Festival as a game. Taxonomy IT
For further narrative it is very important that I have been playing games since childhood. In the 11th grade, the school could hardly tell the ore deposits of the Novosibirsk Region, but could easily draw from memory a map of the Valley of Mines on Khorinis (Gothic 1). In the fall of 2012, he left the position of the Jimist timlid to cut a mobile MMO RPG as a PHP junior.
Why am I all this?
Recently I went to the website of the Techtrain festival to read, why go there. The page looked like a picture above.
With trembling hands, immediately drinking a bottle of health, I proceeded to digest the information. Something in this “reason to go” typology is subtly familiar.
Oh yeah, Bartle's psycho ! Let me remind you that, about 30 years ago, a professor at the University of Essex, Richard Alan Bartl, came up with how to divide players into several psycho-types, and based on this, he started one of the first multiplayer games - MUD (Multi-User Dungeon).

Detailed article about it is easy to find on Habré or DTF . This is such a dupe that you should not stop at this.
At its core, psycho-types are a very rigid system, resulting from the intersection of two axes of coordinates, and therefore not even providing extensions. It is clear that the real world is tough, and in modern MMO players segmentation is much thinner.
Let's look at the original causes as they look through the PTSD of anyone who has gone through endless network wars.
If you read Habr and get to this post, it is highly likely that you are a researcher.
Researchers are those who like to study the world (in games - the virtual world and the game universe) and try to understand everything. Not only in what is needed for victory, but in everything .
It is because of you, my dear ones, that the conference program has to be reconciled for months and forced the speakers to lick the reports even in the most hard-to-reach places. There will definitely be a person who will look at all the reports in general and try to understand everything said and drawn on the slides.
In February 2017, there was a lecture at the Graduate School of Business Informatics, in which data jumped that the researchers were the least monetized audience.
IMHO, the previous article “Almost everything is the same, only 10 times cheaper”, Alexey wrote just for researchers. The fact is that researchers have a problem - all this costs both money and time. Researchers are not greedy, but they are physically unable to go to all relevant conferences in the world. The reduced cost allows not to choose between the ChaosConstructions (which was last week) and Techtrain, but to go to both festivals at once, having gone to the budget.
If you are a researcher, you will appreciate one more Techtrain chip: all speakers and their presentations at other conferences could well be keynoats. I will explain in a few words the difference between keyout and a regular report. Keynouts are opening and closing. The opening ones are needed to set the spirit and meaning of the upcoming conference. Closing ones are needed to sum up the experience gained. Usually, the brightest and capacious reports are selected as keyouts, which then inevitably receive top marks from the participants. In Techtrain, the entire program consists of such people and reports.
This is a direct sense concentrate, as if trying to dry a bag of Yupi for a dry one.
Heading "Useless Facts". Yuppie stands for Young Urban Professional, a young urban professional. Youth subculture whose representatives lead a conformist generally accepted way of life of a person of modern Western society. Yuppi have a high-paying job, they prefer business style in clothes, they follow fashion, they visit fitness centers. The main criterion of belonging to "yuppie" - success.
Of course, all reports do not go. Reports 48, and only two days. But there will be videos. Records makes sense to watch.
Everyone has at least one friend who, without hesitation, says why he goes to festivals or conferences. For example: "I am going to find a better job . " Or, "I'm going to find the best Python specialist . " Better than everyone else. These are people who clearly know their interests, intend to achieve them at all costs and love to do it.
In computer games, killers are the most monetized audience. People with this psychotype are usually given various buns (premium accounts, for example), which allow you to achieve exactly what they want. On the TT, of course, there is nothing like that. Tickets are only divided into categories Junior / Senior / Business (the first two differ in the age of the participant, the latter makes it possible to pay from the legal person on the account). All very honest.
Fortunately, the rest of the infrastructure can help the killers. For example, if you decided to find a job, then there are only officially registered companies - 19 pieces for every taste, and yet there will be the most important thing - all other visitors working in a pile of IT companies that can be called for dialogue and achieve the desired results. Tools are there, then everything depends on your skill.
Killers love competitions, tournaments and ratings. This allows them to feel alive, visually see their superiority. Do you know who else loves competition? Companies that put up stands at the exhibition.
What can you do at the company booth?
I will not list all companies at all, because their number is unimaginable. I'll take the first two randomly.
SKB Kontur
First day:
"Blind code." All you have is a keyboard and keys. Separately. And, of course, the task that needs to be programmed. Try to do it the fastest!
"Decoder". You need to show your knowledge in ciphers and find out which words are encrypted. Complete several rounds and participate in the lottery!
On the second day:
- "IT-crossword." It's simple: it is a crossword puzzle, in which words from the world of IT are made. For all the guessed words you can participate in the lottery.
At this booth, you can test your horizons and ingenuity in the IT-quiz, compete for company prizes.
You should upgrade yourself not only mentally, but also physically, by developing a sense of balance on a balance board.
For fans of football, IT-technology and everything unusual at this booth will be a cyber attraction that has no analogues - Robofootball.
But in general, this is a bench for networking. Here you can learn about the latest projects and the atmosphere in the company from the experts of the company. The team will even have a sociable robot, which you can ask 100 and 1 question about KROK, or charge your gadgets.
