Bash 5.0 Shell Released

bash 5.0, linux, open source

From analog to digital: several interesting designers and how to apply them in education / uKit Group's blog

transport, designers, children, gears, wooden model, minecraft, site building, tips and tricks

Lurkmorye removed from the list of banned sites

Lurk, Lurkmore, blocking, ILV, FSKN, the decision of the administration

Bitcoin value exceeded $ 2000

cryptocurrencies, bitcoin, finance, google trends

The copyright holders took up the mirrors of "Flibusta"

Flibusta, Flibusta, AZAPI, book burning, electronic library, freedom of information, blocking

Russian scientists are developing glass (safety glass) for LG smartphones

glass, ceramic, Gorilla Glass, RCTU, LG CHEM

Mayer leaves Yahoo !, the company changes its name to Altaba Inc. 

Yahoo !, Altaba, Verizon, purchase, dotcoms, company, deal, merger, brand

Tesla Autopilot: First Death

Tesla Motors, Model S, accident, accident, truck tractor, bright sky

The base of scientific articles by Sci-Hub is again available for residents of Russia

sci-hub, elbakyan, science, articles, paid subscription

Tesla Inc. became the most expensive car manufacturer in the USA

tesla, gm, car manufacturing, electric cars, market