Gigabyte Gsmart G1345 - dual SIM smartphone based on Android 2.3

    Earlier, I already laid out an overview of two such devices, including the Gigabyte Gsmart G1310. We can assume that 1345 is a work on bugs for Gigabyte.

    Let's evaluate how much they succeeded.

    So, the equipment.

    The device comes in a small box, black with a gold font. Strict forms, a minimum of graphics, a font - everything suggests that Gigabyte positions this model as a phone with a class higher than 1310.


    Inside the box there is a “pedestal” on which the phone itself lies, under it there is a compartment with accessories, a warranty card and instructions. More precisely, with a “quick start guide”.

    In general, the kit is standard, but with nuances. The charger is a collapsible type, with a removable plug. The sync cord is quite long, as It is designed for charging, too, it is with a USB connector. When connected to the phone, the plug is inserted with a click, accidentally pulling it out will not be so easy. We put a plus, everything is competently and efficiently.
    Headset, wired. In-ear headphones are the most common ones, but the sound quality at the level of similar headphones of this type is from well-known companies, rather than Chinese consumer goods, which are usually bundled with phones of small companies and practically do not get out of the box from the time of purchase. What should be noted separately - the headphone cord is asymmetric, to be worn behind the neck. In addition, I was struck by the length of the wire, given the long earpiece - more than 2 meters. Someone may say - “and what is there?”. To me, with my growth, this is really not critical, but there are quite high friends who have to go to all sorts of tricks, because headphone length is not enough. With this headset this will not happen, enough even Uncle Styopa.
    What explains this generosity, I do not know, but definitely - this is more a plus than a minus.
    In addition, the package includes a 4 GB SDHC Class 4 memory card.
    In my case, there was clearly some kind of problem with the card, because The phone periodically unmounted and mounted it for no apparent reason. To eliminate the malfunction of the slot itself, I inserted my card into the same 4GB - the device normally accepted it and was no longer buggy. So the malfunction lay precisely in the complete card, if you decide to buy this unit - pay attention to this, be sure to check the card when buying.


    With the kit, that's it. In my opinion - solid 5. We turn to the device itself.

    Appearance, connectors.

    The device is entirely plastic, the back cover is matte, but not particularly easily soiled, which pleases. This is not a standard soft touch, but rather rubberized plastic.

    The device also has a plastic edging painted in silver color, of different thicknesses - wider at the top and thinner at the bottom. On it are the main connectors, etc. The exception is the microphone hole, but more on that later.

    On the top panel is a 3.5 mm headphone hole and a Power button.


    The left end is completely empty, on the right there is a volume control swing, a slot for a memory card and a camera power button, it also serves as a release key in the Camera application.


    At the bottom there is a microUSB connector, it serves, as expected, for charging and for synchronization.


    Now a few words separately about the front panel. The front panel is made of glossy black plastic and has a so-called bevel. Those. it is slightly beveled from the edges of the phone to the screen. The ends are not rounded outward, as is often the case, which would create the effect of a frank remnant, but rather rounded inward. It turns out such a “step” around the screen. At the bottom edge of this “step” is the microphone hole.


    There is a music speaker hole at the back and a 5MP camera with flash.
    I’ll say right away, the speaker for playing music is very quiet, I don’t see any use for it in ordinary phones, even if they didn’t do it at all, than such. The volume of the spoken speaker located on the front panel is quite sufficient for conversations, but with the rear speaker, the slip came out. I put the minus purely conditional, because I don’t have a habit of acquainting others with my musical addictions by phone.


    In general, the device’s design resembles some Samsung Corby phones due to the asymmetry of the end face, but at the same time gives the impression of a more solid phone. Slightly artsy, but in a very strict framework. In any case, the designers clearly worked here and I have no complaints about ergonomics, unlike the predecessor, 1310, which I wrote about in the previous article.
    And finally, Gigabyte abandoned this proprietary round shape of the conversational speaker and the button under the screen - the speaker became elongated, oval, and the button simply disappeared, and that was where it was dear to her. Minus recognition, but also a minus to annoyance, this trifle just killed me in previous models.

