Comparative analysis of RSL scanners

    With the invention of the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg in the 15th century, the number of books increased rapidly, they became more accessible. Libraries were transformed from collections of private collections into open public institutions. Modern libraries store a huge number of collections around the world. The Russian State Library alone has more than 45 million items. There is a need to protect invaluable knowledge, which is realized, inter alia, by digitizing scientific and educational literature, books published in small print runs, shabby and especially valuable originals.

    For these purposes, the RSL organized a specialized scanning department, purchased professional planetary-type book scanners for contactless digitization. The main fleet of equipment is Russian scannersELAR PlanScan A2B and German Zeutschel OS 12000 and  Book2Net V-Scan Cobra .


    Paper materials arriving in the department - books and magazines are sorted and laid out in separate groups. Books with a thin spine are sent to PlanScan, most of the thick materials are scanned using Zeutschel. Book2Net Cobra, is used less often, mainly when digitizing large format books with tight binding. Scanning is performed using pressure glass, therefore, to eliminate the illumination, a separate room is equipped without direct lighting from above. Scanners are connected to an external workstation with proprietary software pre-installed for each model, which allows you to separate the received electronic images of book turns on separate pages and crop the image by format.

    The scan operator’s working day is eight hours; an indicative plan is about a thousand sheets. Despite similar characteristics and approximately equal average scanner performance, there are a number of design and functional differences that affect performance and cost of ownership in budgeting. Which model is the most reliable and functionally balanced? An objective analysis can provide an answer to this question, including the practical and theoretical parts of the comparison used in the RSL book scanners.

    We begin the review of the RSL scanning equipment by examining the main technical characteristics.

    Declared Specifications

    ELAR PlanScan A2V


    Scanner type - planetary. Independent Scan Station. The location is desktop.
    Scanning area - A2 + (620 × 460 mm)
    Scanning system - CCD-line 3 × 7500 pixels, 3D correction system
    Optical resolution - 600 dpi
    Lighting system - LED Lighting
    depth - 15 cm
    Scanning speed - from 1.2 sec.
    Book cradle - sec variable opening angle: 120 or 180 degrees
    Pressure glass - removable V-shaped
    Additional modules and accessories - flat pressure glass, foot pedal, RFID reader, Wi-Fi module, BCS-2 software for streaming scanning
    Features - 3D correction system with a laser sensor provides accurate focus when scanning bending pages. A 3D-profile of the book is being constructed and geometric distortions are corrected using mathematical processing.
    Manufacturer - ELAR Corporation, Russia.

    In the RSL, PlanScan is used with a V-shaped clamp glass, it scans about 70% of the literature received in the department, mainly books of small format with wide margins and the prevalence of text.

    Zeutschel OS 12000


    Scanner Type - Planetary. The location is desktop.
    Scanning area - A2 + (635 × 460mm)
    Scanning system - CCD line 3 × 7500 pixels, additional camera
    Optical resolution- 400 dpi
    Lighting system - LED
    Depth of field - 5 cm
    Scanning speed - from 2 seconds
    Book cradle - adaptive for books up to 10 cm thick, automatic height adjustment
    Pressure glass - flat
    Additional modules and accessories - professional software for streaming scanning, book holders managing the workstation
    features - built-in secondary camera scans the surface of the book to build a mathematical model that takes into account all the twists and bumps, with subsequent correction of the detection of Distortion
    Manufacturer - Zeutschel, Germany

    Zeutschel OS 12000 works with a flat clamp glass, it scans about 30% of the materials received by the RSL - books with a wide spine and publications with large illustrations for the entire spread.

    Book2Net V-Scan Cobra


    Scanner Type - Planetary Scanner. The location is outdoor.
    Scanning area - two panels of A3 + format (2 x (343 × 458 mm))
    Scanning system - parallel use of two CCD sensors, two CCD matrices of 40 megapixels each
    Optical resolution - 400 dpi on A3 format +
    Lighting system - LED
    Depth of field - 12, 5 cm
    Scanning speed - 1.9 sec. Scanning cycle
    Book cradle- motorized V-shaped, fixed angle of 110 degrees, vertical and horizontal movement, adjustment in width
    Pressure glass - V-shaped, electric drive, pressure sensor, 8 pressure levels
    Additional modules and accessories - book support devices, control workstation
    Features - several book cradle position, pressure adjustment of the pressure glass. Work in semi-automatic and manual mode.
    Manufacturer - Microbox, Germany.

