The most useful mobile development conference

    When designing AppsConf 2018,  we set a high bar for ourselves - to make the most useful mobile development conference. Finally, to find out whether our plans turned out, we invite you to the Infospace on October 8 and 9 . But I, as a witness to the preliminary runs and the owner of insider information, I can promise - it will be cool. In confirmation of these words, below is a story about top reports.

    But first, let's clarify the concept of utility in the context of a mobile development conference. Wikipedia says that the usefulness of a good or product is its ability to satisfy a human need. And also, that utility can be divided into objective and subjective. We decided subjectively: the participants need three types of reports to get maximum benefit.

    • Applied reports . These are the knowledge and skills that you can even go tomorrow and apply in your work . Such speeches can be done only by great specialists in this field who thoroughly understand the problem and are ready to share a solution.
    • Hardcore reports . Deep knowledge, which can be gleaned from such a report, will not be given to everyone and, at first glance, is not necessary for everyone. But the speakers will definitely make you listen with your mouth open , because nobody will tell you about this except for them.
    • HYIP reports . This is not necessarily a story on the fashionable topic of augmented reality, but rather a speech that provokes discussion and a desire to discuss the issue in detail with colleagues later.

    Balancing in such a division into species, plus, of course, by subject, the Program Committee also selected reports. On topics everything is pretty traditional: iOS and  Android development , platform-independent issues (for example, a report on business logic in C ++) and  General themes . The latter includes everything in the mobile field: how to interview mobile developers, how to become Head of mobile, how to organize a huge team ( Maxim Efimov from Uber will tell about this ) and more.

    Yes, the name General - not so hot, but with the designations of the rooms pokreativili :) Here, with a stretch can be attributed to the report of Vadim Bashurov, the author of the very game “Field of Miracles”, which was born earlier than many readers. Vadim will tell funny and sad stories about the development of computer games in the evening of the first day. The  theses promise answers to any questions, most of them, I think, will be asked already on the afterparty.

    Let's go over some reports now. I note that below they are arranged chronologically, and not in order of importance, because everyone will determine it.

    The evolution of CI in the mobile development team (12:00, October 8)

    Nikolay Nesterov
    Nikolai Nesterov promises an insight into the history of continuous integration development in the Avito mobile development team. Moreover, in specific performance indicators: how many builds per day, how many errors, etc.

    Author, write less. Kotlin for development in iOS and Android (14:00, October 8)

    Nikolai IgottiMost likely, you have already heard reports about Kotlin / Native at other mobile conferences. This time there are two differences: Kotlin / Native can already be started to use, the author Kotlin / Native will confirm .

    Nikolai Igotti will help you understand the principles of the language, tell you how compilation issues, memory management and binders are solved, will show many real examples. The report focuses more on developing for iOS and Kotlin / Native, since this side of mobile development using Kotlin is less known to the general public. In general, this is a great opportunity to elicit from the author of the language his future plans and current lifehacks.

    Interviewing mobile developers. Both sides of the barricades (15:00, October 8)

    Alexander ChernyThe head of mobile development at Pandao, Alexander Cherny, wants to talk about interviews, and the fact that mobile developers are not so important. Often after them, the opinions of the interviewer and the candidate are very different. Let's see why this happens, and let's talk how both of them are better prepared for the meeting.

    Library development: from API to public release (5:00 pm, October 8)

    Asya SviridenkoAsya Sviridenko will devote us in particular to the development of a mobile library on the example of YandexSpeechKit. Her  report will be useful not only for developers of frameworks , but also for those who want to separate parts of their project into separate modules or share their best practices with other developers.

    Following the genuine stories from the life of YandexSpeechKit let's talk about the features and pitfalls when designing the library API . We learn what to look for when writing code and testing, what post-production is waiting for the library developer, and much more. Details in the  video invitations from Asi, and in the end - a heart :)

    Design by Contract (10:00, October 9)

    Graham leeGraham Lee is widely known in the iOS world, for example, for speeches and books about TDD, but the report on AppsConf will be universal and  suitable for Android developers . Graham explores how to design complex systems properly, take advantage of OOP, apply design to contracts. Graham's report will be devoted to contracts, that is, descriptions of what this class does . We learn how contracts help develop and be confident in the quality of the system design.

