The Mamba Section at RIW: Online Dating Today and Tomorrow

    The next week for many Internet comrades will be, perhaps, the most partying and most working non-working. Because for three days we will all communicate, get acquainted, meet, drink and boast about our achievements at RIW.

    October 18 at 16.00 we are waiting for you in the White Hall of the RIW conference to talk about the most interesting that is happening in the market of web-emotions and relationships. We decided not to make a boring program with promotional reports. Our section will be positive, controversial, debatable and intriguing. We will have guests who work in various fields of dating: serious and not-so-good relationships, quick acquaintances, game dating mechanics, Internet dating in Europe, etc.
    Be sure to come! We will get to know))

    The main topics of the section:

    This is not just a section. This is pecha-kucha, which will not let you get bored.

    - Myths and reality of Internet dating: how everyone imagines it, and how it really
    is - How to turn the enemy into a friend: how to make disloyal users loyal
    - Social networks in tablets
    - Monetization. What users pay for “Mamba”
    - Meetings playfully or new dating mechanics
    - Dating in the future. Key trends of foreign dating.
    - Why is not a competitor to casual dating sites.

    The topic of the round table:
    The future of communication and dating on the Internet:

    - what are the ways of dating, will social networking sites “eat” dating;
    - Mobile dating - killer application or nothing special;
    - Interactive communication on the Internet - virtual dates, 3D communication;
    - social dating - does he have a future and in what form.

    And here you can also look at the speakers

    PS by the way, according to statistics, every fifth friend / relative of you is registered in our system, so you will definitely not be bored in our section on RIW))

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