Megaphone - not a customer-oriented company or down with O'Light
Everyone probably remembers the excitement when this tariff plan appeared, the minute of the call and SMS to any Moscow operator for one cent, then the price was raised but not very much to 3 cents and at the same time they gave a bonus in the form of “every incoming minute = 1 cent”. Freebie and just do not care that you need to buy extension cards. The price of it grew along with its popularity. Then it was removed from sale and speculators got down to business, they sold the tariff from 1.5k to 3k (the peak of popularity).
I got my O'Light from my brother, because he was given a corporate sim card. Then the time came when the megaphone converted everything into rubles and 3 cents became approximately 87 kopecks, which is also not bad, as compared to the other participants of the “big three” who asked about 2.5 rubles, then the time came when the fee for incoming calls was canceled from city phones and the cost per minute of conversation raised as much as 1.2 rubles. Not very much raised, only 1 cent. Then the tariff went to the archive and it was impossible to switch to it at all.
So I lived with this Olight, for several years, until I got a job in a large company, where I was given a corporate rate. I did not throw out the SIM card megaphone, too many people knew the number and I carried 2 phones with me, receiving incoming calls and SMS from the megaphone.
As it turned out later, the megaphone has a clause in the agreement (4.15) that obliges you to perform paid actions, otherwise they delete the number. Here is part of the conversation with the operator of the company (O - operator):
I: - Hello, I’m calling my number, but they answer me that it is no longer serviced, what should I do?
A: - dictate your number, please.
Me: - 926 ... A
: - yes, your number has been deleted.
Me: - How, for what? Do I use it?
A: - Yes, but you did not make paid calls for 3 months, so we removed you.
Me: - Why didn’t you warn me before disconnecting?
A: - We have 6 million subscribers and we should not contact each one.
Me: - But you know that I use a number, I receive incoming calls and SMS, Simka is constantly registered on the network and you have a robot that constantly checks less active subscribers. I need my number and my plan.
A: - I think they can return the number to you if you write an application at one of our offices, but the tariff plan will not be returned to you, because it is in the archive.
Me: - It turns out that you turn off everyone and then already understand? Are you not a customer oriented company?
A: - As I said, we can’t call everyone.
So I understand. Megaphone began to fight with a freebie, at the first opportunity to take it. Let them take the number, now my attitude towards the megaphone has changed for the worse.
I got my O'Light from my brother, because he was given a corporate sim card. Then the time came when the megaphone converted everything into rubles and 3 cents became approximately 87 kopecks, which is also not bad, as compared to the other participants of the “big three” who asked about 2.5 rubles, then the time came when the fee for incoming calls was canceled from city phones and the cost per minute of conversation raised as much as 1.2 rubles. Not very much raised, only 1 cent. Then the tariff went to the archive and it was impossible to switch to it at all.
So I lived with this Olight, for several years, until I got a job in a large company, where I was given a corporate rate. I did not throw out the SIM card megaphone, too many people knew the number and I carried 2 phones with me, receiving incoming calls and SMS from the megaphone.
As it turned out later, the megaphone has a clause in the agreement (4.15) that obliges you to perform paid actions, otherwise they delete the number. Here is part of the conversation with the operator of the company (O - operator):
I: - Hello, I’m calling my number, but they answer me that it is no longer serviced, what should I do?
A: - dictate your number, please.
Me: - 926 ... A
: - yes, your number has been deleted.
Me: - How, for what? Do I use it?
A: - Yes, but you did not make paid calls for 3 months, so we removed you.
Me: - Why didn’t you warn me before disconnecting?
A: - We have 6 million subscribers and we should not contact each one.
Me: - But you know that I use a number, I receive incoming calls and SMS, Simka is constantly registered on the network and you have a robot that constantly checks less active subscribers. I need my number and my plan.
A: - I think they can return the number to you if you write an application at one of our offices, but the tariff plan will not be returned to you, because it is in the archive.
Me: - It turns out that you turn off everyone and then already understand? Are you not a customer oriented company?
A: - As I said, we can’t call everyone.
So I understand. Megaphone began to fight with a freebie, at the first opportunity to take it. Let them take the number, now my attitude towards the megaphone has changed for the worse.