PHDays Everywhere: participate in the forum from anywhere in the world

    This year, more than two thousand people from around the world will gather in Moscow for the Positive Hack Days international forum on practical safety. Like last time , as part of the PHDays Everywhere initiative, visitors to hackspace around the world will be able to join them.

    On May 23 and 24, 17 hacking locations in seven countries will open their doors. Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates), Bir Zeyt (Palestine), Cairo (Egypt), Kollam (India), Tunisia's capital, Tunisia, Vladivostok, Voronezh, Kaliningrad, Kiev, Krasnodar, Lviv, Novosibirsk, have already joined the initiative. Omsk, St. Petersburg, Saratov and Ufa.

    Visitors to each hackspace will have the opportunity to:

    • monitor the forum events over the network, which will be broadcast in HD in English and Russian;
    • take part in discussions and ask speakers questions online;
    • show their hacking abilities in the competition for hacking and protecting information (winners will receive prizes).

    We remind you that in the Positive Hack Days III program there are reports and master classes from leading world experts, an extensive competitive program (including online competitions), a battle of hackers PHDays CTF, a competition of young scientists Young School and much more.

    Do not miss the great opportunity to chat with the local hacker community, join PHDays Everywhere and participate in the forum from a distance! A complete list of hacking locations is available on the forum website.

    PS If you have not found your city in the list, it’s not too late to become the organizer of the hackspace yourself! Find a suitable room and write to .

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