In response to the article: “Who teaches whom: student or teacher?”

Good day, dear readers, programmers and everyone who reads this article.

Probably many have read the article Who teaches whom: a student teacher or student teacher? , which described the essence of training in IT universities, and not only.

In this article I wanted to clarify the role of the university in development using the example of physics and its information component. Who cares, please, under the cat.

I am a third year student of one of the best universities in the country. Engaged in both physics and computer science. Regularly I write not the most difficult sites, in order to improve myself. For about three years now I regularly read Habrahabr.

I think that the article mentioned above did not inspire me alone. Yes, the problems of education in the IT sphere are described in volume and objectively there. But the advantages of university education are almost not indicated.

My university has a good physical base, which without special programming skills is simply not suitable. Having studied the basics of LabVIEW and the primitive Turbo pascal, we can begin to work in laboratories. Of course, in the first courses there were primitive works in which no special skills were needed. Teachers of the age, similar to those described in the last article, who said that “the future is behind console applications,” claimed that behind the pascal lies the whole basis of research in physics (meaning: data collection and processing). Such a method is long and dreary. It is much easier in LabVIEW to simply assemble a dashboard, set values ​​for instruments and write a measurement algorithm in any programming language that is pleasant for the laboratory assistant.
This is if very briefly. If desired, I will write in more detail about all the processes associated with programming in physics, I look forward to wishes in the comments.

But that's not the point.
Naturally, a large number of high-quality equipment, the cost of which often reaches several million dollars, cannot appear for no reason. And here lies the whole importance of students in universities.
The principle is simple: a student is taught up to some point, and then he manifests himself on the basis of the university. If necessary, he can always get advice and help from his own and, by the way, not only his own leader.
Serious companies are interested in the development of students, who then make large orders.
Funds from orders are paid to the fund of the department, plus the encouragement of students for work. The promotion is solid.

Surely it will be interesting what examples of developments were: additives in motor oils, which almost completely reduce all friction in the engine; surface treatment; alternative light sources; etc.

On this entire basis, the student improves in the skills of physics, programming, and, after completing the writing of the diploma, leaves a highly qualified staff in several environments at once.

I hope such a brief description, I explained that not all of our universities are so weak in education and fit the description of the last article.
Of course, self-education has a large role in human development, but the scientific base is also important.

And the study, as many say "no one needs" the sciences that are downloaded at the university, will not be superfluous, if only for self-development now and solving crossword puzzles in times of happy old age.

In order to somehow visualize everything said, he brought a picture, it shows a transmission electron microscope JEM-2100F, to which only dust particles are allowed to blow without special skills in physics and programming.

Do not sleep at lectures, and many at work, friends! I wish you all success in all your endeavors.

I look forward to criticism and suggestions in the comments.

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