The head of Roscosmos remembered his first rocket and shared his plans for the future

    On July 23, 2018, Dmitry Rogozin spoke at a meeting with students of the Sirius educational center and shared details of the Russian space program, personal experience in building rockets and thoughts on the most interesting tasks in space.

    The head of Roscosmos said that personally for him the most interesting problems of space exploration are the search for extraterrestrial life and ways to save the planet from a collision with asteroids.

    He recalled that in 2020, the second stage of the joint Russian-European mission ExoMars will start: “Our desantized module, from which the rover will descend, is to look for signs of past life on this planet,” Rogozin said.

    Search for extraterrestrial life

    “There is one question that torments mankind seriously and jokingly since it was formed from some primates into a certain civilization: is there anyone else besides us? - said Dmitry Rogozin, answering a question from one of the students. - And the question is whether there is life, besides that which is on the Earth, is not necessarily some humanoids or human beings. We are talking about cells, about microorganisms, about former life. ”

    The Russian-European mission “ExoMars” should help to get closer to the answer to this question.

    Rogozin thinks how to protect the Earth from asteroids

    The second interesting task, according to the head of Roscosmos, is to protect the Earth from asteroids. Here, Rogozin remembered the film “Armageddon” with Bruce Willis: “But seriously speaking, there are no such technologies, and will we have time to create them since the moment of detection of danger to our planet, will we have enough time and knowledge to create such technology? I think about it, I don’t know how to get close to this idea, ”the head of the Russian space corporation shared his doubts. “One thing I know for sure is that this should be an international project.”

    “Now astronomers do not see any celestial bodies that dangerously approach the Earth. But this they do not see now, and tomorrow, for example, they will see. Do we have the technology of rejecting the trajectory of dangerous convergence? ”He asks a rhetorical question.

    The official called the protection of the Earth from asteroids "true human values."

    Lunar station with deep drilling system

    At the meeting, there were also new data that were not previously reported by the media. In particular, Rogozin told reporters that in Russia they could create a lunar automatic station with a system for drilling soil to a depth of four meters. The drill for this station is already being developed by students of the educational center "Sirius".

    According to the current plans of Roscosmos, in 2022 it is planned to launch the Luna-27 station to the satellite, but its drilling rig is limited to only two meters in depth, so the new invention will come in handy.

    School companions

    The meeting focused on research and education satellites collected by students in conjunction with Sputniks specialists on the basis of the OrbiCraft-Pro nanosatellite platform developed by the company. The payload of the apparatus is a detector of cosmic particles. The sensor was developed by the Research Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Moscow State University and assembled with the participation of a group of schoolchildren from the Sirius educational center.

    As reported , the satellites should launch into orbit the Russian cosmonauts Oleg Artemyev and Sergey Prokopiev during the spacewalk on August 15, 2018. During yesterday’s event, schoolchildren even held a communication session with Oleg Artemyev and Sergey Prokopiev, who are on board the ISS.

    In addition, the guys from "Sirius" are developing small satellites for remote sensing of the Earth and measuring radiation. It is planned to launch them with the ISS, and as an associated load on the missiles with other devices.

    However, Rogozin spoke in favor of strict control when launching space technology: “There are many schools in the country, you never know what students can shove, you know, there are different students,” he joked.

    The first rocket Rogozin

    Dmitry Rogozin proved that it is not for nothing that he is in charge of the Russian space industry. It turns out that he has a wealth of experience in this field: “Do you know when I went to the space circle? At six years old. I made my first rocket with a teacher at the age of six, ” said Rogozin.

    As a child, Rogozin was fond of astronautics, and it was a common hobby among Soviet children. Unfortunately, the situation has now changed: “We have fewer young people in Roskosmos than in other industries: less than in aviation, less than in shipbuilding ... Therefore, Roskosmos now will absorb a lot of young specialists like a sponge,” the head of Roscosmos promised made his career a lot of promises. - We want to make Roskosmos open doors somewhere in the first weeks, in the middle of September, in order to begin to acquaint the guys who are engaged here (in Sirius) with real production, with the problems of this real production, to be honest about that what we need. Because I want them to understand where they can go, what they should prepare for. ”

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