging near work.
Free charging near work and free Supercharger. Total spent $ 0. In a couple of months, it will be necessary to change the tires to “all season”.
I also have. Free charging at work. Already traveled 8,000 km. Probably spent about $ 50 on different charges. It seems to me that rubber eats quickly, but did not specifically measure it.
Somehow on the road broke the wheel. Gained a great free service Tesla road service (support on the road).
I go "from the garage to the garage." There is still a factory protective coating (I don’t know how best to translate wax into Russian - that is, how to rub a car). My car myself. Therefore, you can add a couple of dollars to a couple of liters of detergent for the car.
Another insurance on the car and the interest on the loan, which is very much for me, since the Model 3 is 2 times more expensive than the most expensive car that I had before (but also much faster).
Electricity bills increased by $ 30 per month. If you add more and charging on Supercharger and other stations, then we got $ 39. Spoken car just 1 month. And yes. Another $ 140 for rubber mats and $ 75 for other accessories.
About 30 dollars on the Supercharger. We have solar panels at home, so we don’t pay for electricity. Total drove until 21,000 km.
$ 9.49 (and that, just because I wanted to try the Supercharger). Free charging near work and solar panels at home. Already traveled 4,200 km.
Counted. $ 11.60 per month.
Went the second year. Only $ 600 for maintenance and $ 140 for electricity. Mileage 61,000 km
Ha. Maybe someone has a negative flow at all.
Answer: Well, we received a $ 14,000 refund from the government. So, yes.
Spoken for 10 months. Drove 16,500 miles Spent $ 900 on the Supercharger. $ 1 for 16 miles.
Fill the rays of the sun. $ 0.15 per installed kWh of solar panels.
I have a car for 2 months. I charge near the work. So $ 0, except for how much I paid for tinting and a protective paint coating (it is sold under different brands - I made myself the same).
90 euros for more than a year and a half and 20,000 km, and that is because piercing tires 3 times and had to be repaired. I just can’t think how I could spend even less for a car with 700 hp.
Although the prices in different parts of the country are different, we expect that our electricity bill will not increase much. Still waiting for him, since we own the car only 4 weeks and drove about 3,200 km, paying $ 28 for the Supercharger.
The minimum. I refuel at home in the evenings.
$ 30 for electricity for 1,500 miles (2 cents per mile).
We have a month Model S and the cost of it is almost zero. Electricity is cheap, plus we charge for free. Near the grocery stores free charging Level-2 which gives 22 kWh - recharge while we buy food. Already traveled 10,000 km.
Zero - I have solar panels on the roof.
Put back in 2011. Then there is a discussion that the solar panels on the roof justify themselves in 4-8 years.
I have solar panels, so I did not pay anything before, but now I have about $ 100 a month. Gasoline for my hybrid cost 2 times more.
We have solar panels, so for now nothing but insurance.
Check if suddenly your electric company has a return for electric vehicle owners. Mine gave me back the $ 450 I spent on installing the Tesla Charger (which costs $ 500).
Link to article on returns
About $ 80 for a mileage of 7,240 km that I went through on September 26th.
Model 3, from May 2018, 14,480 km - a new tire (thanks to the big nail on the road) and about $ 40 for the Supercharger. Home solar panels, plus a set of winter tires.
My electricity bills soared to $ 200 per month - I have solar panels, but they are not enough to power the house and charge the car - you can say that I now fully pay for charging it.
Then she writes that she travels 1,300 km per month, her house uses 2,200 kWh per month and it is hard for her to explain why so much. And in general, her last electricity bills were $ 500
each ... Only for insurance. Oh, wait. More accessories.
Charging for a Supercharger costs $ 6.58, i.e. about $ 0.23 per kWh At home I pay $ 0.12 per kWh. I paid $ 160 a month for gasoline. So, now I spend about 1/3 from the old one.