    In the RSL Book2Net is used in particular cases for scanning originals that are not typical for the general flow of books - publications with non-standard hard-to-open bindings.

    Typically, equipment manufacturers indicate the maximum possible characteristics of their systems, achievable only under reference operating conditions. Professional book scanners are no exception. As a rule, the functionality of such devices is quite extensive, but parameters come to the fore for solving the main tasks - digitizing book materials. When working with books, first of all, the indicators of the scanning system and the adaptability of the scanner structural elements to the originals of various formats and quality are important. If the reliability and convenience of work is determined during direct use, then it is possible to identify the values ​​of optical resolution, features of illuminators, and evaluate the quality of electronic copies using complex equipment testing. Below is a description of the tests performed.


    1. Depth of field

    The survey was carried out with the digitalization parameters adopted by the RSL scanning department: 300 dpi, color TIFF. Depth of field is a range of distances in which objects are perceived as sharp. The sharpness of the image changes gradually, depending on the focusing distance. If image degradation becomes visually noticeable, then it is considered to have gone beyond the depth of field and is unacceptable for further use. In planetary scanners, the depth of field is the most important parameter, the higher its value, the more likely it is to correctly scan volumetric and thick objects, originals with a difference in thickness or significant bends of pages.

    For testing, we used a voluminous object 9 cm high and two test objects TO-2A according to GOST 13.1.701, consisting of pairs of dark and light parallel lines with different spatial frequencies. The voluminous object was placed next to the test object. On top of the subject was laid out a second test - the object. The focusing distance during scanning changed relative to each test object by an amount equal to the height of the volumetric object, hence the sharpness of the image.

    Zeutschel OS 12000


    As we see, there is a deterioration in the sharpness of the upper test object. But it is worth noting that the depth of field declared by the manufacturer for Zeutschel OS 12000 is 5 cm, so the test result can be considered acceptable. Thanks to the floating cradle Zeutschel is able to confidently cope with the digitization of books up to 10 cm thick.

    ELAR PlanScan A2V


    On PlanScan, the results are better. The top test is a much sharper object than on Zeutschel. The depth of field declared by the manufacturer of 15 cm is completely worked out during digitization. PlanScan performs our test with a margin. We can recommend it for digitizing complex books with curved pages and height differences.

    Or volumetric objects ...


    Book2Net V-Scan Cobra did not participate in this test due to the design features of the book cradle. We believe the manufacturer, declaring a depth of field of 12.5 cm. Moreover, the scanner copes well with thick books. But the only possible V-shaped mode of digitization, of course, imposes restrictions on the use of the scanner.

    2. Optical Resolution

    A visual assessment of optical resolution was performed by scanning test objects TO-2A GOST 13.1.701. In the scanning department of the RSL, digitization is performed with a resolution of 300 dpi, therefore, the equipment should ensure the readability of the limit group with a spatial frequency of lines of 3.6 test-resolution objects. A group of elements is considered readable if white and black lines do not merge along the entire length.

    Zeutschel OS 12000


    Zeutschel OS 12000 provides a readability of a group of lines at a value of 3.6, which corresponds to a real optical resolution of 300 dpi in the maximum format. In the ascending values, aberrations and loss of sharpness begin to appear.

    Book2Net V-Scan Cobra


    Book2Net also did this test, a group of lines with a value of 3.6 is readable, although color aberrations are present horizontally. Further values ​​worsen similarly to Zeutschel.

    ELAR PlanScan A2V


    On PlanScan A2B, the values ​​of the test object are the most contrasting and sharp among all representatives of the review. Groups of lines read well up to a value of 5.6.

    3. Software assessment of optical resolution

    Images of test targets taken with a resolution of 300 dpi were uploaded to specialized software, in which using built-in algorithms the system converted visual indicators into digital ones and built graphical charts with a selection of key data.

