Google will test robotic mobility on the roads of Nevada

    Now, several companies create robot cars at once, although the most famous are probably systems from the "corporation of good." Earlier this month, the legislature of Nevada, USA, gave Google permission to test robotic vehicles on the roads of this state. The roads are good, and some of them have few cars, so the risk of an accident is minimal. Test vehicles will be marked with a special red mark.

    In general, after issuing a permit by the state authorities, any other company can test its devices on the roads of Nevada. It’s just that Google was the first to apply. Developers will test autonomous control systems on different car models. The team believes that cars with "autopilot" are more reliable than cars with a human driver. The risk of an accident in the case of the robot is minimal, much lower than in the case of the driver, even if it is very good. In any case, so representatives of Google consider.

    Nevada authorities seem pleased with the fact that Google will test their cars here. One of the officials called the autonomous control system of the car “cruise control on steroids”, which, in general, corresponds to reality. As far as one can judge, the systems are really reliable - after all, autonomous cars from Google have already been tested. Now only one emergency situation with the participation of these cars is known, and then, all this happened not through the fault of the robomobile. If everything that is said about Google’s robotic auto control systems is true, then indeed, the threat of a collision or emergency situation is minimal.

    It may well be that in the future, automakers will install such systems on their cars. And then it will be possible to choose whether to drive the car yourself, or to entrust control to the robot. Robomobiles are being tested in California - in this state there are simply no such traffic rules that would prohibit driving a car not by a person, but by any computer system. Now several more US states are considering introducing permissions to manage the autonomous system.

    Via mashable

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