American freak offers RFID chip implant kits under the skin

    Thoughtfully google on RFID, came across a man named Amal, who offers kits for implantation under the skin of an RFID chip, EM-Marin standard, operating at 125kHz or NFC standard (13.56MHz), which can be read and written from smartphones that support this technology - Samsung Nexus S, Samsung Galaxy Nexus, Nexus 7, HTC Amaze.
    Most access cards and wireless keys for intercoms work exactly according to the EM-Marin 125kHz standard.

    Chip dimensions and implantation place:

    Trinkets familiar to every doorphone user. EM-Marin standard 125kHz.

    Video of opening a door lock with an implant:

    Implantation process:

    Article in Forbes
    Instructions for implantation
    Amal-a website

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