ReactOS: PI Operation

The focal point for the operation is located on the developer forum.
What requires the attention of testers:
I Work on real hardware
- network cards
- USB mice and keyboards
- power management - turning on and off through the "start" and the hardware button.
II Unconfirmed bugs
The bug tracker of the project has accumulated a serious amount of unconfirmed or incorrect bugs description. It is necessary to test fresh builds and confirm or deny the corresponding bugs based on the results.
Details and list of bugs . At the moment there are less than fifty of them left.

III For a snack
For people with a sense of humor and Photoshop aces, a separate task is offered - reactivization of space . Absolutely any graphic ideas of combining ReactOS logo elements and stylistics with real-world objects are accepted.
cia.vc/stats/project/ReactOS - infa on fresh commits.
reactos.org/getbuilds - latest builds here.
www.reactos.org/bugzilla - Bugzilla here.