When Business Became Social
Social Media is like teen sex. Everyone wants to do it, no one really understands how, and when, finally, this happens, everyone is at a loss, and why it turned out so-so. More than 2 years ago, this “definition” was made on Twitter by Avinash Kaushik, a Google analyst. IMHO, since then things have not changed much.
The attitude of the business community towards Social Media resembles a layered B-52 cocktail. The top layer is those people and companies who are familiar with the subject superficially, the presence or absence of them in the weather networks does not. Although, there are less and less of them every month - even Luzhkov has a sickly page of 40 likes.
The middle layer consists of those who work in networks, but so far have neither a clear work strategy, nor an appropriate team. Most of them, they still do not see much benefit from working in networks, but they cannot pass by. If you search on facebook, you will see that now Gazprom has its own page. Even I do not understand why they need it, apparently there is nowhere to put the extra money.
The deepest layer of the cocktail is those people who “grew up” with the nets, or realized what changes are coming and decided not to miss their chance. When you look at their pages, it seems that they literally live in social networks. networks. Especially you start to believe in it, if you are fond of some American guru like Paul Greenberg, who has almost 11,000 tweet messages. Paul and the company are constantly “educating” in the direction of B2S (Business to Social) - they are trying to solve the issue of the effective use of social media in business. I must admit that they are doing this very successfully, because They speak simple language and tell interesting things from the life of adherents of social networks.
Talking about business-to-social, Mr. Greenberg says that consumer behavior has changed, and now your customers are the real owners of your brand. That is, now it is users who form the image of the company, describing their communication experience in their blogs, microblogs, statuses and leaving likes. As a result, such a trend in the mass consciousness of the consumer must be taken into account by business at the time of choosing a strategy for communicating with customers. Such a strategy was the Social CRM strategy.
Born in the bowels of blogs, the name Social CRM quickly flowed into the business-oriented part of the Internet. The idea was interpreted quite freely and twisted as “specialists” of all stripes wanted, so the concept of sCRM became incomprehensible, forgive me for the tautology. In such an environment, attempts by domestic minds to “adopt” the best practices, it is clear the matter, were not crowned with particular success.
We could not calmly watch this picture, so we decided to put bold points over all i in this matter. And the point here is not in our "academic" interest, but in the fact that for the company the issue of using sCRM has become an edge. At some point, we realized that without a competent and well-thought-out “Social” work strategy, we are missing out on opportunities for managing customer experience (aka Customer Experience Management). To close the gap in the strategy, we invited the author of the sCRM idea with a report that will show a complete picture of what is happening and help to understand how best to build a business in the current environment.
Constantly communicating with other companies, we are well aware that most have encountered a similar problem in understanding the laws of sCRM and do not know what steps are worth taking. Therefore, we decided that it would be correct to make the report open and conduct an online broadcast of this event.
Terrasoft Customer Forum will be held in Kiev, March 6, in the conference hall of the Hyatt Regency Hotel. You can get information on the event here , on the same page is the registration form. See you!
The attitude of the business community towards Social Media resembles a layered B-52 cocktail. The top layer is those people and companies who are familiar with the subject superficially, the presence or absence of them in the weather networks does not. Although, there are less and less of them every month - even Luzhkov has a sickly page of 40 likes.
The middle layer consists of those who work in networks, but so far have neither a clear work strategy, nor an appropriate team. Most of them, they still do not see much benefit from working in networks, but they cannot pass by. If you search on facebook, you will see that now Gazprom has its own page. Even I do not understand why they need it, apparently there is nowhere to put the extra money.
The deepest layer of the cocktail is those people who “grew up” with the nets, or realized what changes are coming and decided not to miss their chance. When you look at their pages, it seems that they literally live in social networks. networks. Especially you start to believe in it, if you are fond of some American guru like Paul Greenberg, who has almost 11,000 tweet messages. Paul and the company are constantly “educating” in the direction of B2S (Business to Social) - they are trying to solve the issue of the effective use of social media in business. I must admit that they are doing this very successfully, because They speak simple language and tell interesting things from the life of adherents of social networks.
Talking about business-to-social, Mr. Greenberg says that consumer behavior has changed, and now your customers are the real owners of your brand. That is, now it is users who form the image of the company, describing their communication experience in their blogs, microblogs, statuses and leaving likes. As a result, such a trend in the mass consciousness of the consumer must be taken into account by business at the time of choosing a strategy for communicating with customers. Such a strategy was the Social CRM strategy.
Born in the bowels of blogs, the name Social CRM quickly flowed into the business-oriented part of the Internet. The idea was interpreted quite freely and twisted as “specialists” of all stripes wanted, so the concept of sCRM became incomprehensible, forgive me for the tautology. In such an environment, attempts by domestic minds to “adopt” the best practices, it is clear the matter, were not crowned with particular success.
We could not calmly watch this picture, so we decided to put bold points over all i in this matter. And the point here is not in our "academic" interest, but in the fact that for the company the issue of using sCRM has become an edge. At some point, we realized that without a competent and well-thought-out “Social” work strategy, we are missing out on opportunities for managing customer experience (aka Customer Experience Management). To close the gap in the strategy, we invited the author of the sCRM idea with a report that will show a complete picture of what is happening and help to understand how best to build a business in the current environment.
Constantly communicating with other companies, we are well aware that most have encountered a similar problem in understanding the laws of sCRM and do not know what steps are worth taking. Therefore, we decided that it would be correct to make the report open and conduct an online broadcast of this event.
Terrasoft Customer Forum will be held in Kiev, March 6, in the conference hall of the Hyatt Regency Hotel. You can get information on the event here , on the same page is the registration form. See you!