Announcement of the conference in honor of the eight years of OpenStack

    Mail.Ru Cloud Solutions and the Russian OpenStack community invite you to participate in the conference dedicated to the 8th anniversary of the OpenStack project: The event will be held next Friday, July 13. This year, the OpenStack community will gather at the Mail.Ru Group office to celebrate the next anniversary of the project by discussing open infrastructure solutions. Under the cat - a detailed program, abstracts of several reports and a link to the registration.

    OpenStack 2018 birthday program

    10: 00-10: 30 Registration and welcome coffee

    10: 30-10: 40 Opening speech by Ilya Alekseev (OpenStack Ambassador, coordinator of the Russian community of OpenStack)

    10: 40-11: 10 Keynote-session
    • Ilya Letunov, Mail.Ru Cloud Solutions project manager
    • Vladimir Glavchev, Managing Director of SUSE in Russia and CIS countries

    11: 10-11: 40 8 years old OpenStack (Ilya Alekseev, OpenStack Ambassador, coordinator of the Russian community of OpenStack)

    11: 40-12: 30 OpenStack expert reports
    • Secret Report # 1
    • The path from manual integration to a boxed solution for migrating applications to OpenStack (Maxim Bozhenko, CTO Hystax)

    12: 30-13: 15 Lunch

    13: 15-14: 45 OpenStack Expert Reports
    • Using OpenStack Magnum for Mail.Ru Cloud Containers (Sergey Filatov, Mail.Ru Cloud Solutions)
    • How 1C was built on the basis of OpenStack: Ready workplace (Basel Darvish, 1C systems architect)
    • Migration from Neutron LBaaS v2 to Octavia (Victor Chembaev, Mail.Ru Cloud Solutions)

    14: 45-15: 00 Coffee break

    15: 00-16: 30 OpenStack expert reports
    • Secret Report # 2
    • OpenStack Watcher: Resource Allocation Strategies (Alexander Chadin, SberCloud)
    • Organization of underlay- and overlay-networks in OpenStack on the equipment of Arista (Andrey Nushtaev, system engineer of Arista Networks)

    16: 30-17: 00 Congratulations

    17: 00-18: 00 Cake and free communication

    We are pleased to announce the reports of our colleagues from Mail.Ru Cloud Solutions :

    Sergey Filatov , developer of Mail.Ru Cloud Containers, will talk about using OpenStack Magnum to create Kubernetes clusters and their management - including about:

    • Magnum module architecture.
    • Heat features used, including Software Deployments and the organization of lifecycle clusters.
    • The pitfalls that the team encountered in the process of integrating OpenStack Magnum with the cloud infrastructure Mail.Ru Cloud Solutions.

    Victor Chembaev from Mail.Ru Cloud Solutions will share his experience with switching from Neutron LBaaS v2 based on HAProxy to Octavia , which provides many new options needed by users: for example, high availability out of the box and proxying SSL traffic. You will learn about:

    • The fundamental differences in the architecture of solutions.
    • The nuances of the simultaneous coexistence of HAProxy and Octavia in a single copy of OpenStack.
    • Features of the process of seamless integration into the existing public cloud infrastructure.

    Representatives of other companies will also speak at the conference:

    Basel Darvish , 1C Systems Architect, will tell you how 1C: Ready workplace was built on the basis of OpenStack. Maxim Bozhenko , CTO Hystax, will show the path from manual integration to a boxed solution for migrating applications to OpenStack. Alexander Chadin , SberCloud, will give a talk about OpenStack Watcher, and Andrey Nushtayev from Arista Networks - about the organization of underlay and overlay networks in OpenStack on Arista equipment.

    Date of the conference : July 13, 2018.
    Venue : Moscow, Leningradsky Prospect, 39 bld. 79
    To participate you need to register: closes July 11 at 23:59 (Moscow time)).

    Do not forget to bring your passport or driver's license!

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