Debian 7

    The long-awaited release of Debian version 7.0 has taken place.

    In this version, many improvements have been made both "under the hood" and visible to the end user.
    Now the package base has more than 12800 new packages - thus, the total number of packages in the repository is 37493. Compared to Squeeze, 20160 packages were updated (70% of the package base) and 4125 (14%) were deleted for various reasons.


    The following changes have been made to the installer:

    • UEFI support (Secure Boot not supported)
    • WPA Support
    • Installation using voice commands
    • Ext4 default action


    The distribution includes the following software versions:

    • Linux Kernel 3.2 with its own patches
    • X.Org 7.7 (X.Org Server 1.12)
    • GNOME 3.4 (with some components from 3.2)
    • KDE 4.8.4
    • Xfce 4.8
    • LibreOffice 3.5 (enabled by default and replaces upon upgrade)
    • MySQL 5.5
    • Apache 2.2.22
    • Python 2.7
    • GCC 4.7.2
    • LLVM / Clang 3.0
    • Iceweasel (Firefox) 10
    • systemd 44


    Debian 7 transitioned to multiarch architecture. This means that you can install packages of several architectures at once on one machine. ia32-libs is no longer used, there is a small note about this.


    The Debian Backports service is now officially part of the Debian project. To use backports, you need to connect the following repository:
    deb wheezy-backports main contrib


    Debian Squeeze Upgrade Guide
    What You Need to Know About Wheezy


    Debian 7 CD1: amd64 i386
    Debian 7 Netinstall: amd64 i386
    Debian 7 Netinstall (includes non-free firmware): amd64 i386 multiarch

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