Success hedge
The term "success hedge" is rather strange. Search for this keyword phrase on the Internet does not give anything. Where did he come from?
I recognized him from one very intelligent owner, on whom I tried to apply this method. He got me through, and explained to me that this is a hedge of success. I liked the term, I remembered, and now I use it with pleasure. Like the method itself.
The essence of the method is simple: ask for something for yourself at the time of achieving intermediate success.
An important difference is the application at the moment of intermediateof success. If you, for example, have agreed with your boss to increase your position or salary while fulfilling some criteria, attaining a specific result or term, then this is not a hedging success, but another steroid.
To use hedging success is even better if you do not have any arrangements , because they will only interfere. For example, you have agreed that you will get a promotion by completing a certain project. If you come in the middle of a project and ask yourself, for example, an increase, you are most likely to be refused - they will directly tell you that you need to complete the project, and then you can already talk.
So, you don’t have any agreements on promotion, and you started doing some improvements - it doesn’t matter which ones. You can increase your output, carry out the project of changes in the company, take up the optimization of the infrastructure, implement scram, upgrade your skills, etc. It is important that there is no agreement.
Why am I talking about agreements all the time? The reason is simple: agreement is responsibility. If you say “I will do this, and you will give me a promotion,” then take responsibility for the result. You kind of fit on a pedestal, for everyone to see, attract close attention to yourself, put yourself under control and already, as a matter of fact, cannot refuse your undertaking. If you refuse, you will fall into the caste of career losers. There are special steroids that allow you to stand on such a pedestal comfortably, but, as a rule, people do not use them, and good intentions become a stone on the neck.
When you do any changes without agreements, and even on your own initiative, then it sounds like “I want to try to do better”, no matter what. Psychologically, you are not burdened with any responsibility, and you can act freely, with interest, and, as a result, effectively.
But there is one catch. If you bring changes to the end - beautifully, successfully - and after you come to the boss for a raise, the likelihood of failure is high, especially if the project was long. Because the tone of the conversation immediately changes - from “I want to try to do better” to “it's time to pay the bills”. The matter has already been done - and without any straining on the part of the boss or owner, and here you are bringing this very strained.
Success hedge appliedin the process , when the end result has not yet been achieved, but there are already obvious improvements. Of course, the improvements should be really obvious - to both you and the boss.
It turns out, as if you say - see how everything turns out great, or there will be more! The boss is happy, gets on the wave of success, wants more - at this moment you catch it. Without any ultimatums, like "add a salary, otherwise I will not continue" - in any case.
It is better in conversation how to untie one from another, success from promotion. First, of course, discussing success. You tell in all details, with numbers (if any), and, most importantly, gently seek recognition of this success. You can use phrases like “do you think a good result?”, “I just can’t find examples of similar projects to compare, maybe you know?”, “I like this project so much, and it’s like getting a start, I want to continue,” and so on. d. The main thing is to push him to discuss success, to recognize, to build further development plans, etc.
And then - bang! - by chance, talk about your promotion. Salary, position, new employees, new laptop, new machine - what you need there, I do not know. Do not associate the request with success, i.e. do not say phrases like "well, if you agree that I am a good fellow, give me a salary." You can use break phrases, such as “excellent, there is one more question”, or “so that there is more ... But, here, I remembered”.
Without associating one with the other, you, as psychologists say, do not enter into a relationship of dependence. Success is my dear, career is different. You do not look like a tradesman, nouveau riche or careerist. Normal, healthy interest and motivation of a successful employee.
If the boss refused, or said, "I'll think about it," then that's fine! Just do not say phrases like "how do you say", "well, think" or "sorry." Finish in a positive way - switch back to success, with something like “well, okay, I will keep you informed” or “I’m planning to do more, tell the results”. The thought of your request will remain with the boss in the head.
If he refused, then in a healthy system of coordinates he will be a villain. Why, after all, a successful employee, initiative, productive, independent, and asked only ... Well, what did you ask for there. It was they who asked, not demanded, did not bargain, did not give ultimatums. From now on, the boss will, as they say, suck in the stomach - a feeling of guilt, as if something is wrong, will remain with him.
As an option, he can say - ok, I understood your request, then let's agree the criteria. That is, he will offer you an agreement .
