How to stretch the "gzom" editor: podcast "GLPH"

    This is a podcast with those who write, edit, shoot photos, videos and manage content creation. Today we have prepared for you a text version of the third edition.

    His guest was Mikhail Bode, a professional editor and author of the project . In the podcast we talk about the course of Michael’s career, the configuration of his working day and GTD lifehacks:

    In the photo: Mikhail Bode, professional editor and author of the project
    This podcast is produced by the GLPH.Media team. We make content for companies and PR agencies. Difficult topics and longrids for corporate blogs, online magazines, technology publications and the media - this is us.

    Contact information: Telegram and email .

    alinatestova : I will start with an awkward question. Tell about yourself. I know that you have a long and fruitful editorial background. Please tell us how it began and how you came to such a life with us. How was your editorial way?

    MBode : Are we already in the process? It’s like speaking: “What are we already playing or are we still checking?”. This is what happened to me with editorial experience. It sounds strange, but I have been working as an editor since I was 17 years old. And it brought me, like many editors, from the authors.

    I wrote in the magazine " Home Computer ". Despite the humanitarian background and the fact that most of my family are philologists (I could become a fourth generation philologist), I was going to go to Baumanka, was fond of programming and chuckled. At some point I took a sabbatical, and it became necessary to get off my parents' neck - go to work.

    Of course, then there was no HeadHunter. I don’t remember how I found a vacancy for an editor, having no idea what it is.

    I was the publishing editor of the Web-Inform edition, which few will remember. It was the only competitor of the Webplanet edition that was already more familiar to Internet geeks and was devoted to Internet business. This is a subject that I have been engaged in almost my entire career.

    Then it was an attempt to create a "Fortune" or "Vedomosti" about the Internet. In 2002–2003, the Internet business was not on the rise - the dot-com crash occurred, it was not clear what would happen, but there were already interested parties. Until now, you can not disclose the name of the owner. I still communicate with him.

    Now it is already a “open secret”. Therefore, we say that we are talking about a fairly large company in the telecom and internet business. So, from the ship to the ball, I got into the editing, got on the news feed and started working. Then I began to engage in mailing and was a multi-operator, like most of the editors of our wonderful industry. I had a philological background - I was then a freshman at the Moscow State University, which helped me a lot.

    It was more difficult with the rest, because I had to understand different things. For example, in the "traffic wars". For this it was necessary to come to the expert and make him draw something on the flipchart. It was impossible to google it absolutely. And in this way he studied.

    This publication has been closed due to the immaturity of our Internet and the absence of investors who would intercept this asset. I was turned towards Internet business and in other directions. I went to the paper periodicals and got into the weekly “ UPgrade ” - in geeky environment, but on the other hand, there was a magazine for iron lovers, but there was also a section about the Internet there. I became a literary editor there and also wrote articles there.

    I am speeding up a bit, because you can talk about yourself for a long time, but it is hardly interesting for the audience. I worked as a publishing editor in the edition about cars “”, which has now turned into a conglomerate of service and media. Looking ahead, I can say that this is one of the most productive forms of media development, especially in our country. I worked as a rewriter in “The Secret of the Firm”, when it was only a magazine. My arrival there came at the time of the purchase of this edition by Kommersant. Next was just a bunch of everything.

    At some point, it can be called fateful, I on Twitter saw the vacancy of the editor of the podcast “Runetologiya” posted by Maxim Spiridonov. He is the founder of the holding "Netology-groups." At that time, “Netology” was not yet, Maxim called himself a serial entrepreneur, which he is. This podcast is dedicated to the heroes of the Russian Internet - those who make it. We wrote off, met and started to work.

    For two years I was an editor and took it as an opportunity to return to the world of the Internet and journalism about the Internet. I learned a lot. On the one hand, the program was the brightest example of the author's approach - in many respects it was built around Maxim’s personality and entrepreneurial experience. On the other hand, behind this podcast there was always a huge layer of analytical work. The podcast has two editors, at some point three. They prepared informational reports and analytics as in real media.

    Further, we with Maxim did as an editor and co-author the program “Runet today” on “Finam FM”. Then I was invited to become the chief editor of the channel about the online business "SeoPult.TV". There, as chief editor, I ran about four years.

    Next, I have mainly project experience. Long-term projects. What I just did not do. Not only media, but usually on the verge of media content mastering, let's say. Of course, this is the first comprehensive study of Russian EdTech, an educational business, commissioned by Netology. I was its chief editor, acted as an analyst and packaged the collected figures and data in a “human-readable” format.

