Firefox 6 integrates Workspace extension to preview scripts

    After the fourth version, Firefox switched to a new accelerated release cycle, so that new versions of the browser will now come out much faster than before. The fifth Firefox has already reached the beta stage, and in May the alpha version of Firefox 6 on the Gecko 6.0 engine appeared. The final release is expected in the III quarter. 2011, a preliminary list of innovations that are important for web developers has already been compiled .

    Interesting in Firefox 6 will be the new Scratchpad feature for conveniently testing Javascript fragments directly in the browser (extension Workspace ).

    It will be enough to press F4 in the browser - and the built-in editor opens.

    There you can insert a ready-made script or experiment yourself. Then press Ctrl-E - and the script is launched in a separate tab. It should be very convenient, especially for learning Javascript.

    In addition, a new web console will appear in Firefox 6 and a Web Developer menu will be added to access these tools (as seen in the first screenshot).

    In the sixth version of the browser, it is expected to provide support for the WebSockets protocol up to version 07, to implement support for new CSS, DOM, and other functions. The list is constantly updated on this page .

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