In the dark-dark room there is a dark-dark computer, and in it ... black lists!

Acting in the interests of children, we protect them from all sorts of negative information - educational institutions are obliged to provide Internet access with special software that filters content. Responsibility for the formation of a culture of media consumption in children lies with both parents and educational institutions that provide access to information.

Still, in the interests of children or in the interests of inspectors from the prosecutor’s office, do we organize systems for protecting school servers from incoming and outgoing traffic?

When checking prosecutors, they act within the framework of the law, requiring compliance with the law banning the viewing of sites available in the Unified Register. The register was approved by Law 139-FZ, which is an amendment to Law 436-FZ effective since September 1, 2012 on the protection of children from information. This law caused a wide resonance not only with the introduction of “black lists”, but also with the mandatory marking of printed, audio, video, Internet products - regulating the access of children of a certain age category to content.

Law 139-FZ is also called the “black lists” law, effective from November 1, 2012. In connection with the introduction of this amendment on the websiteRoskomnadzor there is a registry of sites whose viewing on the territory of our country is prohibited. From now on, all information products are classified.

All educational institutions working with minors are obliged to organize children's access to information in such a way that they do not see ahead of time what they are no longer required by law. Those. one of the tasks in the field of childhood protection is “ensuring information security” (the state of protection of children in which there is a risk associated with causing information to harm their health and physical, mental, spiritual, moral development). First of all, this, of course, concerns Internet content.

In addition to indicating age marking, the amendment also instructs to take organizational and technical protection measures when accessing the Internet .

The amendment to the law introduces a unified information base of domain names and network addresses with sites containing information prohibited for distribution on the territory of our country. The base is approved by Roskomnadzor, and all proxy servers installed in schools also contain this base, which is regularly updated.

The system of measures works in a complex: legal norms - orientation to the Register, organizational norms - labeling, and technical - blocking of inappropriate content when certified software and a well-built architecture come to the rescue, providing control and accounting of incoming and outgoing traffic, network screen and proxy -servers, protection against viruses , spam.

It’s convenient when, in addition to the proxy server, the system also has a plug-in for content analysis such as NetPolice, which filters the content of sites by the keywords you set. The content filtering module is based on a system for excluding access to Internet resources that is incompatible with the tasks of upbringing and education (SID), which was introduced by CAIR in 2006-2008 in more than 60,000 Russian schools. It allows you to create rules for blocking categories (including according to category lists recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation), block access to resources from the black list of Roskomnadzor, analyze by URL and words on the page, and display reports and statistics.

To summarize, I want to draw a parallel - putting the filtering module when accessing the Internet, you act formally within the framework of the law; acting in the interests of the child, you not only teach your child the skills of safe surfing on the Internet, but also provide a content analysis of incoming data.

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