    I worked a lot as an editor for various projects for clients. In particular, as a ghostwriter. There was a lot of experience, not everything I can say. Much is under the NDA. This is a curious aspect of editorial activity - in which direction to develop. You can work under the NDA and make cool projects, or in some cases disagree and work on your author’s name.

    Both approaches have their pros and cons. And here I am.

    Alina: The very fact that you know the industry from all possible sides - print, media, audio, video, text - is incredibly cool. Tell me, please, from the point of view of a spherical editor in a vacuum, what does your editor's day look like?

    The word "editor" can even be removed. How does the day of a person who works in the media - at the junction of the Internet and technology?

    Michael: One day as an editor? Maybe I will teach the bad, maybe not.

    In the photo: Alina Testova, the founder of Glyph Media - content marketing telegram channel

    A: There are many myths around this topic. Someone thinks that the editors are sitting in the basement, do not see the sunlight and constantly write something. Someone thinks that the editor necessarily drinks a cocktail in Bali, catches the wind of freedom and so on. The truth is probably somewhere in the middle.

    M:In my case, the truth is really in the middle. It all depends on where you work. If you work on the client side, and your key task is to draw content from experts from this company and feel the atmosphere of the project, then it is advisable to work in the office and come into contact with the developers - those from whom you should receive information.

    The last two or three years, I prefer design work with different customers. I prefer to work at home. I have equipped everything for myself and know my advantages and disadvantages very well. When I “grow up”, when not. I know how to anticipate this at home.

    Sometimes I work in coworking or in some institution not far from home. A portion of good poo bo stimulates me two hours ahead.

    I wake up ... horrified that I did not do something or did not pass. I used to use the scheduler, now I do not use it. Task planners and to-do sheets take away more time and effort from me than they do good. I struggled with myself for a long time, then I decided and accepted that I was “irrational” and my planning was irrational. They talk a lot about this too.

    This does not negate the need for discipline, but imposes certain restrictions on how such a person should plan a day. I am now barbarously writing in the dock-file - in Pages on Mac - my plans for the week: what is dealt with, what is not handed over. In the morning I open this file, I look, I'm terrified, I scatter tasks and prioritize. I can immediately say that there is a technique called “eating a frog” - to do some unpleasant business right away, from the run-up, in the morning, so that you will be fine later. The problem is that there are dozens of such "frogs".

    Eating a pond with frogs and water lilies is somehow not very. I do not like. Challenges throughout the day very much. Therefore, I undertake those for which I owe more and for which I am least in time. Everything is extremely simple. I can’t say when I open the scheduler and check my mail, because I do it all the time. Sometimes I open it at night.

    As soon as letters arrive, I reply to them. I am a supporter of the "zero inbox" principle. I start to shake when I have unanswered letters. And just sit down to work. Work can be anything. For example, editing someone else's text and making recommendations to the author.

    I can return the test and write a conclusion, point out a couple of errors. Here is a factual mistake, here, and you have five more. I translate it into a game form: "Let's try to find it." I can sit down to rewrite someone else's text thorough. Or write your own column.

    Along the way, I do research work. This business fascinated me. For example, if this is a new study, then I can write guidelines for interviewing experts and so on. Handle some information. Sometimes you need to decipher the text. I prefer to decrypt texts myself, especially if they are written under the NDA. A proven decryptor is good, but it is often easier for me to do it myself. I learned to do it pretty quickly.

    I just sit down and work. Indeed, I may not see the light of white, it happens, but some activities help a lot ... I don’t like the word “activity” in the plural, if we talk about the feeling of the language, but what I did. Some activities outside the home that help to structure the day and not stick in the work.

    A: How do you balance? Maybe you break the day into sections - more intense and less intense. How do you put all this in the framework of the day? Does your day fit the accepted notion of the working day? Or does he swim and shift?

    M: I would love to say that I control my time and life, but this is not quite so. I'm stuck. As a rule, I work more than 8 hours a day. I manage to do this in a way that does not significantly reduce the quality of life. Since I am sitting here alive and more or less satisfied, I still worked out some recipes and life hacks for myself. For example, the generally accepted ones - tomato management or the crushing of a working hour into segments with rest - do not work with me.

    A: I just thought you would say: "I use it all."

    M:I used it all and tried it, but it almost does not work. And tried and two or three weeks. This is a notorious figure, an indicator that the habit has been learned, but not. And tried longer, but does not work. For me the main thing is to enter the notorious state of the stream. Usually they talk about it in relation to developers or engineers, but for the editor it is also important.

