DropBox hands out space to students / teachers again
DropBox has long been a place not distributed free to all
To get started, familiarize yourself with the terms of the promotion.
You need to register with an email in the domain of the institution from a certain list. Or verify the email address on your account. I did not find the list of allowed educational institutions.
Your educational institution receives 1 point for each registered in the action.
Your school receives 2 points for each Get Started student .
For registration / verification of the email you get 3GB of space for 2 years.
When registering a large number of participants from your educational institution, these participants receive an additional place (up to 22GB). For each approved educational institution, 3 points are set at which space is added to the store. The first threshold is 5GB, the second is 7GB, and the third is 10GB.
Directly on the action page it is proposed to enter the correct email, as well as see the top 10 educational institutions by points.
The promotion continues until December 10, so we have some time to find a way to get additional gigabytes.
Related links. Dropbox Blog
promotion page Promotion rules (eng.) UPD2 And many domestic universities also participate in the promotion. Go ahead. UPD3
There is a way for the tricky. live.sumdu.edu.ua - register yourself an email. Thanks to Sumy State University. Now this university is the first in the ranking of Krai universities. Thanks for the tip of Besaga
UPD4. You can
untie the wrong, stupidly entered email here www.dropbox.com/spacerace/unlink