Agree or not - you decide. By agreeing, you lose the opportunity to apply hedging success, and transfer your career to another steroid. My recommendation is to refuse. Directly and honestly explain, as stated above, why you do not want an agreement. To play a naive fool who sincerely cares about the good of the company, the effectiveness of his and his team, etc., and this will only hinder the agreement. Then the boss will again be a villain.
It is important, I repeat, not to mix success and promotion. The boss in his head mixes himself, builds connections and criteria. The main thing - you do not communicate. Especially if these are your first steps in your career growth, and you are not a toothy shark, discussing the growth points from the first day of work in the company.
Hedging success, at first glance, is quite similar to career rush. But the differences are very significant - mainly at the moment of application . Rush is used at the beginning of work in the company, hedging success - at any time, at least in the twentieth year.
The tone with which you speak during rush and when hedging varies considerably. Rush is arrogance, a blow to the head with a bag, unexpected and confusing. Hedging is a soft request, backed by success. Rush, as you remember, is not backed by anything.
In this case, despite the differences, rush and hedging are perfectly combined - on the side of rush. If for the first time you have been working in a company you have succeeded, then the rush will be much more powerful. You tell about success, and immediately insert your request for improvement - just not softly, but tough, as in rush. But it will sound not pure, cut off from reality, arrogance, but a relatively healthy desire to take a foothold on which you have landed, showing success. You still have nothing to lose, but the positions will be stronger.
When hedging, you don’t really lose anything, quite the contrary - at least, the boss will know that something does not suit you. You are not at the limit, you are not going to run away, you are not looking for work, but something is missing from you. At the same time, you are a successful, intelligent, initiative worker. And this dilemma will remain in his head, and will not give him peace.
So let him suffer, while you develop success. While he wrinkles his forehead, you do not wait for a decision, but act further, without worrying and not annoying you with your requests anymore. He, in fact, has no choice but to give you what you want. Living with such a dilemma inside is very uncomfortable.
Now a few examples.
An example from my first job, in the partner company 1C. As I have already said, the salary there depended on the availability of the “1C: Specialist” certificates. The more certificates you have, the higher the hourly rate.
In addition to the hourly rate, there was also a salary. If you close the deal more than the salary, then you get the deal. If the work was not in the proper amount, you get a salary.
In the first month of work, I, of course, had no development. I did not know 1C, because This was my first job, and at the institute we studied Delphi, C ++, Assembler, MatLab, etc. Accordingly, he could not solve the tasks of the clients.
Therefore, there were two worries - to learn as quickly as possible and get all the certificates (so that there was a big working out at a high hourly rate) and raise the salary so as not to stay for a penny.
Salary depended mainly on the availability of the very certificates, but not directly - through the opinion of the director. He himself decided who, when and by what criteria to raise the salary. This was due, among other things, to the lack of initiative among the staff in passing examinations for certificates - there was no flow, therefore there was no system in salary management.
Understanding that certificates are important to the director, I began to prepare for the first attestation as soon as I got a job. A month later, I went for certification, and with grief in half I received my first certificate.
After that, a conversation with the director. I painted, emotionally, told him about the last exam (there was something to tell), and asked - how do the others pass? He lamented that no one gives too much, everyone sits and does not itch. I asked - and when do people usually go to the first certification? The director said that usually - in a few months. Well, he guessed that my certificate after a month of work is a success. Then I screwed up the request for a salary increase. While he was thinking, I talked about plans for the next certification - in a month.
He had no choice but to agree, and to raise my salary.
The second example is associated with a project to restore order in the warehouse, which became the basis of the events of the business novel "Easier than it seems."
The aim of the project was to reduce the deviations from the results of the inventories - they reached 25%, it was necessary to bring at least to ... No one knew exactly what, in short, to reduce at least somehow.
I didn’t have any agreements, I just got involved in this project, leading it. While there was a preparation of technical, methodical and organizational decisions, I, naturally, was silent and did not climb with requests.
But the first successes began - I launched my system, people began to act on my instructions, and deviations began to decrease. Not to a few percent, but already very noticeable. What was especially pleasing was the dynamics - the deviations became less and less.
Having guessed the moment, I turned to the owner with a request for a salary increase. In order not to be penny wise, immediately by 50%.
Success presented comprehensively - not only reducing deviations, but also his work as a project manager, process developer, mediator (such as establishing relationships between different services), business analyst, etc. I did not say that I became an ace in these areas, I just honestly, sincerely, emotionally told how all this is interesting, useful for the company, and in general I like my new work - not just being a programmer, but putting things in order.
