Import substitution, fairy tales continue (continued)

    Having a little continued the study of the issue of "import substitution" on the basis of newly appeared information (tests, search for a solution), I came to the disappointing conclusion that earlier I was an optimist. In reality, things are much worse (in general, like in a fairy tale) than further, the worse. According to the comments of colleagues commenting on the first article, “Import Substitution, Voice Crying in the Desert”, I cite references to regulatory documents calling us to “Patriotism”. The number of documents is growing, but there is only one problem, or those who compose them are very far from the IT sphere or even worse, in collusion Lobby of domestic developers.

    Links, with a few comments:

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 20, 2017 No. 1594

    From January 1, 2018, additional restrictions on the procurement of software for state and municipal needs came into effect. The document amends the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 16, 2015 No. 1236 “On the Establishment of a Ban on the Admission of Software Originating from Foreign States for the Purpose of Procurement for Meeting State and Municipal Needs”, which plays a major role in import substitution of software today.

    Previously, the ban extended only to the “direct” purchase of foreign software (or rights to it in the form of licenses), now it doesn't matter how the government customer gets the right to use the software - according to the SaaS (Software as a Service) model, when buying equipment with pre-installed software, when developing new or upgrading information systems already in operation at the customer, or when purchasing services for their maintenance and technical support. (because of the threat that, because of the sanctions, they could refuse to escort single state corporations, they deprived technical support all at once. With the threat of gangrene in one patient, their legs were cut off in the hospital :))

    Recall also that in March last year additional requirements were introduced for office software (this category, in addition to office applications, also included operating systems , antiviruses, communication programs, etc.).

    Government Decree of June 8, 2018 No. 658.
    "On centralized procurement of office software, software for maintaining budget accounting, and software in the field of information security"
    from June 26, 2018
    Unified customers for the procurement of certain types of software were identified:
    For whom will they buy the Federal Treasury and the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of Russia and what will they buy? In simple terms, you will not have to decide what to buy specifically (if you are a state customer), and in the next step of rulemaking, it may be extended to the regional and municipal level.

    Order of July 26, 2016 No. 1588-p
    A signed order approved a plan for the transition in 2016–2018 of federal executive bodies and state extra-budgetary funds to the use of domestic software.
    I specify the transition plan , not the procurement.

    Order of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of Russia dated 04.07.2018 N 335

    “On approval of guidelines for the transition of executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments of municipalities of the Russian Federation to the use of domestic office software, including previously purchased office software
    Attention is included in office software in their concept:
    3. In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, office software includes the operating system , communication software, office suite, email applications, organizer, viewer, Internet browser, presentation editor, spreadsheet editor, text editor, file manager software, reference - legal system, software of electronic document management system and anti-virus protection.
    5. In the transition of state bodies and bodies of local self-government to the use of domestic office software it is recommended to provide a set of processes, actions and organizational and technical measures carried out by state bodies andlocal governments and related to the replacement of previously purchased and used office software originating from foreign countries (hereinafter referred to as foreign office software) with domestic office software, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation governing the implementation of procurement for state and municipal needs, taking into account the ban on the admission of foreign office software for procurement purposes to ensure the real and municipal needs.

    7. State bodies and local governments are recommended to make changes to targeted programs., strategies, concepts and / or other documents providing medium and long-term priorities and / or informatization measures for the period up to 2020 inclusive and subsequent periods that fall within the established area of ​​competence of state or local self-government bodies, including the inclusion of the provisions and ( or) measures aimed at the priority use of Russian information and communication technologies, including the provisions and (or) measures for the transition to the use of domestic office software,

    11. In the case of planning the use of free software in the transition to the use of the domestic office software, it is recommended to use free software,information about which is included in the unified register of Russian programs for electronic computers and databases
    Pay attention:
    - We have already reached the municipal level! Those. just got into someone else's pocket, imported software was purchased in most cases not at the expense of the federal budget, but regional and municipal, and now you just need to throw it away (it turned out to be an incident when federal regulations, impose additional costs on budgets of other levels without providing intergovernmental transfers) .

