YouDrive introduced registration via Telegram Passport

    Crashing YouDrive in testing mode provided an opportunity to register with the service using Telegram Passport.

    Telegram Passport is a messenger service that allows you to save passport data and other documents to Telegram. At the same time, the service itself will not have access to the data, they will be encrypted on the user's device. (According to some data, at the moment, encryption with a short password is unreliable)

    Data verification will fall on the shoulders of Sum & Substance, the company declares that it fully complies with the laws of GDPR and FZ-152.

    Startup comments were given by both companies:
    Andrei Kuprikov, co-founder, YouDrive Business Development Director:

    “We are pleased that there is such an opportunity to reduce the time for registering new users. Often, potential customers do not want to spend time entering information and photos with a passport. Now you can register in car sharing, even if there are no documents at hand - and the process will take much less time. ”
    Andrei Severyukhin, Sum & Substance CEO:

    “YouDrive has always won customers with the best service. And user registration is no exception - with the help of Telegram Passport, which has just been released, checks have become as simple and fast as possible. ”
    While this is the first example of using Telegram Passport in the Russian Federation, the function so far works only on Android.

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    Will you use Telegram Passport if its support appears on popular sites? (order of air / railway tickets, tourism, etc.)

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