[Announcement, Peter] Meeting JUG.ru with Andrei Belyaev and Alexey Stukalov — Troll oppression CUBA: FAQ

    On Thursday, August 9, a meeting of JUG.ru with Andrey Belyaev and Alexey Stukalov, engineers of the Samara company Haulmont, will take place at the St. Petersburg office of Oracle. The topic of the meeting: FAQ on CUBA.platform - a high-level Java platform for creating corporate information systems.

    CUBA Platform is an open source Java framework for the rapid development of enterprise applications, created by the Samara-based company Haulmont and used throughout the world.

    A typical presentation of the technology is based on a story about its capabilities, and then on the already learned answers to questions that are the same in 90% of cases. Traditional and boring scenario.

    In this speech, we decided to break the system and immediately devote most of our time to this FAQ, hoping to eventually get to the deeper and more inconvenient questions that give rise to a true discussion in which truth is born and a roadmap is formed.


    Andrey Belyaev

    He started working in 2001, participated in the development of software for accounting for oil production on the Oracle stack (PL / SQL, Forms, Reports), and studied Java in the process. In 2006 he moved to an outsourcing, in which he stayed until 2018. Developed different types of software - from tracking RFID tags to social networks, went from developer to architect, worked on various tasks - from writing code to negotiating with clients. Now participates in the development and promotion of the platform CUBA.

    Alexey Stukalov

    Since 2008, he has been working in the field of automation of production and business processes in the production, processing and transportation of hydrocarbons. Simply put, developed a bloody enterprise. As a project manager and technical leader, he participated in the full development cycle of more than a dozen large and medium-sized systems, from the requirements gathering stage to commissioning. Led the development team in the amount of 50 or more people. From the end of 2014, he took the position of project director at Haulmont.

    Participation: free
    Registration: required ( register here )
    Videos: will be (will not be broadcast on YouTube)
    Date: August 9, 2018
    Time: from 20:00 to 22:00
    Place: 10th Krasnoarmeyskaya St., 22, BC Kellerman, 2nd floor ( on the map )

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