Failover Cluster Hyper-V 2012
I note right away that many who have come across Microsoft virtualization will not find anything new for themselves - this is a small guide to creating a cluster based on Hyper-V 2012 with some subtleties regarding a specific configuration.
So what we have:
According to MS , it is desirable to have the same SAS controllers, with the same drivers and firmware, on all nodes of the cluster.
We will also need:
It is important to note that for the control PC, windows 7 will not work, because some RSAT functionality for win 7 does not work with servers of the 2012 family.
Download Hyper-V Server 2012, you need free registration, and in any way convenient for you, put it on our two servers. Let me remind you that we are using the Core version, as We do not need a GUI on the server.
We configure the network
In the server console, go to the command line and then in Powershell, with the same command, combine all 4 interfaces into one logical interface and set the LACP combining mode:
On the switches, we also combine the necessary ports in Port-Channel with LACP support and enable trunk on it:
After that, in the list of network adapters on the server, our new Team interface will be visible in the Up status:
And the status of the timing:
Further, through the pseudo-graphic menu, you can assign IP settings, enable remote control, enter into the domain. After rebooting, it will be possible to use a convenient workplace and do everything remotely using our PC / laptop with Win 8 / 8.1 on board.
We install RSAT using the link above, turn on the Hyper-V component in the control panel - programs, and we can already control the hypervisor, but we need a cluster.
Create a cluster
Because Server Manager snap-in, add our server, and we can see all the information on them from there also are connecting powershell'om to the server and add the failover cluster:
After that, from the snap Failover Manager to create a cluster through the GUI or through PS:
Configure shared storage
We select two LUNa in the storage, one for virtual machines, the second for quorum (1GB). We
initialize these two disks on the servers through the disk manager, convert them to GPT and format, you can not assign letters.
For the cluster test to accept these disks, you need to change the bus type from RAID to SAS, ( HP Source ) you need to change the BusType parameter from 8 to A in the registry along the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ hpcisss2 \ Parameters \
It is also necessary to install MPIO from Microsoft :
We add SAS support in the mpiocpl snap-in and after rebooting in the disk manager LUNs will not double if the server is connected by two SAS cables.
After these manipulations, you can add disks in the failover manager snap-in, there we also make a quorum from the added disk.
Create a virtual switch
Using the Hyper-V snap-in, create an external virtual switch and check the box “Allow the managing OS to provide access to the adapter”, we don’t set Vlan. The same thing via PS:
In the virtual machines themselves, we can add several network adapters with the same virtual switch but with different Vlan.
That's all, then you can create virtual machines and put them on shared storage, I remind you that the shared drive is mounted in the folder C: \ ClusterStorage \ Volume1 \
So what we have:
- Two servers with an external SAS port and 4-port network card
- HP P2000 G3 SAS Disk Storage
- The switch, or rather two on the stack, with LACP support, in my case, is a stack of two Cisco 2960S
According to MS , it is desirable to have the same SAS controllers, with the same drivers and firmware, on all nodes of the cluster.
We will also need:
- AD Domain
- A computer or laptop in a domain with Windows 8 or 8.1 installed for management
- Remote Server Administration Tools - RSAT for windows 8 or 8.1
It is important to note that for the control PC, windows 7 will not work, because some RSAT functionality for win 7 does not work with servers of the 2012 family.
Download Hyper-V Server 2012, you need free registration, and in any way convenient for you, put it on our two servers. Let me remind you that we are using the Core version, as We do not need a GUI on the server.
We configure the network
In the server console, go to the command line and then in Powershell, with the same command, combine all 4 interfaces into one logical interface and set the LACP combining mode:
New-NetLbfoTeam –Name Team –TeamMembers “ethernet 2”,“ethernet 3”,“ethernet 4”,“ethernet 5”
Set-NetLbfoTeam -Name Team –TeamingMode LACP
On the switches, we also combine the necessary ports in Port-Channel with LACP support and enable trunk on it:
Switch(config-if)#switchport mode trunk
Switch(config-if)#channel-group 1 mode active
After that, in the list of network adapters on the server, our new Team interface will be visible in the Up status:
PS C:\Users\administrator> Get-NetAdapter
Name InterfaceDescription ifIndex Status
---- -------------------- ------- ------
Team Microsoft Network Adapter Multiplexo... 24 Up
Ethernet 5 HP Ethernet 1Gb 4-port 366i Adapter #4 16 Up
Ethernet 3 HP Ethernet 1Gb 4-port 366i Adapter #2 14 Up
Ethernet 4 HP Ethernet 1Gb 4-port 366i Adapter #3 15 Up
Ethernet 2 HP Ethernet 1Gb 4-port 366i Adapter 13 Up
And the status of the timing:
PS C:\Users\administrator> Get-NetLbfoTeam
Name : Team
Members : {Ethernet 4, Ethernet 2, Ethernet 5, Ethernet 3}
TeamNics : Team
TeamingMode : Lacp
LoadBalancingAlgorithm : TransportPorts
Status : Up
Further, through the pseudo-graphic menu, you can assign IP settings, enable remote control, enter into the domain. After rebooting, it will be possible to use a convenient workplace and do everything remotely using our PC / laptop with Win 8 / 8.1 on board.
We install RSAT using the link above, turn on the Hyper-V component in the control panel - programs, and we can already control the hypervisor, but we need a cluster.
Create a cluster
Because Server Manager snap-in, add our server, and we can see all the information on them from there also are connecting powershell'om to the server and add the failover cluster:
Install-WindowsFeature Failover-Clustering
Install-WindowsFeature RSAT-Clustering-PowerShell
After that, from the snap Failover Manager to create a cluster through the GUI or through PS:
New-Cluster –Name HV-Cluster –Node Srv01,Srv02 –StaticAddress
Configure shared storage
We select two LUNa in the storage, one for virtual machines, the second for quorum (1GB). We
initialize these two disks on the servers through the disk manager, convert them to GPT and format, you can not assign letters.
For the cluster test to accept these disks, you need to change the bus type from RAID to SAS, ( HP Source ) you need to change the BusType parameter from 8 to A in the registry along the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ hpcisss2 \ Parameters \
It is also necessary to install MPIO from Microsoft :
Install-WindowsFeature Multipath-IO
We add SAS support in the mpiocpl snap-in and after rebooting in the disk manager LUNs will not double if the server is connected by two SAS cables.
After these manipulations, you can add disks in the failover manager snap-in, there we also make a quorum from the added disk.
Create a virtual switch
Using the Hyper-V snap-in, create an external virtual switch and check the box “Allow the managing OS to provide access to the adapter”, we don’t set Vlan. The same thing via PS:
New-VMSwitch “Lan” –NetAdapterName “Team” –AllowManagementOS:$True
In the virtual machines themselves, we can add several network adapters with the same virtual switch but with different Vlan.
That's all, then you can create virtual machines and put them on shared storage, I remind you that the shared drive is mounted in the folder C: \ ClusterStorage \ Volume1 \