    - touches Appendix 2 - timing and% transition to domestic operating systems - by 50% by 2020

    Order of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of Russia No. 334 of 06/29/2017
    "On approval of guidelines for the transfer of federal executive bodies and state extrabudgetary funds to the use of domestic office software , inthe number of previously purchased office software "

    Order of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of Russia No. 495 of September 25, 2017 " On Amending the Order of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation of June 29, 2017 No. 334 "On Approval of Guidelines for the Transfer of Federal Executive Bodies and State Extra-budgetary Funds on the use of domestic office software, including previously purchased office software ””
    Touching the replacement percentage and terms: Operating systems to 2020 -80% of domestic.

    Review of regulations - finished!

    Let's proceed to the analysis:

    The implication to import substitution was the threat of sanctions and, as it were, Russia's independence, but I, as a person with a normal Soviet technical education, still remember the “international division of labor”, “globalization”, “full production cycle”, “heavy engineering”.
    It feels like we realized that we could save Russia, but we don’t know how we do anything (we’re trying to pump out the sinking Titanic with a pump for mattresses). Software that only the top of the Iceberg wants to “import”, which rests on an elementary electronic base (> 99% of imported ), standards, protocols, firmware «firmware» and many other things - and also imported.

    It is necessary to touch the “evil burzhuinam” any of these pillars, the sense of our imitation and attempts in import substitution will be- ZERO. I fully agree that it is necessary to replace imports in certain areas, but why should ALL be strained with this struggle. It is imperative to protect (import substitute) Critical Information Systems (EIS), IT of the Armed Forces and cosmonautics - everything else, where there is “State Secret”, but the rest is “such a war” simply can not afford. And how little it is hard to believe that the CIA really wants to harm the local self-government of the city of Muhosranska, Zadripinskaya volost. On the ground, we will never succeed in squeezing the intrigues of the “bourgeois” into the threat model and conducting a risk analysis (without blowing up the brain and the budget). After a month-long analysis of the technical and software part of the import substitution project, the result turned out to be more than comforting.

    In my institution I can (and have done so far) only replacing the antivirus with KAV, the remaining 99% of the software is not replaceable thanks to GIS and other components of application systems that are not compatible with Russian Software (and not in words and slogans of developers with domestic handicrafts) ).

    At the moment, it is simply unrealistic to fulfill the plan for “operating systems”, and most importantly, it is useless - if you have ROSA, AltLinux, and other handicrafts of domestic manufacturers, “burzhuiny” can still dig deeper to spoil: BIOS, EFI, (iRMC-iLO - iDRAC-IPMI), FIRMWARE, RAID FW and other “bourgeois” software - and no import substitution will save. I have not seen something certified by FSTEC from NDV Firmware, can anyone come across?
    And the better our developers rework "the earlier bourgeois Open Source software," the less likely it is that it will rise and work with their "bourgeois" hardware and software. I didn’t see drivers and software either for ROSU or AltLinux (they are all native sources, and the zoo has one OS version 3 based on three different assemblies of * nix systems - this is only possible in Russia).

    On the domestic component base, the same question - the Elbrusa and Baikaly processors are also vulnerable due to the absence of Heavy Machinery - there is no domestic equipment for their production, with the sanctions we will remain without them.

    What are the compiler's own domestic OSs (also a kind of “Heavy engineering”) compiled? - I suppose, too, bourgeois?

    It seems that we are trying to hang the lock on the gate standing in the middle of the field, but there is no fence nearby.


    Since I did not succeed in solving “Import Substitution” in the current interpretation from the first time by technical means, I, as an official, can suggest another way: organizational measures in the same direction.

    I got some crazy sentences, maybe someone will complement them, correct them, support them :

    We, as customers and consumers, already have some restrictions and threats of punishment, I propose to mirror them to manufacturers (or they will have some privileges and no responsibility). If the developers are serious comrades, why are they so afraid of competition with imported software, I like A patriot will be glad if they do something so cool that the whole world wants to buy it. The current direction of movement leads us to a dead end as North Korea. From whom we want to isolate, there are no purely American companies, they are almost all transnational, and here we are with our bicycle with square wheels (which nobody needs except us).