    Enter a state of flow and, roughly speaking, figachit until it ends. You can sit until it becomes bad, but I have markers by which I define it.

    Does my gaze linger on objects outside of my desktop? I'm starting to stick, think about something. Another characteristic sign for me is the thought: “Let me play the guitar.” When such a thought comes to mind, it means that productivity decreases, and the brain is looking for some workaround and lateral ways to use its preheated state.

    A: This is a great moment. Minute confessions. I have keys. I know how to play them, but the desire to play them comes to me at the exact moment when it is very hard for me to work.

    M:We have just developed, perhaps, a universal editorial marker of fatigue. At this moment, if time allows, I try to surrender to this state and take the guitar. By the way, with what pleasure I play, and how long it lasts, shows ...

    A: How much you hate what it was now.

    M: Exactly. How much I hate, how tired I am. It happens that you just need to switch. Pull the wire, as the musicians say, 7-10 minutes, and everything is fine, everything is fine. If music is more than one of the hobbies, there is a risk to start writing a song. This also happens. I try to lay on all workflows more time. It helps a lot.

    In addition, if I want to play the guitar, I can do some sports. For example, stand in the bar. All editors recommend exercises like "plank". There are a lot of them and it is not necessary to warm up for 15 minutes before that. We got into the bar, stood up and sat down to sit on our ass for some wonderful lyrics.

    A: Another good option is 60 squats per minute.

    M: Yes, Tabata protocol , interval loads.

    A: I'm not kidding now.

    M: Me too. To accelerate the blood flow, switch the brain. Everything works great. I do not have any fixed time for eating. I eat fractional, I am a boring human zozh in recent years. Therefore, eating does not take me much time or energy.

    I love to cook, but it happens in the evening after the completion of the main array of work. I do not perceive this as an obnoxious duty, but as a pleasure and pastime.

    A: Due to the fact that you turn on different activities in the process - physical and creative - your work ceases to be a dull routine that lasts all day. Only so that after its completion you can begin to live a normal life.

    M: On the one hand, yes. On the other hand, now I wondered if I would ever begin to live a normal life. It often happens that the text must be completed.

    Or in the evening from someone urgently arrives: "Save-help!". For example, you need to write something for mailing or come up with a concept for it. I try to transfer by volition to the next day, but it happens - I didn’t have time or finished it, and then I sit in the evening.

    If I try to calculate, I have about ten working hours a day. When emergency projects, I can work for twelve hours. Since I don’t go to work, I save this time and I can quickly switch between processes, I don’t have the feeling that all my free time was delayed by the damned work. Besides, she's not damned. This is me joking.

    When this is your main profession - your bread - is impossible, if you are not really a hellish masochist, take this job as hateful and dull. I cannot edit the text unless I find something good interesting in it.

    Suppose I edit someone's text, do not write my own. Even if the author made fifteen factual mistakes or he has a disgusting style, I can cling to the very theme.

    I get offended by the topic, and I try to squeeze the maximum out of it. It turns into a game. I think, is it possible to somehow teach the author? I take it as a personal challenge. Can I write comments so that he has a desire to correct mistakes?

    A: Since we are talking about your working time, which is periodically stretched and compressed depending on the situation. Please tell us about your own project “ Gzom ”, which exists besides work tasks. This is your solely creative and personal initiative. What is this project about and for whom?

    "Gzom" is the "brain" the other way around. The title is a curse to Pavel Pepperstein, the author of the novel, in particular, “ Mythogenic love of castes ”, in which this image is found. I plan in the future to write materials not only on the topic of editing and text, but also to go in the direction of cognitive sciences.

    This is one of my main interests - how the brain and consciousness work. Now this little author's media about language, about editorial business - “Word about words” - was such a book.

    I, maybe, despite the main tendency in editorial affairs and the community, I don’t really bother to chew everything so that anyone can understand. For example, a junior editor. I try to write about language problems clearly, but there is a limit of simplification, for which the quality of explanation suffers. I am in favor of the fact that any problem, linguistic or editorial, you need to talk with the degree of complexity, which implies the question.

    For example, one of the articles is devoted to writing the word "bitcoin" .

    Why is it worth writing the word through the "d", although the option with the "i" was fixed. I accepted it, because the standard use sometimes includes a wrong standard that is correct and good from the point of view of language logic. I explained the phonetic and linguistic logic, the tradition of transmitting the sound of a foreign language, which is accepted in Russian.

