An algorithm has been developed that can significantly increase the bandwidth of fiber networks

    A team of scientists working at the Australian Center for Ultra High Bandwidth Optical System Devices ( CUDOS ) has developed a data encoding algorithm that can significantly increase the efficiency of existing optical networks. According to the researchers, their development will allow you to transfer all world traffic through a single fiber!

    To demonstrate the possibilities, scientists reprogrammed WSS (a special device that uses laser light with different wavelengths to multiplex several data streams for their subsequent transmission in a single optical fiber).
    The team, led by Professor Arthur Lowery and Dr. Liang Du, managed to transmit a signal at a speed of 10 Tbit / s over a distance of 850 kilometers. This, of course, is less than the record of 26 Tbps , but the distance reached is more than 50 kilometers by a whole order.
    Professor Lowry reports that the switch can be used to “squeeze” signals into the gaps that certainly arise in the data streams transmitted between cities.
    “It is important to note that new traffic can be squeezed into the fiber anywhere on any component of the fiber optic highway. Instead of laying hundreds of new parallel optical fibers to increase network bandwidth, we can make using existing networks more efficient by optimizing the way that data is transmitted over long distances. ”

    The team believes that their technology will allow the existing infrastructure with minimal investment to cope with the growing demand for the Internet, which is expected to increase 1000 times over a decade.

    Via Gizmag

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