Social workers
Social workers are those participants who consider the process of communication with other participants, speakers, representatives of companies, and so on, to be considered more important than watching reports or trying to win prizes on stands (solving coder tasks of mind-blowing complexity).
These are people who go to events to see and be seen by others. If any competitions make sense, then competitions in popularity, they bring real pleasure. How does Baruh Sadogursky like to joke, “vanity and marketing”, putting vanity in the first place.
Techtrain is a “festival”, not a “conference”. This is an important difference. The reports here are really not the main thing. There will be a lot of participants, a really huge crowd of people. There will be communities ( 22 officially registered ). The site is now announced a list of 19 companies.
Social workers are usually the most active members of communities. They do not need to be taught what to do, so guests are dear - let's raise traffic!
Who are careerists in the games - it is clear, these are comrades who have collected the maximum number of achivok, who have bought all the most legendary skins that have given the most rare and expensive resources.
For conferences, everything is more complicated, because in the real world it is much harder to collect achivki. It takes more time, you need to walk more with your feet, spend more money. Weak to walk in general at all specialized conferences in Moscow during the year? But the reward is appropriate.
As part of the Techtrain, there is a lot of entertainment, where you can get interesting nishtyaki.
Let's take a look at the dungeon map and try to squeeze everything out of it:
List of quests :
- Try to visit the report in each of the four rooms. They are different!
- Task: approach each stand of communities and companies. Drag off some nishtyaki from them if they distribute them.
- Task [difficult]: talk a few minutes with key speakers and take a selfie.
- Be sure to eat. Food can be photographed and put in instagram.
Idea: you can perform tasks collectively. That is, if you came to Tehtrain in the company of friends or with colleagues, you can walk on the stands together. Or vice versa - separately, and then compare the results.
Each author of an article using pop pseudoscientific classifications tries to add something of his own to them. Especially zaboristoe and especially wild.
I propose to introduce another axis, due to which an additional level of meaning will stand out: the level of understanding of the development. A kind of techish chauvinism, if you want. And what, I have the right to IT-festival something!
The fact is that the more a person understands some technologies, the more distant depths of meaning open to him.
Poetically, this can be represented as the game mechanics of Insight (Insight) in Bloodborne. This is the level of inhuman knowledge of the hero, and the characteristic responsible for the ability to perceive the game world, and the second currency of the game.
With a sufficiently large Illumination, the game world begins to look a little different. For example, in the game there are a lot of “Amigdal” (although these are rather projections of the Great bearing the name Amigdal), they become visible after the rising of the red moon (after killing Rum or receiving 40 insights) - in Yaa'rgul and in the Cathedral District.
In Bloodborne, one point of Insight can be obtained by spending Madman's Knowledge. It looks like a skull with the following description:
“The skull of a madman whom the wisdom of the Great has touched.
Use to get Illumination.
Touching secret wisdom is a blessing, even if it is fraught with madness. It allows you to serve the highest goal in the name of descendants.
On Techtrain, insight points are obtained by listening to reports. All kinds of roofing hardcore. What did you think got into a fairy tale? At events JUG.ru Group without hardcore anywhere!
I will give a few examples.
Machine learning
Gradient boosting is one of the most commonly used machine learning algorithms. This algorithm helps to solve regression, classification and ranking problems on heterogeneous data. Using gradient boosting in Yandex, they select the most relevant documents for answering search queries, rank musical compositions, predict the weather and solve many other problems.
CatBoost is a gradient boost library written in Yandex and uploaded to the public domain. The report will explain what a gradient boosting is, how it is used, how CatBoost differs from other libraries, how to use it to train models on big data and how to work with different data types - numerical and categorical.
Vasily Yershov from Yandex will tell about all this .
If you don't understand anything about machine learning, it all looks like Knowledge of a Madman and definitely gives you 1 point of Insight.
This does not end there. There are some more reports on this subject.
Kotlin & java
Recently, people have caught fire furious interest in the programming language Kotlin. A session of blitz-questions and reports with the participation of the developers of the Kotlin language has been created especially for those interested. One of the most popular Russian speakers, Evgeny Borisov, will talk about Spark (the code will be in Java, but somehow you can handle it :-)
![]() Blitz session | ![]() “Why do you need another programming language?” |
![]() “Building Multi-Platform Projects at Kotlin” | ![]() “Myths about Spark, or whether a regular Java developer can use Spark” |
HighLoad & Security
Serious projects - serious obstacles! Two well-known speakers will tell us about reliability and fault tolerance: Oleg Anastasiev, who knows almost everything about the hayload, and Artem Kalichkin, technical director of Faktura.ru. Experts of such well-known companies as Digital Security and Positive Technologies will tell us about security!
Of course, these are only examples of those reports that will be at the festival. In reality, there are many more, but you should not list them here: the full program is on the site .
In this session we touched on several things:
- Tied Bartle's psycho-types with reasons to go to conferences and festivals;
- Added a new dimension - the depth of immersion;
- Disassembled examples of reports.
I did everything I could, now all hope for you, wanderer. Go to the festival website , and may the Force be with you.