    Gigabyte Gsmart G1345 and Motorola EM30

    Gigabyte Gsmart G1345 and Motorola EM30

    Gigabyte Gsmart G1345 and Motorola EM30

    Work with two SIM cards. Software and filling.

    The device is built on the basis of Android 2.3.4 Gingerbread, with some additions in terms of working with two SIM cards. Physically, the slots are located as in 1310 - one above the other. The main SIM card is lower, the secondary is upper. Why do I call them that? It's simple, the second SIM card in order to save energy is limited only by the GSM range, although in the settings you can assign a role for each SIM card - voice or data. In any case, even when choosing data for the second SIM, it will function only in GSM.
    It can be seen that the software has undergone some processing compared to the previous model, the role of SIM cards is determined in a separate item of the main settings menu, and finer settings for each SIM are located in the menu of wireless modules.

    Display 2 SIM cards in the taskbar.

    Setting up SIM cards in a separate menu item.

    The menu for setting up SIM cards in the Wireless Networks section.

    In addition, the handset has a “phones” widget, it is displayed on the screen as a simple shortcut, and when clicked, it expands to the phone book widget.
    Interestingly, the worse it is just to call the phone book by clicking on the shortcut - I did not understand. Moreover, it is already in the lancer, in the bottom panel. I don’t know, for me it’s a cool trick, but it doesn’t have much sense.

    The filling is slightly lower according to the AnTuTu Benchmark test results.
    In the performance rating, the device stands between HTC Wildfire S and Sony Ericsson X8. Not a bad result, at the same time makes it clear what to expect from the device.
    In the rest - the software is quite standard, they did not begin to bring anything new. For the sake of the test, I put a couple of toys that are not the most demanding of the processor - they’re on, they don’t slow down, the menu scrolls quickly, no freezes were noticed.






    To the frank disadvantages, very noticeable during operation, I can only include a quiet rear speaker and also a quiet conversational microphone. More precisely, it is not so quiet, but according to the interlocutors with whom I talked without a headset, my voice sounded muffled and slightly distorted, which gave a certain echo effect. It is difficult to say whether this is the result of the elaborate concave panel on which the microphone hole is located, or such is the microphone itself, there is no way to compare it with another device of the same model. This is also worth paying attention to when buying - ask to make a test call and listen to how the caller’s voice sounds. Better yourself, let the seller call another phone, evaluate the moment with your own ear, this is important.
    Another fat minus I will put to designers for the system of opening the back cover of the device, it must be pry off in the region of the microUSB connector and pull. So the instruction told me, for which she thanks, I myself would not have guessed. There is a small groove for which it is supposed to pry off the lid, but with short nails it is not easy to do. Girls can ruin a manicure.

    Here it is, this notch, in the photo - just to the left of the synchronization connector.

    In addition, from experience, this method of opening the lid is fraught with a breakdown of the fastening latches, so that I would not open the phone again without need. The topic is more, that such a need arises only with the purpose of replacing a SIM card, there are two of them, it is worth putting it once and forget about them.

    In general, I had a positive impression of the phone, I did not think that I might need a phone with two SIMs, but I would buy this one myself.
    1500 mAh battery, 320x480 capacitive screen, Android 2.3, cost around 8 tr. - All this makes the device a very interesting candidate for a gift to relatives or to your loved one if there are two SIM cards, for example, a working one and a personal one.
    There are frank cons, but also clearly visible progress in the development of this line of devices from the manufacturer, which is good news. Moreover, this is so far the only device on the market built on Android 2.3.

    Buy it or not - you decide, but worth a closer look - that's for sure.

    All photos in the review are available in higher resolution here .
    I apologize for the not very high-quality photos - it's time for me to change the camera already.

    In conclusion - a few examples of photos taken on the G1345.

    City, in the evening, flash on.

    From the minibus window, the flash is on.

    Indoors, under electric lighting, flash in automatic mode.

    Indoors, under electric lighting, flash in automatic mode.

    Indoors, under electric lighting, the flash is turned off.

    All with the upcoming holidays, thank you for your attention.

    UPD: At the request of the comments, I am posting a comparative plate of the dual-SIM Android phones currently available on the market from the press release.


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