Mail.Ru Group UI-day at SumIT

    The program of the day includes speeches by Alisher Yakupov, head of design at Odnoklassniki and Yuri Vetrov, head of the department of design and interface design Mail.Ru and a small competition for UI designers.

    Yuri Vetrov
    will talk in detail about what to do if there is an idea, but
    no interface, and will consider the following questions:
    how to make a convenient, working interface, what steps you need
    to go through in the work on the interface, how to present the work to
    investors and customers.

    Alisher Yakupov
    will hold a workshop on the topic “Workshop“ Interface Life Cycle ”
    (idea, implementation, development)

    The program includes:
    You already have money, employees, maybe even a bunch of designers.
    What to do next?
    How to organize effective work on design.

    Workshop "Interface Life Cycle" (idea, implementation, development)

    The first part

    - breaking down into teams
    - presenting ideas
    - working on wireless frames
    - protecting solutions
    - criticism

    The second part

    - brainstorms on product development (what needs to be done to make the product cooler)
    - prioritization and decomposition of ideas into tasks (in what order to effectively implement tasks)
    - implementation of part of ideas in wireframes (how to evaluate the quality of solutions)
    - protection of decisions
    - criticism
    - general assessment of teams and projects

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