The digest of fresh materials from the world of the frontend for the last week №334 (October 7 - 14, 2018)
We offer you a selection with links to new materials from the front-end area and around it.
Media | Web Development | CSS | Javascript | Browsers | Entertaining
Frontend Weekend podcast # 74 - Mikhail Bodnarchuk on how and why developers need to test their code
Devshacht / Night Frontend podcast: 53: DevOops 2018
Vadim Makeyev Video Blog 5. Polytech, magic JPEG, unnecessary form and object- fit on SVG , 6. Immersion in object-fit: cover with and without polyfill
• Why don't we add the <wonderful> element to HTML?
• How to turn a difficult question into a front-interview in an easy way
About static site generators
Deploying front-end applications - a fun way
Using the Web Audio API , detailed updated information on MDN
Advanced techniques for using the Web Audio API: creating sound, sequencing, synchronization, planning
CSS Content Features
CSS Border-Radius can this?
How do I remember the CSS Grid properties
? •
Does your interviewee understand CSS layouts?
Previous adjacent CSS selector and how to emulate them
5 things you can do in CSS-in-JS that you didn't know about
Shape Path Editor in Firefox
• A practical ES6 guide on how to make an HTTP request using the Fetch API
• Closures in JavaScript for beginners
JavaScript Visualizer is a tool for visualizing context, floating variables, closures, prototypes, and other basic JS concepts for a better understanding of how to work
Deep immersion in this in javascript: why it is so critical to write good code
13 games in ≤ 13kB of JavaScript · js13kGames 2018
Let's tackle the confusion around the slice (), splice () and split () methods in JavaScript
New releases: Ember 3.4 , ESLint v5.7.0 ,Aurelia-CLI v1.0.0-beta.1, New Aurelia-CLI Collector with Auto-Trace
• Firefox update system audit results published
• Mozilla developers postponed the termination of trust in Symantec certificates
• Found a gap in Microsoft Edge that allows you to run any programs
• Google Chrome will soon stop working on Android 4.3 devices and below
Calls between JS and WebAssembly have finally become fast in firefox
• The first release candidate of Gutenberg 4.0 was released
• Evolution of cryptography: from mathematics to physics
• The ICANN regulator successfully changed the keys to domain names
• The Google Translate visual translation also switched to neural technologies and received support for 13 new languages
• Windows PowerShell Beginner's Guide
• Facebook revealed the details of the last hacking: hackers received phone numbers and email addresses of 30 million users
• Google+ closes after leaking data of 500,000 accounts
• “Yandex” could not agree with the right holders about the new anti-piracy agreement
•Alexa users confessed to a voice assistant over a million times, but were rejected by it
Microsoft opened 60,000 patents to protect Linux from lawsuits
Digest from last week .
Material prepared dersmoll and alekskorovin .
Media | Web Development | CSS | Javascript | Browsers | Entertaining



Web development
• Why don't we add the <wonderful> element to HTML?
• How to turn a difficult question into a front-interview in an easy way




- Performance:
• Weoptimize the web with Vitaly Friedman: download speed, memory, CPU
•Getting started with performance budget , a detailed Addy Osmani article on the nuances and aspects of the issue
•Adaptive content delivery using JavaScript and the Network Information API . Another article by Addy Osmani on choosing different assets depending on connection speed
•Best ways to increase front-end loading performance
•Another PWA + AMP success story: how Superbalist improved page loading speed, thereby increasing conversions by 26%
- Tools:
•What's new in DevTools (Chrome 71)
•Favicon Checker - an online tool for comparing favicons in all major browsers, including light and dark themes
•termtosvg - a utility to record what is happening in the terminal in the form of SVG
• markdown page - a script that turn Markdown into HTML in one line
- Accessibility:
• AccessibilityCheat Sheet
•WordPress, Accessibility and Gutenberg
•I left the position of the accessibility team lead in WordPress. And that's why



? •




• A practical ES6 guide on how to make an HTTP request using the Fetch API
• Closures in JavaScript for beginners





•Using Event Bus to share props between Vue components
•12 companies that use Vue.js to develop their applications
•Optimistic Offline-First application with Vuex
•Work on an application in Vue.js with TDD - an extensive guide for people which is time, part 1
•What you need to know about Vue CLI 3
•Ignorance of the basics of React, which may be ruining you
•Caching event handlers and improving the performance of React applications
•How to become a React developer in 2018
•React.js: the best presentation of the most powerful UI library ever created
•OOP and RxJS: React state management with Akita
•11 sandboxes for working with React's UI components
•How to combine Webpack 4 and Babel 7 to create a fantastic React application
•What's new in the Create React App 2.0, video series
•Do you need to know React, to be a wordpress developer?
•Testing React applications using react-testing-library
•Full Stack Radio: 99: Tim Neutkens - Building React Apps with Next.js
•22 boards Angular-developer. Part 1 , Part 2
•Some tips on Angular
•Announcement of the first stable release of Angular Console - UI for Angular CLI
•Nested forms in Angular 6
• Angular 6Reference: Styling , Router
•Angular & Chart.js (with ng2-charts)
•Creating a full stack of applications using Angular CLI and Nx
- Libs & Plugins:
• TensorFlow.js and clmtrackr.js: tracking the user's viewing direction in the browser
•Deity Falcon - open-sourced cross-platform PWA library for creating any type of sites
•perfume.js - JavaScript library for measuring First (Contentful) Paint, Time to Interactive and First Input Delay.
•mb - access to nested attributes with zero values without exception errors
•Muze - building composite visualizations for the web with an emphasis on data
• Firefox update system audit results published
• Mozilla developers postponed the termination of trust in Symantec certificates
• Found a gap in Microsoft Edge that allows you to run any programs
• Google Chrome will soon stop working on Android 4.3 devices and below

• The first release candidate of Gutenberg 4.0 was released
• Evolution of cryptography: from mathematics to physics
• The ICANN regulator successfully changed the keys to domain names
• The Google Translate visual translation also switched to neural technologies and received support for 13 new languages
• Windows PowerShell Beginner's Guide
• Facebook revealed the details of the last hacking: hackers received phone numbers and email addresses of 30 million users
• Google+ closes after leaking data of 500,000 accounts
• “Yandex” could not agree with the right holders about the new anti-piracy agreement
•Alexa users confessed to a voice assistant over a million times, but were rejected by it

We apologize for any typos or broken / duplicate links. If you notice a problem - please write in a personal, we are trying to fix them quickly.
Digest from last week .
Material prepared dersmoll and alekskorovin .