The best blockchain projects. ICO July 2018 (Voting)

    Analysts say that in 2017, the market for the primary placement of coins has almost doubled compared to 2016. At the same time, the amount of attracted funds is growing: along with hundreds of projects that attract from several hundred thousand to several million dollars, companies are entering the market, which have attracted hundreds of millions of dollars. For example, Status Research & Development GmbH, Switzerland, placed $ 95 million SNT tokens, and the placement of EOS and Bancor tokens was even more successful.

    Let's look at the most interesting projects of July 2018 and choose the best ones. Telephony, search engine, and even a blockchain-based real estate project in Siberia.

    Opp open wifi

    OPP Open WiFi is a community-based service for the sole purpose of creating a global, free access to an open Wi-Fi network and rewarding each member for participating in our project. There are about 2.5 billion smartphone users in the world, 80% of which are active on social networks. Wi-Fi has become a part of our daily life. However, it is surprising that 76% of us often find ourselves in a position where access is unavailable or when access is blocked with a request for payment. Of these 2.5 billion people, we aim to attract 25 million people like you over the next 4 years to join our community at Hotspot Hosts. Together, we can create free access, discover and protect a global decentralized Wi-Fi hotspot that will positively impact the daily lives of hundreds of millions of people. Our Hotspot Hosts are people like you who pay for mobile data, pay for WiFi access in their homes or at work. Our research shows that over 80% of us do not use all the data.

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    Menlo one

    Menlo One is a powerful platform for developing decentralized applications. Menlo One provides users with functionality that can avoid any problems associated with the sale of tokens. Users will only need to customize the profile once according to their KYC / AML requirements, after which participation in the sale of cryptocurrencies will be as simple as choosing the number of tokens that you can buy with one click. The system will also automate the purchase of tokens from upcoming sales, which will enable users to set up a purchase once and soon receive a notification that their purchase was successful.

    Menlo One is built on its own distributed database (the result of three years of research and development), which is stored in a decentralized network and uses the security guarantees of public blockchains, such as Ethereum and other distributed databases. The platform includes an orderly, interactive and social element. One of the components of a multi-tier platform called HashGuilds encourages other more experienced users to create reviews, evaluate and signal to all users of the platform about the emergence of high-quality ICOs.

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    Chat with creators:


    BitClave's decentralized solution allows large and small companies to participate in a common ecosystem. Innovative search technology allows retailers to pay directly for results, optimizing marketing costs for results; users and other data providers are paid by the value of data measured by conversions (not clicks); and consumers get access to monetary incentives and cheap goods, gaining control over their personal information.

    The BitClave Ecosystem uses the blockchain to encode the data values ​​in the data itself, providing the ability to conduct transactions that are anonymous to consumers (until they choose a different function, for example, completed procurement transactions), while demanding certification to pay for sellers for results and users for their data. Consumer confidentiality is built into the BitClave's decentralized search ecosystem structure itself.

    ICO website:
    White paper:

    BitBounce (CREDO)

    Spam costs the global economy $ 20 billion a year and makes up 70% of all email. Existing regulatory and technological solutions have not been able to eliminate the significant monetary value and negative external effects of unsolicited email and spam. The solution is to create a new market for email access, in which the senders of the email contacting the unknown recipients pay for the email to either view or reply to it. The usage fee lays the price and compensates the recipients for the attention or action that they carry out by e-mail, and also increases the likelihood of senders to receive the attention or response of the recipients. The solution is implemented in two components: BitBounce and credo.

    BitBounce filters emails from unknown contacts and starts a payment mechanism to receive or reply to an email. The CREDO Token is the basic unit of exchange for which recipients receive compensation, although Bitcoin and Tezzies will also be supported for convenience. Credo serves as an additional goal to encourage acceptance and further use of the BitBounce solution through distribution based on evidence of use.

    ICO website:
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    Tierion works by creating evidence that links data to a transaction on the blockchain. This is called binding. Anyone possessing this evidence can verify the integrity of the data and timestamp without relying on a trusted authority. Since its launch in 2015, more than a thousand companies have used Tierion, including large enterprises such as Microsoft, Philips, as well as innovative start-ups such as Accredible and Tokken.

    ICO website:


    EVEREX is a young technological startup in the blockchain with a team and a business model that is unique for solving some problems of international microfinance. To ensure the financial participation of those who do not have a bank account, or those who do not have access to banking institutions, Everex offers a new concept of Cryptocash. Cryptocash is a cryptocurrency, where each unit is tied to its value, as well as a name based on the currency it represents, for example, the US dollar (USDEX). Balances of Cryptocash are confirmed by balances on accounts of financial institutions or other trusted third-party cash holders. Users convert their paper or digital currency to Cryptocash at a branch of a local bank or on currency exchanges and transfer them through a peer blockchain (P2P) using wallets,

    ICO website:
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    Rivetz creates a global network of attenuation and identification that runs on the Rivetz token (RvT) to increase the security of the devices on which we rely. Cybersecurity companies estimate cybersecurity damage in excess of $ 6 trillion worldwide, compared with $ 3 trillion in 2015.

