Endless pattern based on prime numbers


    Hi, Habr! One morning, I had the idea to find an " exclusive OR " between the coordinates of a point in space and check the resulting number for simplicity. The result of such a simple algorithm you can see in the picture. More under the cut.

    Pattern Generation Algorithm

    Algorithm in C ++

    longlong temp = x ^ y; // x и y координаты точки// Далее идет проверка temp на простоту одним из алгоритмов.// Например алгоритм Бэйли-Померанс-Селфридж-Вагстафф (BPSW) проверки n на простотуif(isprime(temp) == true) { 
    // рисуем закрашенную точку
    } else {
    // оставляем точку пустой

    This algorithm gives the following endless patterns:

    Pictures with patterns

    You can also watch video with patterns:

    Other designs

    If you replace the XOR operation ( XOR ) with the operation OR or AND , you can get fractal triangles:



    You can also use any other checks instead of checking for a prime number, for example, division without remaining a certain number. But such options give less varied patterns.

    Program and source

    To test the pattern generator, I wrote a simple program that can be downloaded along with the source here . To work with images using the library OpenCV.

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