Browse blogs №48. Diary of a boy Lesha
found in the attic under a pile of filing magazine "Murzilka»
Blogs enslave "Yandex"
The main news last week was the launch of the blogosphere "by Yandex" two new communication services " Yandex.Fotki " and " Ya.ru". We are interested in the latter because this is the long-awaited Yandex Blogs. True, they decided not to call them blogs on the company itself. Judging by the first impression, the success was not Livejournal letting Yandex managers and programmers sleep, but social Evil - MySpace. Thank God, the Russian communication service is not overloaded with useless features and has a clear interface compared to the myspace. I will not call it convenient, because there are several points that confuse me, but Ya.ru for now moment is considered beta, so developers and direct time constantly polish their offspring.
However, I can’t get rid of the feeling that the number of social networks on the World Wide Web has exceeded a critical mark and people are becoming overwhelmed. In any case, it has already come to me. Now let's dissect the wonderful fresh Ya.ru. The service is convenient, in my opinion, the developers really took all the best and most interesting from other social networks. The fact that this is the best Russian social network becomes clear almost immediately. Convenient integration, perhaps, with all the well-known blogging services and platforms (thanks to OpenID for a happy youth), namely: broadcasting your posts from other blogs; transfer of friends and, accordingly, friend-bands; Insert your profile from "My Circle" (which is natural after its purchase by Yandex); a detailed description of your beloved in your profile (for example, at the time of writing these terms in Ya.ru, besides me, there were 11 more highlighted users) and so on and so forth. But after playing with the new service for an hour and a half, I again returned to my LJ and Google. And I, for example, can’t even imagine what Yandex can do to attract an audience from other popular Russian-language services. By the way, right on the Yandex blogwas publishedentertaining statistics on the state of the blogosphere. The two most popular blogging sites for Russian-speaking users are obvious: LiveJournal.com and LiveInternet.ru. Some more facts. The largest number of Russian-speaking bloggers, except for Moscow and St. Petersburg, live in the capitals of other countries. There are more authors in Kiev, Minsk and Tallinn than in Samara or Novosibirsk. Over the past six months, the average Russian-language blogger has not changed - this is a 21-year-old Moscow student. In general, follow the link, there is also a cognitive diagram. So, why this 21-year-old Moscow student, or the 25-year-old Minsk parasite, or the 30-year-old Odessa citizen to move to Ya.ru is decidedly not clear. Now, if you just decided to start a blog, then yes - try it. It’s also worth a try, if you, due to tragic circumstances, turned out to be the owner of the blog on Rambler or mail.ru. Well, again, it's worth joining for general development - then you can in the smoking room (do you smoke? I hate you! Everyone except Sergei Poznyak), thoughtfully blowing smoke rings into the ceiling, say: “Well, yes, I also got an account for myself "Ya.ru," but they got something wise there, and it’s always buggy. " Moreover, while access to the carcass "Ya.ru" goes in a roundabout way. That is, no one will give you just to register and taste the fruits of technical progress - you must either solicit an invitation from a Y..ru participant’s thread or post photos on Yandex.Fotki intensively, then the invitation will come to you. And it's really buggy often. But, again, the beta costs. In addition to the minuses, I will add funny design options. Of course, it’s possible to customize everything to your taste, but those templates that are provided for lazy users and people without taste are depressing with their glamor. And at the same time they demonstrate who “Ya.ru” is probably intended for. And the most terrible innovation, which personally annoys me personally, is the reward system called Ku. For your actions (posting photos, new recordings, frending) you get points, after the number of points exceeds a certain value, another “Ku” is added to you, and a crown flaunts over your avatar all day. I was always enraged by message counters on the forums, and then this nursery garden with a crown. Well, let’s have fun, if only they were busy with business. So after all, they've figured out that for adding to friends, they also give points, and let's frend everyone at all. I'm friends with hundreds of some strangers who have already added more than 2000 friends to themselves just for the sake of these points. Of course, they are happy at Yandex - the service is barely working, and the audience is already having a good time, but this is not the kind of entertainment. Okay, this is all a grumbling of a person from the side. I'm sending you stillto read the opinion of a citizen and our old friend Merkurov, who also did not miss the opportunity to test the new service and, unlike me, believes in everything good.
Rating twirls a person.
However, I will devote yet another paragraph to Yandex. They do not forget about other blogs there and continue to improve the search and ranking mechanism. Earned a rating of communities of the Russian-speaking blogosphere. In addition, from this moment on, community owners have access to all the rating features that only authors of personal blogs could use before - now you can install buttons and search counters on blogs in the communities.
