American "pirate" will pay $ 1.5 million for 10 laid out films

    In the US, as you know, the so-called "pirates" are the hardest. First, a single mother has to pay almost a hundred million dollars for several downloaded MP3 files, or a pensioner who has uploaded his favorite movie to some file hosting service has to pay a couple hundred thousand dollars. According to torrentfreak, since the beginning of 2010, hundreds of thousands of people who uploaded or downloaded any copyrighted files were punished in one way or another (in court, of course). One of these days the long list of similar cases was replenished with one more. For the fact that a certain Kiven Fisher posted 10 films on the Network, he will now have to pay $ 1.5 million.

    The "pirate" himself acquired the films quite legally, he bought them on the website of a company that works in the xxx genre. Each copy of the film of this company is equipped with an identifier, which allowed to identify the "pirate". Each user who registers on the site to purchase a movie is assigned a unique code that is embedded in the movie itself. Therefore, finding the intruder was not very difficult. Probably, after the discovery of the films on the torrent server, several minutes passed before the fact of identifying the user who posted them.

    As in most cases, when buying a movie, the user was shown a user agreement in which it was forbidden to copy the movie for any purpose.

    The lawsuit against Fischer began in 2011, and his lawyers tried to get his client out. But nothing happened. The guys from the movie production company calculated that the films Fisher had uploaded were downloaded 3,449 times, and a pirate would have to pay $ 435 for each fact of the race. It turns out about 150 thousand per film.

    It may well be that in the United States this will be a precedent for a similar ending to similar trials.

    Via torrentfreak

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