At the same time he outlined a few more processes where it would be possible to apply and further pump my new competencies. Of course, after the end of the warehouse project.
What was he to do? Agreed
The third example is the one where the term "success hedge" appeared.
When I was in charge of the implementation of the company's strategy, I had the same position - CIO. Accordingly, in my submission were programmers.
I decided to pull them up to the new work - the introduction of changes. The project envisaged many different changes in all areas of the company, and was based on the use of a whole heap of techniques. In particular, the theory of limitations of systems and scram.
In the theory of constraints and the screen, we were the best programmers with us. Not because we are so smart, but because the rest did not want to delve into, and we applied the techniques in practice.
So, I started a programmer to introduce scram in the design department, and at the same time - stream scram in the supply. The second programmer sent to implement TOC in the provision of a consignment warehouse. I was in charge of the work, but a significant amount of hard work went to the programmers, for which they were immensely pleased.
And here are the first successes. Scrum in the design department made it possible in the shortest possible time to complete the development of a large piece of iron, which they could not have drawn at all for several years. The TOC allowed the consignment warehouse to be filled in a way that it had never been before. Not in the sense of “packing to the eyeballs”, but in the sense of raising and maintaining the status of the buffer in the yellow and green zones.
Here I made a mistake. Deciding to use hedging, I asked a lot - and raise my salary, and programmers, citing the fact that they follow in my footsteps, doing not only and not so much programming as real changes, which are obviously useful for business.
During the conversation with the owner, I learned that I was applying hedging for success. He didn’t even get angry, rather realized that he had caught me using a steroid, and even explained what the method was and what it was called. I, as expected by the method, agreed with his refusal, sincerely thanked him for science, and switched the conversation to the development of success.
He himself, of course, was a little upset - mostly for programmers. I had a clear motivation, but they took risks. But, after a few conversations about the set of dismissal, and seeing my sincere interest in their success, they said, "Fuck, we are interested, such an experience, drive, egegei!". And we continued to implement the strategy.
After some time, the director came, and he offered to raise the salary.
The fourth example is on the reverse side when they tried to use hedging for success on me.
As you remember, I had a favorite anti-pattern — my sysadmin. He, seeing the practical application of hedging success, also decided to try. But, as I mentioned, the sysadmin was a ram - he wanted to act only as he was comfortable.
His key mistake was the misunderstanding of the term "success." I do not know how the thinking process took place in his head, but as a success he brought an increase in the number of jobs that he served.
We talked for a long time, and more than once, because he, being a ram, hammered into the same gate - several times brought me the number of jobs as a success. Every time I explained to him that there was no success in this, and in general it was not his merit - just the company is growing.
And the fact that he runs through them all helps the documents in the Word to edit - his personal choice. He constantly argued with this about the critical importance of helping users.
I once could not resist, and gave him an example of a sysadmin from his previous work. The sysadmin had the following parameters: the salary is twice as low, computers and peripherals are the same, there are more servers, more specific equipment (terminals in the workshop, plus jobs for the machines), and, importantly, he did not buy ready banks, but collected them , from the components, because he himself decided that it was so much cooler and cheaper.
But the main thing is that the sysadmin had a lot of free time. I sat with him in the same office, and saw it with my own eyes, every day. He drank a lot of tea, from a big beer mug, sat on the Internet a lot - both on professional, and on news, and on entertainment resources. I just organized the work, both my own and the users, so that I didn’t need to run anywhere.
And my running, and gave it for success. At the same time, many were dissatisfied with his work, and you understand why. The more you run, the more you will run. As an old woman sang Shapoklyak, who helps people - he spends time in vain.
But to the sysadmin - that in the forehead, that on the forehead, because the ram. I explained to him several times how hedging works, even cited a bunch of examples of what would be considered success, and sincerely promised that I would go to the director myself and pick a promotion for him if he succeeds in at least one of these successes.
Know what the sysadmin answered? “Yes, it's all clear! But still ... ", and then again went the transfer of the number of jobs and other unsuccessful successes.
Success hedging is a request for improvement at the time of tangible results.
Hedging is applied until completion of improvements and changes.
Hedging can be applied at any time in your career.
