Gmail Security

    To all Residents of Habr good day.

    I rarely write anything, but here an interesting case turned out.
    For 2 years now I have a Gmail account that I use constantly and once 2-3 months I have a password for a more complex one.

    And then one day, sitting at night searching for something new on the Internet, ICQ received a message saying that it can easily hack into me any mailbox on any server + even break gmail.

    Having written to the author of this message, I found out that he will be able to hack in one day of my mailbox, and in confirmation of this he will send me a letter from him to any of my specified address.

    Being curious, I ordered a hack from him, after changing the password to a longer one and in different layouts + numbers.

    A week later, a notification comes from the author of the hack that everything is done.
    I asked to send a confirmation to

    Having logged into my gmail account today, I saw a message in my inbox on (since my mail has been configured for forwarding)
    in the outgoing folder on gmail there is a letter sent to me at

    Now the question. How is this possible if I have a password of the form: DfczkbpfV175194138 (that is, the Russian letters the word English letters + a bunch of numbers that are not interconnected)
    the https mode was enabled

    ps The solution was resolved. it turns out sending was from

    And gmail, unsuspecting anything, puts the letters in folders sent and incoming as if their own.
    When auto-collecting mail, Google puts everything in folders

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