    Zeutschel OS 12000


    From the readings of the system it follows that the quality of the images of Zeutschel OS 12000 in terms of the program corresponds to a value of 298.5 ppi (pixels per inch) with the presence of significant horizontal aberrations (62%), that is, beam deviations in the structure of beam beams emerging from the scanner optical system from the direction given in the mathematical model of the ideal optical system. The presence of aberrations reduces the clarity of the image, which we observed during the visual assessment of optical resolution by scanning test objects.

    Book2Net V-Scan Cobra


    The quality of Book2Net images in terms of the program corresponds to a value of 295.6 ppi (pixels per inch) with acceptable aberrations, both vertically and horizontally. The overall sharpness of images in Book2Net is at a fairly high level.

    ELAR PlanScan A2V


    PlanScan has the highest concentration of pixels per inch 301.7 ppi, which increases the detail of images. But there are small horizontal deviations of the rays, which, in fairness, is not a significant violation of the homocentricity of the rays emerging from the optical system and practically do not affect the clarity of the images.

    4. Check color reproduction

    A color target was scanned, including reference standard colors of the highest quality. According to the correspondence of the values ​​obtained as a result of scanning, one can judge the quality of color reproduction of equipment. Testing was carried out without additional calibration of scanners.

    Zeutschel OS 12000


    Book2Net V-Scan Cobra


    ELAR PlanScan A2B


    Based on the images received, Book2Net V-Scan Cobra has a lack of color reproduction due to excessive levels of red tones, Zeutschel and PlanScan scanners are at an equally good level. It is worth noting that the results of PlanScan and Zeutschel may be higher after color calibration.

    5. Lighting effects

    Lighting is an essential component of the digitization process. All presented models have built-in LED illuminators without harmful infrared and ultraviolet radiation. In the work of standard illumination, we were primarily interested in the formation of flare in the spine area when scanning glossy originals and the manifestation of glare in the case of digitizing embossed or wrinkled pages.

    Zeutschel OS 12000


    When scanning on a Zeutschel glossy book, there is no illumination in the spine area.


    Glare when scanning a crumpled page within normal limits.

    Book2Net V-Scan Cobra


    Book2Net also lacks flare in the area of ​​the spine of the book, but a strip of shadow appears in the binding area, resulting from the use of a V-shaped clamp glass. Which, however, does not affect the readability of the text.


    When scanning a crumpled page, Book2Net does not cope with glare, the results are significantly lower than normal.

    ELAR PlanScan A2V


    PlanScan performs digitization of a glossy book well; there is no illumination in the root area. Since a V-shaped glass is used, a similar Book2Net strip appears in the binding area. When cropping a spread and saving each page in a separate file, this phenomenon is not significant.


    Glare when scanning a crumpled page on PlanScan, as well as Zeutschel are within normal limits.

    The above calculations of comparative tests show the main capabilities of scanners in the process of creating electronic copies of library collections, expressed in the characteristics of optical resolution, and the ability to scan complex originals - glossy, thick, defective materials, while maintaining high quality images. The tested models showed good results of comprehensive testing, the scanners correspond to the parameters declared by the manufacturers for resolution, depth of field and lighting systems. The book specificity of the equipment is confirmed by the results of practical tests. Along with this, the features of everyday operation are not fully disclosed; there is no data on the reliability of mechanical components and designs. Therefore, a comprehensive review of complex technical devices considers their characteristics as a general indicator of the software-hardware and functional part, which is based on the views of direct users, the number of calls to the service department and the quality of warranty service. From this point of view, the most important component is the recall of functional representatives - employees of the RSL scanning department.