Naturally, there will always be those dissatisfied with their place in the rating, as well as with the mechanics of compiling this rating. Mark Evgenievich Sandomirsky is not just dissatisfied, he blamesYandex rating in manipulating mass consciousness. And he offers his alternative TOP-12, compiled by the method of expert assessments, by interviewing several dozen intelligent people who are professionally related to psychology, journalism, economics, science and technology (including IT specialists). Respondents were asked - LJ regulars and traffic enthusiasts - to build blogs from the Yandex TOP-10 in order of priority, and add a couple "in reserve" to them. Of course, a hot controversy unfolded about this and everyone began to measure ratings. And only I - just the most intelligent and beautiful by all expert ratings and ratings.
God walks the blog
Anton Nosik (no, the title is not about him) on his blog reportsabout the appearance in LJ of the long-awaited tag “lj-embed”, inside which you can insert the code of any multimedia service (those that play video and audio, for example, YouTube or imeem.com). A savvy reader will reasonably ask: couldn’t it be easy to embed code before? Of course, it was possible, but only the code of those services that passed the testing of their specifications in Six Apart and got into the white list . For example, from Russian hosters, only Video.Mail.Ru service was included in this list. Now you can embed any media content into your blog. However, this tag is not so simple, at the time of writing these lines, several glitches were found, the most serious of which is the automatic playback of the placed file. So read the comments.
Five minutes of culture. I never get tired of being surprised at the diversity of human nature. Thanks to the Internet and communities, I sometimes find out about such addictions and interests of people that even become somehow uncomfortable. Community of Russian-speaking childfries (free of children, that is). There gathered people who consciously do not want children, moreover, they do not like children. Many important problems are discussed: why sterilization cannot be done before age 35, why society does not understand the childfree value system, for how much money they will nevertheless agree to have a baby. And further in the same spirit. Humanity, it's time to die out.
And again, Ivan Sagalaev with his Manic Weblog gets to the holy pages of "KV". Today he tells usabout the synchronization of "everything." Keep in mind that the solution is purely programmatic, and Ivan uses a subversion server to synchronize everything. A word to the author: “What is strange, a decision suddenly suddenly crossed my mind. It so happened that I have a subversion server on my hosting that serves my programming projects. And I suddenly thought that the synchronization of the code is no different from the synchronization of everything else for the simple reason that almost all Unix software stores its settings as separate files in the home directory. "
Sad epilogue.
You’ll excuse me for saying that so much about Yandex was, yes, it’s not very joyful. But you must admit, I deserve it. Soon I promise a great article about social networks and, of course, your favorite blog reviews.
found in the attic under a pile of filing magazine "Murzilka»
Blogs enslave "Yandex"
The main news last week was the launch of the blogosphere "by Yandex" two new communication services " Yandex.Fotki " and " Ya.ru". We are interested in the latter because this is the long-awaited Yandex Blogs. True, they decided not to call them blogs on the company itself. Judging by the first impression, the success was not Livejournal letting Yandex managers and programmers sleep, but social Evil - MySpace. Thank God, the Russian communication service is not overloaded with useless features and has a clear interface compared to the myspace. I will not call it convenient, because there are several points that confuse me, but Ya.ru for now moment is considered beta, so developers and direct time constantly polish their offspring.
However, I can’t get rid of the feeling that the number of social networks on the World Wide Web has exceeded a critical mark and people are becoming overwhelmed. In any case, it has already come to me. Now let's dissect the wonderful fresh Ya.ru. The service is convenient, in my opinion, the developers really took all the best and most interesting from other social networks. The fact that this is the best Russian social network becomes clear almost immediately. Convenient integration, perhaps, with all the well-known blogging services and platforms (thanks to OpenID for a happy youth), namely: broadcasting your posts from other blogs; transfer of friends and, accordingly, friend-bands; Insert your profile from "My Circle" (which is natural after its purchase by Yandex); a detailed description of your beloved in your profile (for example, at the time of writing these terms in Ya.ru, besides me, there were 11 more highlighted users) and so on and so forth. But after playing with the new service for an hour and a half, I again returned to my LJ and Google. And I, for example, can’t even imagine what Yandex can do to attract an audience from other popular Russian-language services. By the way, right on the Yandex blogwas publishedentertaining statistics on the state of the blogosphere. The two most popular blogging sites for Russian-speaking users are obvious: LiveJournal.com and LiveInternet.ru. Some more facts. The largest number of Russian-speaking bloggers, except for Moscow and St. Petersburg, live in the capitals of other countries. There are more authors in Kiev, Minsk and Tallinn than in Samara or Novosibirsk. Over the past six months, the average Russian-language blogger has not changed - this is a 21-year-old Moscow student. In general, follow the link, there is also a cognitive diagram. So, why this 21-year-old Moscow student, or the 25-year-old Minsk parasite, or the 30-year-old Odessa citizen to move to Ya.ru is decidedly not