Before Tesla, I drove a diesel minibus. He paid 700 dollars a month for fuel. Electricity costs less than 10 cents per kWh. At work, charging costs 0.15 euros per kWh. Supercharger for me for free. Ride is very cheap. I save $ 600 a month on fuel only, which is good, because I pay $ 1,800 a month for a loan. Those. taking into account the savings on fuel, its price is quite reasonable. It is better to pay Tesla than oil companies.
I'm lucky - I charge near the work for free.
About $ 1,000 for 32,200 km. LR RWD Model 3.
Spent less than $ 10 on charges outside the home.
$ 10 - $ 20 per month for electricity. Free electricity when traveling where there is a Destination Chargers. You do not need to buy gasoline and a convenient parking space.
Electricity is about $ 70 per month and $ 0 per service (1 month Model X and 3 months Model 3). My gasoline car “devoured” $ 400 a month for gasoline and $ 800 a year for oil and other technical items. service.
So far paid only for the installation of their home charging.
$ 7.63 for the Supercharger that's all. We have charging and solar panels.
Fines for speeding are considered?
Home exercises and winter tires.
About $ 260 for electricity at home and on Supercharger and $ 47 per month insurance - 3 months 9,600 km.
About $ 70 from August, including 4,800 km, when the Supercharger was used during travel.
$ 20 for the Supercharger when tested it. In addition, zero - charging near the work.
16,000 km for free - I charge near the work.
About a dollar per charge per night.
My house electricity bill fell $ 20 in the first month and $ 15 in the second. I can not explain why. I drove 3,200 km, charging only at home.
Delivered in late March. I charge after 11 pm for 1.4 per kWh. Electricity bill has not changed. Twice I went on long trips and charged on Supercharger - $ 50. That's all.
I charge for free at work.
It costs me about 1 cent per mile for electricity. 8,000 miles = $ 80.
$ 0.14 kW * x * 10 kW * h charging = $ 1.40 per day. 45 km for $ 1.40 = $ 0.03 km * 1,100 km = $ 34. I think that the price will fall in the spring when it gets warmer.
A couple of times charged on the Supercharger $ 15 for everything about everything. Already traveled 13,000 miles. That means about 0.011 cents per mile. No more spending - balancing the wheels I do myself. Solar panels houses - i.e. charge for free.
$ 600 for 19,300 km, 0 for electricity, since my solar panels have already paid for themselves.
I just received my first electric bill since I bought Model 3. The bill for October was $ 49 higher than for the same month last year.
Electricity fees increased by about $ 50.
I pay $ 20 more for electricity, $ 110 less for gasoline.
I charge my Model S at home in 90% of cases, which costs me less than $ 0.1 CAD per kWh, which translates to 1/10 of what I paid for my BMW for the same distance. Other expenses? Tires will probably “run out” faster than on BMW ... My Model 3 is 10-20% more efficient than Model S - i.e. will be cheaper. And yes, on Model 3 I get more driving pleasure.
Already traveled 3,220 km. So far, that $ 0. But today I am going on a 13-hour journey, where I plan to spend from $ 20 to $ 40 on the Supercharger.
We also have solar panels - we do not pay for electricity, only for tires and wiper blades. Travel is also very cheap. We spent less than $ 100 for a Supercharger driving more than 4,800 km across 12 states from Florida to Michigan and back.
$ 0 ... I do not charge at home, only at work and on the Supercharger.
75 bucks for a button on the door.
No idea. I charge at home and did not notice the difference in electricity bills.
0 ... Charging near work.
We bought two Tesla's in 2017. The electricity bill has not increased since then, but we changed all the lights to LED at home. But the fact that the bill for gasoline decreased by $ 600 we noticed.
Expenses for a chiropractor have risen - too many problems with the neck. But, at least the neck muscles have become stronger. For those who have not slept enough - this is a joke about overload during acceleration.
Zero dollars ... Charging near work.
0, Supercharger.

- Judging by the comments, we can say that most Tesla owners either pay nothing for charging and maintenance, or pay very little.
- A significant part of charge their electric cars near work.
- Many use the Supercharger network from time to time.
- Many people charge from their home charging.
- A significant number of writers have solar panels. It was a pleasant surprise.
