Unified interface for managing advertising on the site

    Monetizing your own project is always a challenge. The easiest option is to put a teaser advertisement or context on it, and watch how much money gets in your pocket. But this same option is often disappointing - earning is not worth the effort to acquire it. Is teaser / contextual advertising bad for site monetization? Most likely, you just do not know how to cook it.

    Depending on the nature of your traffic, its sources and composition, the profitability of an advertising network will change.

    How do you decide which advertising network to connect? Most likely, first you think of Yandex.Direct or Google Adsense. Or maybe you need to connect a banner network - some kind of Market Guide or TeaserNet? And how to choose from them? ..

    It would be much simpler if the webmaster had the opportunity to connect all advertising systems at once, and manage them from one window, comparing their profitability.

    ▌For this, we came up with AdvertOne (“Adverton”)

    Our system is the same “one window”: we support working with 26 different advertising networks, including TeaserNet, Google Adsence, Yandex.Direct, Market Gid, Medianet, PayClick, GlobalTeaser, Direct / ADVERT, VisitWeb, BodyClick, AdSyst, "Recreative ”,“ Gnezdo.ru ”, as well as all popular advertising formats, including banners 240x400, 728x90, 198x260, context, teaser and others.

    This is our friendly interface.

    ▌How it works

    1. You take the ad unit code for each ad network you want to test
    2. Copy them into the form of creating an advertising container in your account in AdvertOne.
      Of course, for the comparison to be correct, you need to choose the same theme, format and other key parameters of the ads (for example, 240x400 banners, tourism or a context on the theme of “children's clothing, Moscow”)
    3. Add additional settings - slider, glowing borders, shaking ads, zoom effect and snowflakes
      The harsh truth of the advertising market: the more annoying advertising methods sometimes turn out to be more effective. As the owner of the resource, you decide where to draw the line in the ratio of comfort for users and the profitability of your resource. But keep in mind that for advertising Yandex or Google the use of "special effects" is prohibited by the rules and can lead to a ban.
    4. The code of the created container is placed on your website
    5. All ad networks will rotate within this block.
    6. All that remains for you is to compare advertising revenue, turning off less profitable and leaving more profitable systems

    ▌A / B testing

    Having decided which ad network brings the most money for 1000 impressions, you can start looking for the perfect selling formula.

    Not necessarily the most beneficial context. It depends on the parameters and traffic sources of your site: teaser advertising works better for a younger audience. If visitors from a certain search engine prevail, the corresponding context will be more effective, since it takes into account their query history.

    In the same ad unit, you no longer place ads of different systems, but experiment with the possible settings of the selected one: for example, change the subject, fonts, add and remove images, and so on - as far as the settings of the advertising network allow - as long as the advertising efficiency and your earnings from it will not become maximum.

    ▌If necessary, repeat

    Having found the ideal formula, you can, for example, again run the ads of other systems in rotation to find out if something has changed and adjust your policy if necessary.

    ▌Support for virtually any code

    In addition to the list of guaranteed supported advertising networks, our functionality is suitable for almost any teaser, banner and contextual advertising, including the “dark horse” of the advertising market - RTB . We have not tested the RTB network codes specifically yet, but there are no fundamental contraindications for them, so if you are already eager to check the capabilities of modern online advertising technologies, you can try adding the code of the RTB block or any other advertising network you need to the rotation. If problems arise, we will only be grateful for the feedback .

    ▌ Pitfalls

    AdvertOne is not the “Make Money” button yet (“bye” - because we are already working on it, seriously).

    • For technical reasons, which we will talk about later, we do not offer the management of all your registrations in one place. Those. in order to connect, for example, to the Adsense and Medianet Direct, you will need to register there and create a code that you will then transfer to your personal account on the site.
    • You look at the statistics of advertising spin-off on our website, but the amount of money earned still remains in your personal account on the website of the corresponding network

    Nevertheless, Adverton offers a very necessary functionality:

    1. Dozens of ad networks in one ad unit provide an opportunity for an objective comparison of their effectiveness - because if you just put two ad units next to it, for example Yandex and Google, then the objectivity of the comparison will already be violated, because both the location and the fact of having more ad units will affect clickthrough rate. Unscrewing them in one block makes the conditions of the experiment chemically clean - you find the optimal result for your site.
    2. Additional visual effects to promote teaser ad networks increase clickthrough rate
    3. Moreover, your money is only yours. We do not wedge into the process of settlements with your ad network and do not take away any fees - our service is absolutely free.

    And as a result, the profitability of advertising grows significantly. Now through "Adverton" unscrew more than a million impressions per day at 150 sites. The average increase in efficiency is about 30% per month. As our own experience has shown, using A / B testing, income from 1000 unique users can be increased by 2-3 times in a few months. A little automation with our help - and you will not monetize your site blindly, but knowing exactly where the money is. The larger your resource - the more income.

    ▌Our plans

    Of course, we plan to earn. Having accumulated statistics, we will launch a system of automatic traffic analysis and maximization of income - the same “Make Money" button, the algorithm that we are currently developing. The subscription fee for its use will depend on the number of impressions we turn off. However, the current functionality will remain free. And therefore ...

    ▌ try it soon: advertone.ru/account/registration

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