Hedging goes well with rush.
Hedging bears no special risks for the one who applies it.
I recognized him from one very intelligent owner, on whom I tried to apply this method. He got me through, and explained to me that this is a hedge of success. I liked the term, I remembered, and now I use it with pleasure. Like the method itself.
The essence of the method is simple: ask for something for yourself at the time of achieving intermediate success.
An important difference is the application at the moment of intermediateof success. If you, for example, have agreed with your boss to increase your position or salary while fulfilling some criteria, attaining a specific result or term, then this is not a hedging success, but another steroid.
To use hedging success is even better if you do not have any arrangements , because they will only interfere. For example, you have agreed that you will get a promotion by completing a certain project. If you come in the middle of a project and ask yourself, for example, an increase, you are most likely to be refused - they will directly tell you that you need to complete the project, and then you can already talk.
So, you don’t have any agreements on promotion, and you started doing some improvements - it doesn’t matter which ones. You can increase your output, carry out the project of changes in the company, take up the optimization of the infrastructure, implement scram, upgrade your skills, etc. It is important that there is no agreement.
Why am I talking about agreements all the time? The reason is simple: agreement is responsibility. If you say “I will do this, and you will give me a promotion,” then take responsibility for the result. You kind of fit on a pedestal, for everyone to see, attract close attention to yourself, put yourself under control and already, as a matter of fact, cannot refuse your undertaking. If you refuse, you will fall into the caste of career losers. There are special steroids that allow you to stand on such a pedestal comfortably, but, as a rule, people do not use them, and good intentions become a stone on the neck.
When you do any changes without agreements, and even on your own initiative, then it sounds like “I want to try to do better”, no matter what. Psychologically, you are not burdened with any responsibility, and you can act freely, with interest, and, as a result, effectively.
But there is one catch. If you bring changes to the end - beautifully, successfully - and after you come to the boss for a raise, the likelihood of failure is high, especially if the project was long. Because the tone of the conversation immediately changes - from “I want to try to do better” to “it's time to pay the bills”. The matter has already been done - and without any straining on the part of the boss or owner, and here you are bringing this very strained.
Success hedge appliedin the process , when the end result has not yet been achieved, but there are already obvious improvements. Of course, the improvements should be really obvious - to both you and the boss.
It turns out, as if you say - see how everything turns out great, or there will be more! The boss is happy, gets on the wave of success, wants more - at this moment you catch it. Without any ultimatums, like "add a salary, otherwise I will not continue" - in any case.
It is better in conversation how to untie one from another, success from promotion. First, of course, discussing success. You tell in all details, with numbers (if any), and, most importantly, gently seek recognition of this success. You can use phrases like “do you think a good result?”, “I just can’t find examples of similar projects to compare, maybe you know?”, “I like this project so much, and it’s like getting a start, I want to continue,” and so on. d. The main thing is to push him to discuss success, to recognize, to build further development plans, etc.
And then - bang! - by chance, talk about your promotion. Salary, position, new employees, new laptop, new machine - what you need there, I do not know. Do not associate the request with success, i.e. do not say phrases like "well, if you agree that I am a good fellow, give me a salary." You can use break phrases, such as “excellent, there is one more question”, or “so that there is more ... But, here, I remembered”.
Without associating one with the other, you, as psychologists say, do not enter into a relationship of dependence. Success is my dear, career is different. You do not look like a tradesman, nouveau riche or careerist. Normal, healthy interest and motivation of a successful employee.
If the boss refused, or said, "I'll think about it," then that's fine! Just do not say phrases like "how do you say", "well, think" or "sorry." Finish in a positive way - switch back to success, with something like “well, okay, I will keep you informed” or “I’m planning to do more, tell the results”. The thought of your request will remain with the boss in the head.
If he refused, then in a healthy system of coordinates he will be a villain. Why, after all, a successful employee, initiative, productive, independent, and asked only ... Well, what did you ask for there. It was they who asked, not demanded, did not bargain, did not give ultimatums. From now on, the boss will, as they say, suck in the stomach - a feeling of guilt, as if something is wrong, will remain with him.
As an option, he can say - ok, I understood your request, then let's agree the criteria. That is, he will offer you an agreement .