- It is suspected that tires wear out faster than non-electric vehicles.
- When traveling, almost everyone uses the Supercharger, while the cost per mile is still significantly less than in the case of ICE.

Some comments under this article about the cost of servicing cars.
Electric cars:
We had a Model S, then we decided that we needed a bigger car, bought a Model X, and sold the Model S.
The difference in price between the new and the used car is about the same level as for the petrol premium models, in 2014 it was bought for 100 thousand without change, in 2018 it was sold for 70 thousand without change.
There were no expenses, except for the payment for the annual service (there was a prepaid package, 2000 for 4 services).
Nothing flowed, did not break from the word at all.
Zero euro is spent on electricity, zero cents, you can charge in a thousand places for free, if you set such a goal, well, supercharges - they are also free, they used to be for everyone, now only for those who ordered by reference. Who needs a reference - write, I have :)
And in the US and Canada thousands of free charges (mostly Level 2) “nobody watches for” - i.e. who on the city budget. I myself constantly charge for these - one of them, by the way, is near my work, the other is not far from home. Those. I also spend on charging (and while on maintenance) $ 0 per month.
with ICE:
Lada Kalina 2012 release.
From January 1, 87,451 p:
41,760 p. - gasoline
18 180 p. - parking.
27 511 r. - maintenance (THAT, omyvayka, wipers, a pair of detached gum on the luggage rack - in general, all costs not included in the previous categories)
From September 6, 2016 (when I started keeping records) 233 304 p:
101 846 p. - gasoline
47 460 p. - parking.
83,998 r. - service
Average consumption is 22-23 liters (city), mileage - ~ 10k per year, of which 9k is city. Only fuel costs about $ 500 at a fuel price of $ 1.1 \ liter. 4 times a year, I change the oil and oil filter - $ 150 for oil + filter + work, as a result, $ 600 per year. Cabin Filter - $ 50. 2 air filters - $ 100. Candles - $ 300 (every couple of years). In this scenario, ~ $ 1,250-1,300 a year comes out. But it is without any repairs.
Suzuki XL-7 2006, dates from 03/10/2017 to today (12.11.2018) in thousand rubles:
Renovation: 99.5 (old car ...)
Consumables: 59.5 (a lot of new tires ate winter. + Years.)
Others (radio, hitch, etc.): 19.2
Fuel: 85 (13 consumption on the highway, 16 mixed, in the winter in the city to 22l \ 100km) for a run of 22'000km
And I can answer in the spirit of this meaningless article :)
Range Rover, 2015, gasoline.
Mileage 115000.
Cloths for wiping the cabin - about 15,000 rubles (it's all a wife).
Everything else is serviced and paid by my company, including fuel.
The cost of operating 15000 / (115000) = 13 kopecks per kilometer. Very profitable car, I think :)
Granta-liftback 2017 year on the automatic torque converter.
Run about 18820 km.
From the time of purchase (~ 11 months):
* fuel ~ 54420
* set of normal summer tires ~ 12500
* replacement of rims around the ~ 3200
* TO-1 ~ 5100
* washing and other trifles ~ 11000
Total about 86220 rubles for an incomplete year, and about 4 rubles 60 kopecks per kilometer.
Audi A4 2005, 2.0 Diesel
from 07/01/2018 to today:
Mileage: 5400km
$ 450 - fuel
$ 385 - current repair
$ 600 - maintenance (oil, filters, insurance, winter tires, washing, etc.)
Let's calculate how much I would spend on gas, if I drove this car every day, we’ll take 20 liters per hundred km as an average consumption. On my other car for the year I drove about 20 thousand km. We get 4000 liters of gasoline per year, even if it costs 45 rubles per liter, it is 180 thousand rubles per year. We add another 50 thousand rubles a year for maintenance and repairs, we get 230 thousand rubles a year. How much is the cheapest electric power worth 3.1 million rubles?
To resolve some disputes:
In this article on Habr there is a comparison of "electric fights" against cars with internal combustion engines.