clear. Now, if you just decided to start a blog, then yes - try it. It’s also worth a try, if you, due to tragic circumstances, turned out to be the owner of the blog on Rambler or mail.ru. Well, again, it's worth joining for general development - then you can in the smoking room (do you smoke? I hate you! Everyone except Sergei Poznyak), thoughtfully blowing smoke rings into the ceiling, say: “Well, yes, I also got an account for myself "Ya.ru," but they got something wise there, and it’s always buggy. " Moreover, while access to the carcass "Ya.ru" goes in a roundabout way. That is, no one will give you just to register and taste the fruits of technical progress - you must either solicit an invitation from a Y..ru participant’s thread or post photos on Yandex.Fotki intensively, then the invitation will come to you. And it's really buggy often. But, again, the beta costs. In addition to the minuses, I will add funny design options. Of course, it’s possible to customize everything to your taste, but those templates that are provided for lazy users and people without taste are depressing with their glamor. And at the same time they demonstrate who “Ya.ru” is probably intended for. And the most terrible innovation, which personally annoys me personally, is the reward system called Ku. For your actions (posting photos, new recordings, frending) you get points, after the number of points exceeds a certain value, another “Ku” is added to you, and a crown flaunts over your avatar all day. I was always enraged by message counters on the forums, and then this nursery garden with a crown. Well, let’s have fun, if only they were busy with business. So after all, they've figured out that for adding to friends, they also give points, and let's frend everyone at all. I'm friends with hundreds of some strangers who have already added more than 2000 friends to themselves just for the sake of these points. Of course, they are happy at Yandex - the service is barely working, and the audience is already having a good time, but this is not the kind of entertainment. Okay, this is all a grumbling of a person from the side. I'm sending you stillto read the opinion of a citizen and our old friend Merkurov, who also did not miss the opportunity to test the new service and, unlike me, believes in everything good.
Rating twirls a person.
However, I will devote yet another paragraph to Yandex. They do not forget about other blogs there and continue to improve the search and ranking mechanism. Earned a rating of communities of the Russian-speaking blogosphere. In addition, from this moment on, community owners have access to all the rating features that only authors of personal blogs could use before - now you can install buttons and search counters on blogs in the communities.
Naturally, there will always be those dissatisfied with their place in the rating, as well as with the mechanics of compiling this rating. Mark Evgenievich Sandomirsky is not just dissatisfied, he blamesYandex rating in manipulating mass consciousness. And he offers his alternative TOP-12, compiled by the method of expert assessments, by interviewing several dozen intelligent people who are professionally related to psychology, journalism, economics, science and technology (including IT specialists). Respondents were asked - LJ regulars and traffic enthusiasts - to build blogs from the Yandex TOP-10 in order of priority, and add a couple "in reserve" to them. Of course, a hot controversy unfolded about this and everyone began to measure ratings. And only I - just the most intelligent and beautiful by all expert ratings and ratings.
God walks the blog
Anton Nosik (no, the title is not about him) on his blog reportsabout the appearance in LJ of the long-awaited tag “lj-embed”, inside which you can insert the code of any multimedia service (those that play video and audio, for example, YouTube or imeem.com). A savvy reader will reasonably ask: couldn’t it be easy to embed code before? Of course, it was possible, but only the code of those services that passed the testing of their specifications in Six Apart and got into the white list . For example, from Russian hosters, only Video.Mail.Ru service was included in this list. Now you can embed any media content into your blog. However, this tag is not so simple, at the time of writing these lines, several glitches were found, the most serious of which is the automatic playback of the placed file. So read the comments.
Five minutes of culture. I never get tired of being surprised at the diversity of human nature. Thanks to the Internet and communities, I sometimes find out about such addictions and interests of people that even become somehow uncomfortable. Community of Russian-speaking childfries (free of children, that is). There gathered people who consciously do not want children, moreover, they do not like children. Many important problems are discussed: why sterilization cannot be done before age 35, why society does not understand the childfree value system, for how much money they will nevertheless agree to have a baby. And further in the same spirit. Humanity, it's time to die out.
And again, Ivan Sagalaev with his Manic Weblog gets to the holy pages of "KV". Today he tells usabout the synchronization of "everything." Keep in mind that the solution is purely programmatic, and Ivan uses a subversion server to synchronize everything. A word to the author: “What is strange, a decision suddenly suddenly crossed my mind. It so happened that I have a subversion server on my hosting that serves my programming projects. And I suddenly thought that the synchronization of the code is no different from the synchronization of everything else for the simple reason that almost all Unix software stores its settings as separate files in the home directory. "
Sad epilogue.
You’ll excuse me for saying that so much about Yandex was, yes, it’s not very joyful. But you must admit, I deserve it. Soon I promise a great article about social networks and, of course, your favorite blog reviews.