SummaryJS: the most interesting of the world of JavaScript for the last week
Two weeks ago, I started hosting my JavaScript podcast. And every week I accumulate a large list of interesting articles, videos and news that would be interesting to share with the community. In this regard, I decided to try to lay out just such a set of interesting materials.
On Habré there are at least 2 weekly reviews of the world of the front-end. They are cool, but they write about the whole frontend. And I'm trying to pay more attention to JavaScript.
If you like it - write, I will continue. If not, write too.
Final videos
React in 7 minutes
JavaScript Jabber # 146
Asynchronous Programming: The End of The Loop
node v0.12.0
iojs 1.2.0
nw.js v0.12.0-alpha1
Node Summit
int64 is coming to JavaScript
Simple node.js code style tips to improve code quality
Exploring $ q And Scope $ digest Integration In AngularJS
Processing Binary Protocols with Client-Side JavaScript
Using ES6 with Angular today
Unwrapping JSON-P
Change detection in Angular 2
Patterns in AngularJS
Let’s Write Fast JavaScript
Destructuring and Recursion in ES6
Variables and scoping in ECMAScript 6
Iterating ES6 Numbers
How to start writing apps with ES6, Angular 1.x and JSPM
expert-es6 course
Non-blocking web fonts using LocalStorage
RegExp and Template Strings
io.js Week of February 6th 2015
60 FPS on the Mobile Web
Rebuilding HipChat with React.js
ReactJS: Advanced Performance
react-canvas - super-productive work with Canvas using React from the Flipboard service team
angular-virtual-dom - the virtual DOM, so popular in React, can be screwed to AngularJS using this
ambidex library - server rendering, modularity and hot loading. All this became possible thanks to React, Webpack and Reflux
vissense - tracking changes in the DOM
DarkLord - solving authentication problems in NodeJS
Cerebellum.js - isomorphic JavaScript
memory-stats.js - the size of the JavaScript memory used right on the
lz-string page - compression algorithm in JavaScript
ie8linter - checking a site for compatibility with IE8
css-statistics - the most relevant statistics on css in the
in-browser redis project - people have nothing to do and they just add Redis to the
6to5-sublime browser - ES6 and React support in Sublime
reapp - hybrid applications using React, Webpack and ECMAScript 2015
hubpress. io - GitHub Blogging Tool
WebStorm EAP 10
git 2.3.0
git 2.3.0 Habr
Esprima 2.0
Ember QUnit 0.2.x
ESLint 0.14.1
ember 1.10.0
AngularJS 1.4.0, beta 4
BrowserSync 2.0
JS1k - a competition where you need to make the coolest demo no larger than 1KB
On Habré there are at least 2 weekly reviews of the world of the front-end. They are cool, but they write about the whole frontend. And I'm trying to pay more attention to JavaScript.
If you like it - write, I will continue. If not, write too.
React conf
Final videos
Videos, Podcasts
React in 7 minutes
JavaScript Jabber # 146
Asynchronous Programming: The End of The Loop
node, iojs
node v0.12.0
iojs 1.2.0
nw.js v0.12.0-alpha1
Node Summit
int64 is coming to JavaScript
Simple node.js code style tips to improve code quality
Exploring $ q And Scope $ digest Integration In AngularJS
Processing Binary Protocols with Client-Side JavaScript
Using ES6 with Angular today
Unwrapping JSON-P
Change detection in Angular 2
Patterns in AngularJS
Let’s Write Fast JavaScript
Destructuring and Recursion in ES6
Variables and scoping in ECMAScript 6
Iterating ES6 Numbers
How to start writing apps with ES6, Angular 1.x and JSPM
expert-es6 course
Non-blocking web fonts using LocalStorage
RegExp and Template Strings
io.js Week of February 6th 2015
60 FPS on the Mobile Web
Rebuilding HipChat with React.js
ReactJS: Advanced Performance
Tools, libraries
react-canvas - super-productive work with Canvas using React from the Flipboard service team
angular-virtual-dom - the virtual DOM, so popular in React, can be screwed to AngularJS using this
ambidex library - server rendering, modularity and hot loading. All this became possible thanks to React, Webpack and Reflux
vissense - tracking changes in the DOM
DarkLord - solving authentication problems in NodeJS
Cerebellum.js - isomorphic JavaScript
memory-stats.js - the size of the JavaScript memory used right on the
lz-string page - compression algorithm in JavaScript
ie8linter - checking a site for compatibility with IE8
css-statistics - the most relevant statistics on css in the
in-browser redis project - people have nothing to do and they just add Redis to the
6to5-sublime browser - ES6 and React support in Sublime
reapp - hybrid applications using React, Webpack and ECMAScript 2015
hubpress. io - GitHub Blogging Tool
New versions
WebStorm EAP 10
git 2.3.0
git 2.3.0 Habr
Esprima 2.0
Ember QUnit 0.2.x
ESLint 0.14.1
ember 1.10.0
AngularJS 1.4.0, beta 4
BrowserSync 2.0
JS1k - a competition where you need to make the coolest demo no larger than 1KB
Only registered users can participate in the survey. Please come in.
Should I continue?
- 88.9% Go on, of course 577
- 4% No, I didn’t like the filling 26
- 7% No, enough of the other weeklies 46
Should I write a description for each link?
- 6.5% No, the link itself is enough 44
- 93.4% Yes, the details will not hurt 627