    Pokutnyaya Larisa Anatolyevna (Head of the Scanning Sector for New Arrivals of the RSL): “All our scanners depend on direct lighting from above, since we work with pressure glass, so we do not have bulbs on the ceiling. As for the lineup, Zeutschel has a convenient book cradle for thick books, on PlanScan for this purpose you have to lay an additional backing. But PlanScan has the best focus of all models, higher resolution and scanning quality. We rarely work on Book2Net. Only in exceptional cases. Performance and usability are almost the same, but it was easier to train operators on PlanScan. If we talk about reliability, the key factors here are design features - Zeutschel is more complex in design, therefore there is a higher risk of breakdown of complex elements and expensive repairs. PlanScan also has problems, but here everything is easier to solve. Book2Net is not so heavily loaded, so there were no serious breakdowns. I can say that for us one of the main criteria is the quality of service, because we work a lot and it is necessary to minimize any possible downtime. For this, quick troubleshooting and good feedback from the manufacturer or supplier are important. In our case, ELAR has the best after-sales service (approx. Manufacturer PlanScan), which meets all the requirements. ” because we work a lot and it is necessary to minimize any possible downtime. For this, quick troubleshooting and good feedback from the manufacturer or supplier are important. In our case, ELAR has the best after-sales service (approx. Manufacturer PlanScan), which meets all the requirements. ” because we work a lot and it is necessary to minimize any possible downtime. For this, quick troubleshooting and good feedback from the manufacturer or supplier are important. In our case, ELAR has the best after-sales service (approx. Manufacturer PlanScan), which meets all the requirements. ”

    Now we are engaged in the digitization of educational literature, a decrepit fund, and other materials. We work a lot, scanners are constantly loaded. Scanning quality is good for all models, but PlanScan is cheaper. In the process, all our scanners periodically experience problems, and the nature of breakdowns is different - PlanScan has minor problems, and Zeutschel if it breaks, then in a serious way. In terms of service, ELAR works much better than others.

    At the end of the review, we will try to compare the obtained facts. In our opinion, PlanScan, Zeutschel and Book2Net are a good choice for professionally digitizing books, magazines, and other stapled paper originals. All scanners operating in the largest library in the country regularly perform their duties, helping to translate thousands of sheets of various library materials into electronic form every day. PlanScan and Zeutschel are more involved, Book2Net is more limited in application due to the only possible V-shaped mode of operation. The scanning quality of all models is quite high, according to the results of the tests, the ELAR PlanScan A2V turned out to have the best results in assessing the optical resolution and depth of field. During operation, more serious damage occurred at Zeutschel, due to the complex design of the book cradle and pressure glass. Book2Net and PlanScan broke less frequently, although the latter had several minor troubles that were quickly resolved by service personnel. Of course, book scanners are purchased to solve certain problems, each model has its own drawbacks and advantages: Book2Net is limited in use, but due to the many settings of the book cradle it is able to scan large books that are not open to the end, Zeutschel is complex in design and at the same time convenient for digitizing books with a thick spine; PlanScan has higher scan quality. In general, the analysis demonstrates some differences in manufacturers' approaches to creating their products. which were quickly eliminated by service personnel. Of course, book scanners are purchased to solve certain problems, each model has its own drawbacks and advantages: Book2Net is limited in use, but due to the many settings of the book cradle it is able to scan large books that are not open to the end, Zeutschel is complex in design and at the same time convenient for digitizing books with a thick spine; PlanScan has higher scan quality. In general, the analysis demonstrates some differences in manufacturers' approaches to creating their products. which were quickly eliminated by service personnel. Of course, book scanners are purchased to solve certain problems, each model has its own drawbacks and advantages: Book2Net is limited in use, but due to the many settings of the book cradle it is able to scan large books that are not open to the end, Zeutschel is complex in design and at the same time convenient for digitizing books with a thick spine; PlanScan has higher scan quality. In general, the analysis demonstrates some differences in manufacturers' approaches to creating their products. but thanks to the many settings of the book cradle, it is able to scan large books that are not opened until the end, Zeutschel is complex in design and at the same time convenient when digitizing books with a thick spine, PlanScan has higher scanning quality. In general, the analysis demonstrates some differences in manufacturers' approaches to creating their products. but thanks to the many settings of the book cradle, it is able to scan large books that are not opened until the end, Zeutschel is complex in design and at the same time convenient when digitizing books with a thick spine, PlanScan has higher scanning quality. In general, the analysis demonstrates some differences in manufacturers' approaches to creating their products.

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