Github to scientists: DOI for repositories and preferential academic accounts

    The github continues to expand its field of application - the company management sees the github in the future not only as a tool for programmers, but also as a universal repository of any text data. It already has repositories in which books, bills are written, and statistics are published. And last week, it became possible to assign a DOI to any of your repositories . This will allow you to refer to data or code from the Github repositories in scientific papers and articles in a way generally accepted in the scientific community.

    DOI (Digital Object Identifier) ​​in science is an analogue of ISBN in book publishing or URLs on the Internet. Opportunity to assign DOI repository implemented in partnership with Zenodo- A site that serves as a kind of file sharing for scientists. Any file uploaded to the Zenodo server is assigned a DOI. With the integration configured, each release in the Github repository will be automatically uploaded to Zenodo and will receive DOI.

    Another innovation - preferential tariff plans for scientists and students appeared on Github. If you register an account with an academic email, you can request a free Micro tariff plan (5 private repositories) for individual users or Silver (20 private repositories) for organizations.

    Source: Github official blog .

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