LinkMeUp. Issue 12. Family of 802.11 standards and Wi-Fi networks

    The second year of the podcast's life begins with a guest from Irkutsk - Ilya Chernikov .

    The main topic of the podcast is WiFi. We discuss its versions, the underlying technologies and some details of the protocols. If you are unfamiliar with the words MIMO, OFDM, WiFi controller, then ask for the podcast.

    Download the podcast file .
    Unfortunately, Slideshare for some reason cannot load the sound for the presentation, so the slides are separate, the podcast is separate.

    Release News:

    1. The largest DDoS attack in the history of networks (400 Gb / s from NTP servers) ( link ).

    2. The record for data transmission speed in a real environment - 1.4Tbit / s - was set by Alcatel-Lucent in the British Telecommunications network ( link ).

    3. Slide into the last century. Four of the casket want to ban foreign communication equipment ( link ) in Russia .

    4. MDIF wants to launch into space thousands of small cubic satellites and cover the entire planet with a WiFi network ( link ).

    You can download the presentation of Ilya Chernikov on WiFi and DLink equipment here .

    Against the background, the mix The_Winter_Anomaly_2014 was used .

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