Agree or not - you decide. By agreeing, you lose the opportunity to apply hedging success, and transfer your career to another steroid. My recommendation is to refuse. Directly and honestly explain, as stated above, why you do not want an agreement. To play a naive fool who sincerely cares about the good of the company, the effectiveness of his and his team, etc., and this will only hinder the agreement. Then the boss will again be a villain.
It is important, I repeat, not to mix success and promotion. The boss in his head mixes himself, builds connections and criteria. The main thing - you do not communicate. Especially if these are your first steps in your career growth, and you are not a toothy shark, discussing the growth points from the first day of work in the company.
Hedging success, at first glance, is quite similar to career rush. But the differences are very significant - mainly at the moment of application . Rush is used at the beginning of work in the company, hedging success - at any time, at least in the twentieth year.
The tone with which you speak during rush and when hedging varies considerably. Rush is arrogance, a blow to the head with a bag, unexpected and confusing. Hedging is a soft request, backed by success. Rush, as you remember, is not backed by anything.
In this case, despite the differences, rush and hedging are perfectly combined - on the side of rush. If for the first time you have been working in a company you have succeeded, then the rush will be much more powerful. You tell about success, and immediately insert your request for improvement - just not softly, but tough, as in rush. But it will sound not pure, cut off from reality, arrogance, but a relatively healthy desire to take a foothold on which you have landed, showing success. You still have nothing to lose, but the positions will be stronger.
When hedging, you don’t really lose anything, quite the contrary - at least, the boss will know that something does not suit you. You are not at the limit, you are not going to run away, you are not looking for work, but something is missing from you. At the same time, you are a successful, intelligent, initiative worker. And this dilemma will remain in his head, and will not give him peace.
So let him suffer, while you develop success. While he wrinkles his forehead, you do not wait for a decision, but act further, without worrying and not annoying you with your requests anymore. He, in fact, has no choice but to give you what you want. Living with such a dilemma inside is very uncomfortable.
Now a few examples.
An example from my first job, in the partner company 1C. As I have already said, the salary there depended on the availability of the “1C: Specialist” certificates. The more certificates you have, the higher the hourly rate.
In addition to the hourly rate, there was also a salary. If you close the deal more than the salary, then you get the deal. If the work was not in the proper amount, you get a salary.
In the first month of work, I, of course, had no development. I did not know 1C, because This was my first job, and at the institute we studied Delphi, C ++, Assembler, MatLab, etc. Accordingly, he could not solve the tasks of the clients.
Therefore, there were two worries - to learn as quickly as possible and get all the certificates (so that there was a big working out at a high hourly rate) and raise the salary so as not to stay for a penny.
Salary depended mainly on the availability of the very certificates, but not directly - through the opinion of the director. He himself decided who, when and by what criteria to raise the salary. This was due, among other things, to the lack of initiative among the staff in passing examinations for certificates - there was no flow, therefore there was no system in salary management.
Understanding that certificates are important to the director, I began to prepare for the first attestation as soon as I got a job. A month later, I went for certification, and with grief in half I received my first certificate.
After that, a conversation with the director. I painted, emotionally, told him about the last exam (there was something to tell), and asked - how do the others pass? He lamented that no one gives too much, everyone sits and does not itch. I asked - and when do people usually go to the first certification? The director said that usually - in a few months. Well, he guessed that my certificate after a month of work is a success. Then I screwed up the request for a salary increase. While he was thinking, I talked about plans for the next certification - in a month.
He had no choice but to agree, and to raise my salary.
The second example is associated with a project to restore order in the warehouse, which became the basis of the events of the business novel "Easier than it seems."
The aim of the project was to reduce the deviations from the results of the inventories - they reached 25%, it was necessary to bring at least to ... No one knew exactly what, in short, to reduce at least somehow.
I didn’t have any agreements, I just got involved in this project, leading it. While there was a preparation of technical, methodical and organizational decisions, I, naturally, was silent and did not climb with requests.
But the first successes began - I launched my system, people began to act on my instructions, and deviations began to decrease. Not to a few percent, but already very noticeable. What was especially pleasing was the dynamics - the deviations became less and less.
Having guessed the moment, I turned to the owner with a request for a salary increase. In order not to be penny wise, immediately by 50%.
Success presented comprehensively - not only reducing deviations, but also his work as a project manager, process developer, mediator (such as establishing relationships between different services), business analyst, etc. I did not say that I became an ace in these areas, I just honestly, sincerely, emotionally told how all this is interesting, useful for the company, and in general I like my new work - not just being a programmer, but putting things in order.
