Habrahabr from now on accepts for permanent storage illustrations for blog posts

    By publishing a blog entry “ SIM cards of Moscow metro passengers will undergo contactless reading ” on Habrahabr, I typed, as usual, an element and indicated in it the address of the illustration with a SIM card (located on Wikimedia Commons):

    • ht tp: //upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2c/Simcard.jpg

    However, in the saved blog post (and when editing it later), the image address magically took a different look:

    • ht tp: //habr.habrastorage.org/post_images/b0d/064/947/b0d064947a9d80f718ff5abce8e1e1c9.jpg

    And then I realized that Habrahabr began to accept for permanent storage those illustrations that are posted in the blog entries.

    This approach has at least four advantages:

    • If the remote site stops working, then the picture from the blog post will disappear. The Habrasklad, as I understand it, is intended to exist as long as the Habrahabr itself.
    • If the remote site does not withstand the habraeffect, then the picture from the blog post will disappear or will load too long, unnerving the readers of the blog. The habrasklad is, as I understand it, resistant to the habraeffect.
    • The owner of the remote hosting loses the ability to analyze the "referrer" field and other information from the headers of HTTP requests from readers of Habrahabr. Counters of attendance of blog entries become impossible; any tracking of visitors becomes impossible.
    • There is no way to replace one picture with another without touching the blog entry, or selectively show another picture to some readers - and thereby arrange, for example, some kind of rude joke on readers. Although it should be noted that such substitutions are often committed with good intentions. Well, for example, if a new and improved version of the picture, but much larger, is uploaded to the remote hosting, then the blog recording will not be bloated in width.

    This approach has at least four drawbacks:

    • The address of the picture becomes longer, so it’s more difficult for the blog writer to keep within the length limit of such a blog record, for which the use of habracat is allowed. Previously, you could use hyperlink shorteners to address illustrations, but now you can’t.
    • Habrasklad is famous for its tendency to impose restrictions on the size and volume of illustrations. (And this is sad fame.) Before, I could publish an example of a long photo panorama made on the HTC One mobile phone, just laying it out on an external (in relation to Habrahabr) image hosting, and now this example may not meet the limitations and may be reduced to indistinguishability.
    • The use of external pictures made it possible to place at the end of the blog recording a button-picture combined with the counter of its clicks. Something like “Tweet! “ 150 people tweeted.” (Or with a meter of some other quantity. For example, “Donate money for the above project! - 320 050 rubles already collected.”) Now the picture will stop changing, so such a reception is not possible on Habrahabr.
    • Previously, one could sometimes guess at the location of the external illustration about its location (and, possibly, find a larger version of it than suitable for use in the blog posting, find additional details and information). One could understand: this picture lies on Wikimedia Commons (and is used in such and such Wikipedia articles - here is their automatic list on Wikimedia Commons), that illustration is taken from the media, the other from image boards, and the third from the popular blog. Now nothing like this can ever be done at the address.

    In any case, I would like to see the further development of this function.

    Well, for example, since all the illustrations posted on Habrahabr now remain on it, then why, instead of specifying their URLs on the Internet, at the same time not allow connecting files directly from the disk (eliminating the extra step of uploading them to another hosting), as is done, for example , in descriptions of problems on the github.

    I was pleased to see at one time that GitHub supports not only a button (more precisely, a hyperlink) that allows you to search for a file on your disk, select and click “Open”, but also an alternative nice opportunity to drag and drop the file with the mouse to the desired location of the comment, then there is a "upload a file on GitHub" in the literal sense:

    [throwing pictures on github]

    It would be nice to see something of the same kind on Habrahabr.

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