    Breaking the Monolith @ (10:00, October 9)

    Ishan khannaWe all know about the benefits of a modular approach to the application architecture. But it is necessary to take up the real sawing of the monolith, and everything turns out to be not so simple. Ishan Khanna, in his report on AppsConf, tells how 60 Android developers on fought with Legacy and eventually got a tenfold speedup of the build.

    When SOLID is unsound (11:00, October 9)

    Alexander SychevAlexander Sychev plans to discuss the five basic principles of object-oriented programming and the limits of their applicability. After all, it is possible to say about each pattern or principle that its observance does not guarantee the automatic correctness of the code, at the same time, its non-observance is a problem.

    How to write an Android application in one Activity (12:00, October 9)

    Konstantin TskhovrebovAnd, most importantly, why Konstantin Tskhovrebov from RedMadRobot will tell you to do this . We find out what is single-activity better than multy-activity, and then we will understand the implementation details:

    • how to build DI-scopes for optimal memory usage;
    • how to build navigation , so as not to go crazy;
    • how to handle deep-link'i;
    • how to make a common BottomNavigationBar (and other common elements);
    • how to divide the application into modules.

    And other difficult moments.

    How to speed up the Internet or optimization of applications in mobile networks (14:00, October 9)

    Alexander TobolThe report of Alexander Tobol from Odnoklassniki, as the name implies, will be devoted to the problems of applications in mobile networks. Many developers accept the network as a given and do not optimize applications for a bad channel. And  Alexander’s report will offer options for optimizing channel utilization, both by simple tuning of the TCP stack , and by complex ways of switching to  UDP .
    Let us: head- of- line blocking , forward error correction, fast retransmit vs  negative ack , the MTU discovery, IPMigration, packet pacer ... and many, many details on the topic of transferring video or photos in an unstable network.

    Total integration of the application into the Google ecosystem (4 pm, 9 October)

    Denis NeklyudovDenis Neklyudov (Lyft) will talk about the total integration of the application into the Google ecosystem: push-notifications in the application, interactive search results in the launcher, assistant and “Share” menu , actions in the contact book, your own action for the voice assistant, an app for WearOS watches , an application for Android TV  - that is truly total!

    Mathematical Fundamentals Auto Layout (16:00, October 9)

    Anton SergeevAuto Layout is a very slow layout tool , while Apple continues to develop it and doesn’t seem to offer alternatives. Anton Sergeev from Yandex believes that if the technology seems counterintuitive, then you just need to sort out its internal structure in detail. In the course of Anton’s report, we will  learn to understand Auto Layout . We will understand what problem he solves and how he does it. We will understand when it should not be used. And most importantly, let's learn how to “design constraints”, and not “fit constraints to the answer.”


    As a retreat. The competition for the reports was unreal , it took us several weeks to resolve all the contradictions. It was necessary to make the program balanced, so, for example, I had to reject a lot of really cool testing topics. It was a great pity, but taking one track entirely with testing was not part of our plans. Maybe another time ...

    But even this year four speakers will talk about the importance of testing: Xavier F. Gouchet , Dmitry Gryazin , Vladislav Alekseev , and  Anton Malinsky .

    In addition to reports, Vladislav and Anton, having enlisted the support of Android architect from Avito Dmitry VoroninOn October 9, at 3:00 pm, they organize a round table, where they will discuss UI testing and talk about crutches that are found in their work.

    Mitapas and activity

    By the way, about mitapah! Mitap  is a cool format, so that in a more informal setting, not only come up with your own vision of the problem, but also immediately collect feedback . Anyone can apply for a mitap, if there is still a free slot and the topic seems interesting to the participants, then for an hour you will have at your disposal an audience with a projector and a blackboard and interesting interviewees to boot. Dialog formats, trainings, holivars, workshops are welcome.

    I hope you could make a general impression, and now go to see the full version of the schedule . There are already four streams, and all about mobile development!

    See you soon!

    If you do not have tickets, then you will not lose them. But you won’t lose tickets to AppsConf, so there’s nothing to decide here, you just need to book .

    Look at our YouTube channel on mobile development to refresh the reports of past years and see what will happen this time. To be aware of everything at once: the program, transcripts, new videos - subscribe to the thematic newsletter .

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