The digest of fresh materials from the world of the frontend for the last week №336 (October 22 - 28, 2018)

    We offer you a selection with links to new materials from the front-end area and around it.

        Media     |    Web Development     |    CSS     |    Javascript     |    Browsers 


    podcastWeb Standards podcast, Events in Berlin, web components, PWA on the desktop, Styleguidist and JSS, CSS-in-JS.
    podcastPodcast "Weekend a Frontend" # 76 - Ivan Bothans about how and why began to teach developers Angular'u
    podcastPodcast «CSSSR» News 512 - Issue №26 (22.10 - 28.10)
    podcastPodcast "Frontend Youth (18+)" # 70 Captain Hook and Cat
    podcastRadiojs Podcast, Issue 53: Proposals, proposals, proposals or outcomes of the working meeting
    podcast“Devshakhta Podcast”: # 54: Listen to HolyJS 2018 Moscow for a live video
    videoVadim Makeyev # 7 video blog . KFC, SVG and excess base64, harmful type-availability
    podcastenJavaScript the Jabber 336: "of The the Origin of ESLint" with Nicholas Zakas
    podcastenthe React Podcast # 26: Chill Out and the Listen with Brad Frost
    videothe Node Ukraine 2018 - Talks , 8 the videos
    videothe WSD in Kiev, 2018 , record online broadcast
    videoenthe React Conf 2018, 28 videos

    Web development

    habrHigh-level architecture frontend. Yandex lecture
    habrDistribute and conquer: mailing layout then and now
    enPragmatic web accessibility rules that linger in your mind
    enTypical site in 2018 , ironic demonstration, codepen edition , website edition


    Shapes generated using CSS background gradients.
    enCreating proportional interfaces
    enCompound HTML DNA using CSS selector attributes
    enFrom normal to extraordinary with CSS animations
    enSimplifying styling with functional CSS
    enYou are using <em> incorrectly
    enUsing dark mode in CSS with MacOS Mojave
    enIncomplete list mistakes in CSS design
    en100 Days CSS Challenge


    habrES2018 - finally promise method
    habrAPI ReportingObserver: a look at the code of web pages from a new point of view
    Node.js 11.0 was released with support for the V8 7.0 engine
    enThe State of JavaScript . Interview with Addy Osmani about the current state of JavaScript on the web
    enHow to reduce the impact of JavaScript on the load time of your page
    enHow to create custom markers for Google Maps using HTML & CSS, ES6 classes and closures
    en3 JavaScript performance errors that you must stop doing
    enGraphQL: PayPal Checkout Success Story
    enPlaying Mortal Kombat with TensorFlow.js. Transfer learning and data augmentation
    enThe Intl.RelativeTimeFormat API - handling dates and times relative to the current moment


    Firefox 63: new Web Components API, font editor and animation suppression via CSS
    habrFirefox can be monetized by the built-in paid VPN add-on
    Firefox 63 browser has received Enhanced Tracking Protection to increase the privacy of surfing
    Mozilla will embed ProtonVPN subscription in Firefox , and at a higher price than directly through the site of the service
    enWhat's new in Microsoft Edge in Windows 10 October 2018 Update

    We apologize for any typos or broken / duplicate links. If you notice a problem - please write in a personal, we are trying to fix them quickly.

    Digest from last week .
    Material prepared dersmoll and alekskorovin .

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