Sign up with a hairdresser at Amazon: an online store is preparing a trip to the services market

    While eBay has problems , Amazon plans to try its hand as a local business service provider: nannies (of course, about America), handymen, hairdressers, and so on.

    The Reuters news agency claims that Amazon has already negotiated with local service companies in Seattle and San Francisco, and service can be launched in these cities by the end of the year. It is expected that the company will follow the scheme tested at the opening of the delivery service from Amazon Fresh stores : first, long-term testing and adjustment of the service within a couple of cities, and then expansion to the entire US.

    Reuters writes that entering the local services market was a long-standing goal of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos: he personally invested in another Seattle- based startup, , which specializes in finding professional artists, which was founded by former Amazon CEO Matt Williams. By the way, they have a rather interesting site - I recommend taking a look .

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