Statistics from the owner of Tesla Model S
The author of youtube channel Like Tesla (owns Tesla Model 3, Tesla Model X) shared interesting statistics related to her mom's cars.
Her mother decided to sell her 2013 Tesla Model S 85 , which she owned for 5 years (asking for her $ 39,900).

The car has access to data on mileage, charging, and so on right on the central screen:

What allowed us to obtain statistics for the entire period of ownership.
She never charged the Tesla Supercharger (did not travel more than 200 miles (320 km)) and always charged the car in her garage (although the Supercharger is free for her). Those. She spent on charging 0 hours.

Battery degradation?

Where she lives (Seattle, WA, US), 90% of the electricity is produced at hydroelectric power plants.
Tesla Model S she sells because she decided to buy a new car. Chose between the new Tesla Model S ($ 88,000) and Tesla Model 3 AWD ($ 64,000). As a result, I chose and ordered the Model 3 - it is more suitable for the size and its technology, besides there is a big difference in price.
PS Pros and cons of electric vehicles I listed in this article . You can also find links to assessments of environmental friendliness, reliability, safety, etc.
Her mother decided to sell her 2013 Tesla Model S 85 , which she owned for 5 years (asking for her $ 39,900).

The car has access to data on mileage, charging, and so on right on the central screen:

What allowed us to obtain statistics for the entire period of ownership.
- The car covered 74,960 miles (120,636 km)
- I spent 25.820 kWh
She never charged the Tesla Supercharger (did not travel more than 200 miles (320 km)) and always charged the car in her garage (although the Supercharger is free for her). Those. She spent on charging 0 hours.
- For the fuel (electricity) for these 5 years she paid about $ 2,000 (price $ 0.08 per kWh)
- Fuel costs would be about $ 14,000- $ 15,000 ($ 3.75 per gallon)
- For the internal combustion engine is 214 gas stations at the gas station (18 gallon tank (68 liters)
- For the internal combustion engine is about 25 hours spent at the gas station (if you count 7 minutes for each)

Battery degradation?

- Fully charged car is now 258 miles (415 km)
- Passport mileage fully charged 265 miles (426 km)
- Degradation in 5 years, about 3% (mileage 120,636 km)
Where she lives (Seattle, WA, US), 90% of the electricity is produced at hydroelectric power plants.
Tesla Model S she sells because she decided to buy a new car. Chose between the new Tesla Model S ($ 88,000) and Tesla Model 3 AWD ($ 64,000). As a result, I chose and ordered the Model 3 - it is more suitable for the size and its technology, besides there is a big difference in price.
PS Pros and cons of electric vehicles I listed in this article . You can also find links to assessments of environmental friendliness, reliability, safety, etc.
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