A tricky way to create an animated jpeg

Today, he successfully carried out his experiment in compressing GIFs. I have long been annoyed by the lack of a special format for compressing animated files. As so, there is a gif, but there is no animated jpeg, although jpeg is suitable for most existing gifs.
From the existing solutions, mine differs in that it is one svg file that can be inserted on the page through the tag.
Under the habrakat is a compressed version of this gif tfirma.name/public/leprosorium.ru/cosss_gif/0004w00e.gif
The original weighs 6 megabytes, compressed version - 1.3 megabytes.
Caution! This solution has a significant drawback, which is expressed in high processor load (about 25%). This happens only during file download, about 1-2 seconds, then everything returns to normal.
It works very simply. A large sprite is made in jpeg format. Inside svg, the sprite is pasted into base64. Animation happens by means of svg. No scripts.
Of the minuses, only this bug with processor loading + unsupported svg format by some browsers.
The brakes are probably related to base64 decoding and (at least for me) do not cause much inconvenience.
The advantages are obvious (compared to gif): faster loading, color depth is not limited to 256 colors, which in turn avoids the effect of posterization, writing a collector in this “format” is a fairly simple task.
I would like to receive a feedback on the topic of take off / not take off, possible improvements + just to amuse my FAQ :)