Frankly About IT Careerism - Issue 3 - Sergey Dmitriev
Sergey Dmitriev about myself:
“I am Agile Coach and have been living in Oslo in Norway for the last 13 years, where I train programmers teams in various flexible development methods, such as scrum, kanban and lean. I myself am a former programmer, manager, technical director, led the development of Norway's largest Internet portals and coached more than 25 teams in 6 different countries.
I was born and raised in Murmansk, beyond the Arctic Circle. I am a beautiful father (which parent does not say the same about his children;)) 5 year old daughter.
It is mandatory for me to have a sea near my place of residence, because I'm just crazy about diving related to deep-sea (technical) research and shipwrecks.
I like to travel. Therefore, the next time you invite me to conduct a course in the other half of the globe, I will definitely come :)
I am an optimist and just a happy person. ”
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