The list of technical and IT conferences 2016. Part # 2

Continuing the previous post (because those who wanted to continue won by the results of the vote), I collected a list of interesting conferences for June-August 2016 + made your wishes.
I'll start right away with your additions:
Submitted by Mid
Linux Vacation / Eastern Europe
Dates: February 12-14.
Location: Minsk, Belarus.
Topic: Open Source, Linux, Dev, Architecture, Big Data, DevOps, Web dev etc.
Sent DegS
dconf 2016
Dates: May 4-6.
Location: Berlin, Germany.
Topic: D programming language
Submitted by M31
JS Lab
Dates: March 12
Location: Odessa, Ukraine
Topic: JavaScript
Java / Scala Lab
Dates: April 16
Location: Odessa, Ukraine
Topic: Java, Scala
Some more interesting conferences for February-May
Developer week
Dates: February 13-15
Location: San Fransisco, US
Topic: Python, API Design, CTO Talks, Robotics, Mobile, Dev Careers
Lambda days
Dates: February 18-19
Location: Krakow, Poland
Topic: Functional, Software Design, Reactive, Web
Craft Conf
Dates: April 26-29
Location: Budapest, HU
Topic: Software Craftsmanship, Methodologies, Tools
List of conferences for June-August 2016
June 2016
Better Software West
Dates: 5-10
Location: Las Vegas, USA
Topic: Business Analysis, Leadership, Testing, Architecture, Mobile
Agile Dev West
Dates: 5-10
Location: Las Vegas, USA
Topic: Agile, Testing, Project Management , Leadership, Requirements, Usability
DevOps Summit
Dates: 5-11
Location: Las Vegas, USA
Topic: DevOps, Agile, Testing
GOTO Amsterdam
Dates: 13-15
Location: Amsterdam, Holland
Topic: Architecture, JavaScript, Languages, Data Science , Java, Security, Testing
Dates: 22-25
Location: Krakow, Poland
Topic: Web, Cloud, Big Data, Mobile, Methodology, Security
AI & Big Data Lab
Dates: 4
Location: Odessa, Ukraine
Topic: Big Data, Artificial Intelligence
July 2016
Full Stack
Dates: 13-15
Location: London, UK
Theme: JavaScript, Node.js, IoT
Dates: 20-21
Location: Minneapolis, USA
Theme: DevOps
August 2016
VS Live Redmond
Dates: 8-12
Location: Redmond, USA
Topic: Visual Studio, .NET, JavaScript, HTML5, ASP.NET, Mobile, Database Analytics
Code on the Beach
Dates: 7-9
Location: Atlantic Beach, USA
Subject: HTML5, JavaScript, .NET, Data, Mobile, Design
<<< The list of technical and IT conferences 2016. Part # 1
List of technical and IT conferences 2016. Part # 3 >>>
Previous articles:

- List of technical and IT conferences 2016. Part # 1
- 200 TOP CPA networks for promoting IT products
- Kama Sutra Start-up. Checklist of 5 poses, without which 70% of projects fall apart in less than a year
- Work with China # 4: TOP 9 China's Virtual Number Providers
- Work with China # 3: What aspects should be taken into account in the name of the site, when promoting in the Chinese market.
- Work with China # 2: TOP 5 best VPN clients for working with the Chinese network.
- Work with China # 1: How to register with Baidu Webmaster tools.
- Bringing IT Products to the Chinese Market - Marketer's Diary
Only registered users can participate in the survey. Please come in.
Would you like to continue?
- 81.8% Yes 27
- 18.1% No 6