Text Fan Games Festival, Results

    I already wrote about the “Text Fan Games Festival” .

    9 games came to the festival. Honestly, they expected less, so the result was a pleasant surprise for us :)


    • “Mary in the Notebook” , a game based on the anime “Death Note” (“Death Note”), by Bulygin Yana. Download. To play, you need an INSTEAD player, download here .
    • Saturday Morning , a game based on the films of George Romero (about zombies), author - Setke. Download . For the game, we recommend the Gargoyle player (with Unicode support) and Frotz, download here . You can also play online directly in the browser - link .
    • "Secrets of the Garden Partnership" , a game based on Lovecraft. Creative Association CANON-57 consisting of: Dmitry "Pygmy" Pukov, Tatka "Godzilla" Glazyrina, Fedor "Lord" Shpalikov. Download

    Games on the QSP platform (you need a player to play, download here )
    • “Pilgrimage to the Temple of Sanctus” , setting game by Morrowind (The Elder Scrolls), author - Alexander Bilchenko aka Arizona. Download
    • “Morning in Camelot” , a game based on the series “Merlin”, author - Rida. Download
    • "Merlin" , the game on the series of the same name. Posted by Yoda Download
    • "The Power of Love" , a game based on the series "Sherlock Holmes". Posted by Ajenta. Download
    • The Curse of Brightmoor , a game in the universe Vampire Masquerade (role-setting). The authors are Kai and Veta. Download
    • TNMT: Shredder's Shadows , Ninja Turtles game. The authors are Aleksnnov, Turtle and Nikto "Alepahto Games". Download

    >> Download all festival games in one archive <<

    Play for health! If you write a review on the game you like, send it to nex@otaku.ru, or leave a link in the comments, we will publish it.

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