    The rising costs of creating cybersecurity reflect the inability of the security sector to offer a solution that is simple enough to justify business and government acceptance and provide sufficient security to protect our most valuable secrets and data. Simply increasing costs without changing our view of modern security is not enough. Existing tools: firewalls, virtual private networks, and passwords suggest that the edge segment of the network is the perimeter of the network. This makes it too easy for unauthenticated users to probe and hack systems.

    ICO website:
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    Attrace is the first fully decentralized affiliate marketing platform. This is the only included blockchain-based marketing project created from scratch! Fully open network that can register and check any click on advertising.

    Affiliate marketing is a payment based on sales achieved, a $ 13 billion market with more trust and tracking problems caused by the intermediary affiliate network. Attrace solves all trust and tracking issues, reduces commissions from ~ 95% and promises instant market share in 2018.

    ICO website:
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    DECOIN is a decentralized exchange and trading platform based on the blockchain with redistributed income for coin holders. DECOIN is an open source open source digital ecosystem that includes its own digital currency DECOIN (DTEP) based on the Exchange & Trading platform (D-TEP), which redistributes income to DECOIN holders and the D-TEP crypto index (DCI). Combining the Blockchain Proof of Ownership Proof (POS), transparency, top-level security and ongoing support, DECOIN is developing a next-generation platform for the decentralized world. DECOIN is an absolutely safe technological environment for users of cryptocurrencies, allowing users to fully use the potential of the technology corresponding to the decentralized nature of the blockchain.

    ICO website:
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    Currently, websites are full of ads that are trying to sell you what they think you need, creating unfavorable and annoying site navigation. In addition, many of them have hidden malware, fraudulent ads, or mining scripts. The platform wants to make innovative changes to the Internet, revolutionizing site navigation and making it faster, not trackable, without malware and advertising. Website operators get a big profit from advertising, which can be changed by implementing our solution based on large-scale, transparent and fully accountable blockchain technology, which guarantees that they will receive a fair reward depending on the number of visitors, time spent on their pages and interaction with the site, creating a more suitable environment for quality assurance, unlike web pages created using spam. The new site rating system will be developed for the community, and you, as part of this community, determine the quality of the websites you visit. This will reduce the time and stress spent on pages with ads - "traps", and you will have more time on the pages you need.

    ICO website:
    White Book:


    Presearch is an open, decentralized search engine that rewards community members with Presearch tokens for using them, contributing and promoting the platform.

    In a world where one company controls 77% of all searches, affecting trillions of dollars in expenses, shaping perception and effectively acting as the main gatekeeper on the Internet, we need a new, open and community-oriented search engine.

    Presearch has an innovative market entry strategy aimed at the most frequent search engines — web workers — and get an early adoption on our way to releasing future versions of the open source platform that will use the blockchain-based index recommended by the community.

    ICO website:
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    Thanks to the patented CZMT token technology, it is aimed at becoming the actual currency of choice for the Electric Vehicle Communitye. The goal is to spread the use of the Electric Vehicle Community throughout the world, given the motivation to earn these tokens along with the noble goal of protection, leaving the best environment for our future generations. CZero tokens are designed to protect against services or products on CZero & Partner networks.


    OpenBrix is ​​the first decentralized real estate portal in Europe, the Middle East, Africa (EMEA) and Asia that operates on the blockchain base and will be fully open to all. An open network that connects all key players in the rental and sale of real estate in a single network, ensuring the absence of a single owner who controls the money, data or network rules. Everything will work at the community level and done in the interests of the community. This will be the true democratization of the real estate rental and sale market.


    Ziber is the worldwide decentralized Masternode system. Ziber mobile application redirects VOIP calls from mobile phones, Internet applications and other devices to the main blockchain system. All network members make money using their devices as a proxy server to route Ziber traffic. Users who are not connected to Ziber will pay for international calls. The task of the operator Ziber is to completely change the market for telephone communication between different countries and roaming. With this operator, users can not pay large sums of money to mobile providers around the world. Moreover, it provides the ability to use their mobile phones to make money.

    Let's vote for the most interesting and in your opinion useful blockchain project of July 2018. If you think that the list lacks another interesting project blockchain, let us know in the comments and it will be added.

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    The best blockchain project July 2018

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