How to get your money back

Many are already aware that fraud associated with the distribution of “new” versions of Opera Mini or “updates” for this most popular mobile browser in the world has recently taken on simply indecent proportions. Rogues have already ceased to be afraid, they write about their "traffic monetization schemes" almost openly, while they often believe that they are engaged in a completely legal business. Everyone sees different reasons for this increase in crime: someone is offended by Opera (they say we are inactive), someone is offended by their operator, and someone just waved his hand and felt that he was to blame.
In fact, neither one nor the other nor the third is right. For our part, we are doing our best to reduce the number of deceived users. The mobile operator is also not interested in some crooks robbing its customers. Those who blame only themselves for everything are also mistaken: you can fool anyone, even the most suspicious and cautious person. The only question is how cunning a scammer is.
In general, to defeat this type of fraud is simple, if you take up the matter in a comprehensive manner, all together. And an important role here is played not only by the efforts of Opera Software and mobile operators, but also by yours - after all, users of mobile devices and Opera Mini browser are the main goal of scammers. Moreover: without your help, all our efforts will be ineffective.
So, what do you need to do when faced with fraud? If you have already lost a certain amount from your account, without wasting time, inform your operator about the incident, indicating all available details: your phone number, date of the incident, the amount stolen from you, short number to which SMS messages were sent, etc. . etc. Today, all mobile operators have appropriate online forms or special channels for sending messages about scammers, here are some of them:
MTS and MTS mobile version of
Tele2 Instructions and Tele2 “Complaint”
What will the appeal to the operator give you? Firstly, all the money stolen from you will be returned to you. Secondly, your signal will help in detecting unscrupulous content providers that allow fraudsters in their programs. Thirdly, the more people will contact the operator, the faster the operator will be able to figure out crooks and take appropriate steps to terminate their activities.
If you did not find contacts on your operator’s website to send messages about scammers, go to the nearest office and consult with managers what to do. I repeat that by refusing to inform the operator about scammers you simply give your money to crooks. Remember that you can always return the stolen money by contacting your operator.
Let me remind you that all Opera browsers are distributed free of charge, you can download them either from the website., or directly to your mobile phone at this link m.opera.com