    Manufacturers have already merged into the Association of Software Developers

    I propose that we both unite in order to legally defend our rights (including the right to survival).

    I propose to come out with a proposal to restrict the subjects to which compulsory decree 1594 of December 20, 2017 (and listed below) is limited to only owners of critical information systems and systems, where IT systems have “State”.

    Customers are required to purchase 15% or more from small businesses (but we ourselves are small).

    I propose to come out with a proposal to oblige developers to envisage for the Subjects of small state and municipal customers (SMGiMZ) with a staff of up to 25 people or a budget for their own needs of less than 100 million rubles. per year, editions of products of the type: (SMB, ROBO, Lite, Essential) with price proposals of similar import counterparts (as a percentage of the price of the EnterPrise editions, as with import counterparts).
    SMGiMZ with less than 10 people - FREE editions (for rural settlements), only support if necessary.
    (in fact, a larger number of offices, are far beyond the Moscow Ring Road and do not have a ministerial budget.) As a result, we will save the consolidated budget and much. Not all the “State” cares about the budget of one-day companies, which will re-brand imported Open Source.

    Since the initial plan provides for a simultaneous period of transition to domestic by all levels of the budget, and therefore the federal budget will not provide for interbudgetary transfers for 2018-2020 for the purposes of import substitution for regions and municipalities. After 2020, the federal needs for this direction to transfer money to subsidies to lower budgets for import substitution. In fact, these decrees (if they are not changed) get into the pockets of all the inhabitants of the country outside the Moscow Ring Road, instead of repairing schools and kindergartens, roads and other things, all your tax deductions to local budgets will be eaten by software replacement. It’s not realistic to replace in the short term what was purchased for decades on expensive Domestic toys, without significant budget losses (since there is so much money, they will be taken away from schools, gardens and other areas of spending local budgets).

    I propose to come up with a proposal to change the deadlines for regional replacement plans for 2021-2024. I

    propose to come up with a proposal to change the deadlines for municipal replacement plans for 2022-2025. I

    propose to leave the proposal to impose reduced prices for their Government-type products by the Developers (although they are all created by default for us, merchants are free to buy what they want, without any registry)

    I propose to come up with a proposal to impose significantly reduced prices on their products of type AE (for educational institutions) or for free for universities (in universities they still teach in C # and Delphi what place to tie this knowledge to Linux). I

    propose to come up with a proposal to impute Promo developers price their products at 50%, when replacing existing at the customer's license to import analogues

    suggest to come up with a proposal to impute developers Promo prices for their products at 30% when replacing licenses for proprietary software applications to imp rtnyh components for compatibility with the native operating system

    I propose to make a proposal to exclude from the register of the Ministry of Communications Developer 2020 have not fulfilled the conditions of Promo pricing and editions «Lite» for SMGiMZ

    I propose to come out with a proposal to transfer from the register of the Ministry of Communications of developers who sell their software only as OEM or as part of the PAC (and make a separate registry), so as not to put doubts into the “auditors” regarding the similarity of imported software solutions and domestic PACs declared as programs (about RAIDIX ) I

    propose to come out with a proposal to allocate new groups in the registry of the Ministry of Communications: Hypervisors, storage systems, DBMS. (which are not yet classified as OFFICE software) (check the functionality of domestic developments for compliance with the stated group, too many virtualization systems that the Gartner Magic Quadrant does not know) have

    your captain “Evidence”. And now the moral of the tale:


    If it goes on like this, the import sticks will soon end, and it’s not the Wolf that will eat the pigs, but their G ... m will be poured. even G ... doesn't stick to domestic sticks.

    Immediately apologize for the topic G, just boiling over.

    Only registered users can participate in the survey. Sign in , please.

    Who is for the initiative to change the legislation in terms of import substitution?

    • 48.2% It is necessary to change the "laws" and urgently 229
    • 4.2% Do not change, we will be able to implement the existing regulatory acts, without any problems 20
    • 25.8% I don't care 123
    • 21.6% The author went to the roof 103

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