    In the photo: Mikhail Bode ( ) and Alina Testova ( Glyph Media ).

    It is impossible to make this reasonably and convincingly without at least a cursory description of phonetic processes and some regularities in the Russian language. We have to gesture. But I give all references to scientific works, including modern ones, which are now being written. For example, dissertations on issues that I address. It is quite possible to understand.

    Sometimes I have fun. For example, I have an article about how Viktor Tsoi spoiled the language .

    A: Dangerous area. Right now we are losing listeners.

    M: There is an article about what Artemy Lebedev gave a miss . I'm talking about the case when he calls the proposed management of the form "jacket from Armani" ugly. Artemy Lebedev, as a person, can afford a categorical statement - that's what he is. My task as a sad editor who likes to delve into language matters is to explain why this is normal from the point of view of the norms of the modern Russian language.

    BUT:That is, “Gzom” is a project for those who are related, love and interest in philology. And for those who somehow relate to editing, plus for those who just love to stretch the "gzom"?

    M: Yes. In the future there will be more materials about the work of the editor and editorial revision. We are going to restart the project with a new design. For a while it was not updated, but a large number of provocative articles are on the way.

    For example, a rare editor does not know that the word “theirs” is not in the Russian literary language, but it arose and is used quite by chance. It fills a certain lacuna of language. And in the nineteenth century there was a period when this possessive pronoun could become the norm. There was a bifurcation point.

    A: And I do not even regret.

    M:I also do not regret, but we make this assessment in terms of the current norm. Moreover, being stylistically colored, when transmitting the speech of a character, it may be more than appropriate. There are no wrong and bad words, constructions, receptions. There are relevant situations for this, genres, speech registers, conditions and inappropriate.

    A: There is another question on the topic of "Gzom." How can the editor balance such a "nettle" - what comes from his soul, what he wants to convey to the masses, what he has to take out of himself and prove to the world, and the tasks that the customer or the employer sets for him?

    How to balance with netlenk with the rest?

    M: The question is beautiful, because I do not always succeed. The question is open, but there are several ways to cope with the situation. First, to understand, but do you really want to communicate something to other people?

    Maybe it's enough to speak on Facebook? Try first a small form and a little blood. To create a group. For example, discuss it in a professional community. For example, in the group where the editor is looking, and so on.

    It used to be active in LiveJournal, if someone remembers it, the community "", where they discussed subtle linguistic matters, spelling, Russian spelling and syntax. Need to understand how you want to share? Why do you need it?

    Soul hurts, I want to build a personal brand or something else. Such a project, which has no direct relation to work, but has grown up on your professional experience, is a way to build a personal brand. There are many reasons, they can be combined.

    First of all, you should not take very seriously what you are doing.

    No need to lay for a year, for two: "And then we will also make a dictionary, and an analogue of the Russian Urban Dictionary." Just try what is written, what happens. You can write guest posts in the telegram channels of other professionals or in the media. For example, "" is an absolutely wonderful edition.

    Try and try.

    In the photo: Mikhail Bode ( ) and Alina Testova ( Glyph Media )

    As for how to allocate time for it. There is a very good way. No matter how much work you have, no matter how busy you are - just take and set aside an hour a day for it. It is desirable that this was a fixed time. For example, as there is a five-o-clock, so I sit down and write from nine to ten.

    This can be perceived as a modification of the famous exercise for writers Julia Cameron "Morning Pages." When you sit down in the morning and give out a stream of consciousness - everything that comes to mind. There is nothing to write about - you write: “There is nothing to write about.”

    You start to wonder why you have nothing to write about. The notorious "not a day without a line." If you really want to share your experience, it will be written sooner or later. The question on the scale of a disaster is how big you want to do such an author's project, with the help of which you do not earn money purposefully.

    Although you can make money in almost any niche. The wonderful editor and my colleague Pasha Fedorov have a wonderful channel “ Pasha and his procrastination". As far as I know, he sells advertising there. I do not know how much he earns, but his work is clearly not in the negative. You can monetize. As for the monetization of Gzom, we thought with my accomplice, but this is not the priority of the coming months.

    A: This work sooner or later germinates, and the most important thing is that it can sprout from an absolutely small amount of time and daily efforts. At the same time, the person will have a feeling of absolute completeness, that he is not just doing something on the side, but actually doing something for himself. I want to round out with a super-small blitz.

    Editing - craft or art?

    M: Editing is a cross.

    A: Cool text is it?

    M: This is what you are not ashamed of.

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