At the same time he outlined a few more processes where it would be possible to apply and further pump my new competencies. Of course, after the end of the warehouse project.
What was he to do? Agreed
The third example is the one where the term "success hedge" appeared.
When I was in charge of the implementation of the company's strategy, I had the same position - CIO. Accordingly, in my submission were programmers.
I decided to pull them up to the new work - the introduction of changes. The project envisaged many different changes in all areas of the company, and was based on the use of a whole heap of techniques. In particular, the theory of limitations of systems and scram.
In the theory of constraints and the screen, we were the best programmers with us. Not because we are so smart, but because the rest did not want to delve into, and we applied the techniques in practice.
So, I started a programmer to introduce scram in the design department, and at the same time - stream scram in the supply. The second programmer sent to implement TOC in the provision of a consignment warehouse. I was in charge of the work, but a significant amount of hard work went to the programmers, for which they were immensely pleased.
And here are the first successes. Scrum in the design department made it possible in the shortest possible time to complete the development of a large piece of iron, which they could not have drawn at all for several years. The TOC allowed the consignment warehouse to be filled in a way that it had never been before. Not in the sense of “packing to the eyeballs”, but in the sense of raising and maintaining the status of the buffer in the yellow and green zones.
Here I made a mistake. Deciding to use hedging, I asked a lot - and raise my salary, and programmers, citing the fact that they follow in my footsteps, doing not only and not so much programming as real changes, which are obviously useful for business.
During the conversation with the owner, I learned that I was applying hedging for success. He didn’t even get angry, rather realized that he had caught me using a steroid, and even explained what the method was and what it was called. I, as expected by the method, agreed with his refusal, sincerely thanked him for science, and switched the conversation to the development of success.
He himself, of course, was a little upset - mostly for programmers. I had a clear motivation, but they took risks. But, after a few conversations about the set of dismissal, and seeing my sincere interest in their success, they said, "Fuck, we are interested, such an experience, drive, egegei!". And we continued to implement the strategy.
After some time, the director came, and he offered to raise the salary.
The fourth example is on the reverse side when they tried to use hedging for success on me.
As you remember, I had a favorite anti-pattern — my sysadmin. He, seeing the practical application of hedging success, also decided to try. But, as I mentioned, the sysadmin was a ram - he wanted to act only as he was comfortable.
His key mistake was the misunderstanding of the term "success." I do not know how the thinking process took place in his head, but as a success he brought an increase in the number of jobs that he served.
We talked for a long time, and more than once, because he, being a ram, hammered into the same gate - several times brought me the number of jobs as a success. Every time I explained to him that there was no success in this, and in general it was not his merit - just the company is growing.
And the fact that he runs through them all helps the documents in the Word to edit - his personal choice. He constantly argued with this about the critical importance of helping users.
I once could not resist, and gave him an example of a sysadmin from his previous work. The sysadmin had the following parameters: the salary is twice as low, computers and peripherals are the same, there are more servers, more specific equipment (terminals in the workshop, plus jobs for the machines), and, importantly, he did not buy ready banks, but collected them , from the components, because he himself decided that it was so much cooler and cheaper.
But the main thing is that the sysadmin had a lot of free time. I sat with him in the same office, and saw it with my own eyes, every day. He drank a lot of tea, from a big beer mug, sat on the Internet a lot - both on professional, and on news, and on entertainment resources. I just organized the work, both my own and the users, so that I didn’t need to run anywhere.
And my running, and gave it for success. At the same time, many were dissatisfied with his work, and you understand why. The more you run, the more you will run. As an old woman sang Shapoklyak, who helps people - he spends time in vain.
But to the sysadmin - that in the forehead, that on the forehead, because the ram. I explained to him several times how hedging works, even cited a bunch of examples of what would be considered success, and sincerely promised that I would go to the director myself and pick a promotion for him if he succeeds in at least one of these successes.
Know what the sysadmin answered? “Yes, it's all clear! But still ... ", and then again went the transfer of the number of jobs and other unsuccessful successes.
Success hedging is a request for improvement at the time of tangible results.
Hedging is applied until completion of improvements and changes.
Hedging can be applied at any time in your career.
Hedging goes well with rush.
Hedging bears no special risks for the one who applies it.